224 Topics

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Member Avatar for tuyendoan

The other day my boss noticed that our php pages read, and try to follow, duplicate file extentions. The pages which are displayed carry over a varying amount of the main pages attributes. The files don't exist in our remote, so we've ruled out it being a product of human …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi everyone... I am just geting to grips with htaccess RewriteRules I have the following rule that redirects users to website.com/folder RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9]+)\/?$ /webstores/$1/ [L] But the url is missing the trailing forward slash / when I try and open php files …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for mattster

Hi all, I am using an apache web server, and this is the raw url: `http://localhost/mysite/index.php?view=contact` how do I convert that to: `http://localhost/mysite/contact/` My current .htaccess is saved in `http://localhost/.htaccess`, and reads as: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^mysite/(.*)/$ /mbs/index.php?view=$1 [L] and I get a 500 internal server error? Thanks for the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for zoreli

Hi everyone What I am trying to do: I am trying to rewrite my urls in seo frendly url. For that purpose I create the following table in my database: CREATE TABLE `seourls` ( `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`path`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for rohanbajaj222

my url keys are coming from database , say if my url is abc.com ,i have used a rewrite rule RewriteRule (.*)/(.*)/mcqs/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)\.html mcq.php?mcq_id=$4&page=$5 in this rewrite rule , first four (.*) are coming as url keys from db, but problem is that in address bar am able to add any …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for AmieCutie

So a client of mine has about 150 domain names, all of them he is wanting to redirect to the primary domain name. I have done something like this for each domain name in the .htaccess file: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain12.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.primarydomain.com/$1 [R=301,L] Options …

Member Avatar for AmieCutie
Member Avatar for randomkid73

Hi all, I'm having some issues with RewriteRules conflicting in my .htacccess file. For starters, here's the file: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On #Start forum rules RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule \.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$ /public/404.php [NC,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] #Start wiki rules RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php …

Member Avatar for randomkid73
Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel

This .htaccess throws me a 500 error. I've Googled/tried everything. RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([0-9]{6})$ decode.php?shorturl=$1 [L] It's for a URL shortener. I am new to this stuff.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for developer707

Hello to everyone, I want to direct foreign visitors of my site in one directory, this based on their IP. My site structure is: index.php(file) |->foreign(directory) I think that this can be done with .htaccess, but I don't know how Can someone gives me an example how to do this?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for ryantroop

Hi All! So, I have a shared windows host with IIS 7 with godaddy, so that I can use MSSQL/TSQL (which, as I understand it, is not available with Linux). However, my server configuration education was with Linux, and focused on the wonderful all encompassing .htaccess file to configure environment …

Member Avatar for stormal1
Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hi all, i am redirecting [url]http://test.asia/[/url] to [url]http://test.com.au/asia/[/url] folder. but my problem is i don't want to show [url]http://test.com.au/asia/[/url] in address bar. i want to display [url]http://test.asia/[/url] instead of [url]http://test.com.au/asia/[/url]. i tried this using iframes and cloning but query strings are not showing . anyone have any idea please help …

Member Avatar for logu2win
Member Avatar for vizz

I have links like, #**#/Home**, **#/About** how to remove **#/** using .htaccess I have other RewriteRules and they all work fine URL's are displayed like **localhost/site/#/Home**

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for chr.s

Hello, I'm trying to find a way of including a htaccess rewrite to redirect anyone visiting *http://site.com* to *http://www.site.com*. I've tried the following... RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?site.co.uk [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.site.co.uk/$1 [R=301,L] ...but it broke the paths to all of my assets - adding a "www" where there shouldn't …

Member Avatar for chr.s
Member Avatar for Borzoi

I have a server which is hosting just a single site and because of this, I intend to redirect all traffic from domains which isn't mine to my domain. For example, if a random person decides for some reason to point their domain to my server, when my server gets …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi Everyone. I have a htaccess file the re-writes my urls for a directory on a website I am helping to develop for a friend. the directory structure is mydomain.co.uk/dir1/dir2/shopping-cart/ The mod_rewrite rule rewrites the index.php file into pretty urls for example: shopping-cart/123/this-is-the-item-title The problem I am facing is when …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to restrict sub directories from accessing the parent directory (the main directory where all my website file are stored) and from having any interaction with the previous folders (so once there in the child folder they can't leave it eg. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for deepak.fugo

Hi All.... I have developed a portal in mvc and i am having problem in making the links SEF... right now if i need to access controller and method i am following www.xxxxxxxx.com/index.php?rt=CONTROLLER_NAME/METHOD_NAME i want to make the above link SEF like www.xxxxxxxx.com/CONTROLLER_NAME/METHOD_NAME Below code i have it in my …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for mohamedasif18

Hi Guyz, Am facing an issue that $_GET[] not working in my Mod_Rewrite, My Odd URL is : http://groupon.ig-demo.com/index.php?id=12&dealname=Oil%20Treatment My Friendly URL is : http://groupon.ig-demo.com/id/12/Oil%20Treatment.htm And My HTACCESS is : Options +FollowSymlinks DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L] RewriteRule ^id/([^/]*)/([^/]*)\.htm$ …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for tibormarias

Dear Programmers, I want to change accent characters in my smart URL to non-accent characters... For example : www.mysite.com/123/bĂ©kĂ­tĹ‘ to www.mysite.com/123/bekito. Is it possible through .htaccess? Here is my current .htaccess DirectoryIndex index.php <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On #RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)//(.*)$ RewriteRule . %1/%2 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for tnjiric

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with Joomla non-existing category re-direct problem. I cannot seem to find the proper rewrite url line for .htaccess file for the following problem. I have my website http://www.dubrovnik.com I'd like to send user to my 404 Page whenever user request for non-existing link. I've managed …

Member Avatar for spammyyammy
Member Avatar for klemme

I need to create a video gallery for a website, and would like to create it using the html5 video tag backed up by videojs. As I havent worked with video uploads before I have some doubts on how to approach it: What file size would you recommend as a …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for afroo.gfx

I Need Help With My **.htaccess** file .. Now i have link like that http://www.afrogfx.com/20121028050853/Test.html problem located with **Slash /** !! if you click on my link you will found link without style if remove slash you will get 404 Not Found Like That http://www.afrogfx.com/20121028050853Test.html Try it !! **Here Is …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for yahya.erturan

My previous folder tree was (with portable xampp): (for example working on D: drive root) /xampp/htdocs/application /xampp/htdocs/system /xampp/htdocs/themes /xampp/htdocs/index.php etc.. Now I am trying to shift into a structure which I can work with multiple projects so new tree: /xampp/htdocs /web_projects/project-name/codeigniter/application /web_projects/project-name/codeigniter/system /web_projects/project-name/htdocs/themes /web_projects/project-name/htdocs/index.php My htaccess file in htdocs: RewriteCond …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for narekm

I am experiencing this problem for wordpress multi sites . I have enabled network of blogs . So now I create many blogs in my wp and visit subblog via myblog.com/sublog . But the problem is that resources in the subblog starting with myblog.com/sublog .. dont load like css images …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for satheeshr07

Hi All, I am trying to rewrite the URL http://www.example.com.br/folder/sub_folder/my_profile.php to http://www.example.com.br/folder/my-profile. I have tried lot of rewrite method but i can’t redirect the URL. Please anyone help to solve this.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Angle90

Hello Everyone, I need your help please, using htaccess, I like to know how to deny access to an index.php file from all visitors except me. I have tried the following; <files index.php> order allow,deny deny from all </files> That works denying all access to that file. I would like …

Member Avatar for Angle90
Member Avatar for vlowe

Hi, Please help me work out this mod-rewrite issue while trying to make my urls SEF. RewriteEngine On Options +FollowSymLinks # Browse Category RewriteRule ^category/[!/.]*([A-Za-z]+)/?$ /browse.php?cat=$1 [NC,L] # View Item RewriteRule ^view/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$ /view.php?item_id=$1&sef=$2 [NC] This is my current .htacess. The browse category rule is working ok converting - http://localhost/browse.php?cat=people into …

Member Avatar for vlowe
Member Avatar for pzuurveen

i got a testing blog that got spammed. So I removed the entire blog. Now weeks later, my errorlog still get thousends of 404's a day. I still want to see 'normal' 404 from other sites on that server. There are no files in that dir but .htaccess: RewiteEngine on …

Member Avatar for coreyavis

I have a .htaccess file. I have two RewriteRule's that do the same thing. This one works perfectly, and can handle a huge query: RewriteRule ^p/(.*)(/?)$ index.php?p=$1 [QSA,L] This one will only handle a query up to 255 characters. RewriteRule ^(.*)(/?)$ index.php?p=$1 [QSA,L] How do I fix this, and make …

Member Avatar for coreyavis
Member Avatar for Synestic

Hi! I'm currently developing a website and I'd like to rewrite the URLs with htaccess. I've looked up some tutorials on how to do it, but it doesn't seem to work. This is one of the url's : `products.php?sub=997&id=97084&name=Manual-Control` I'd like the link to become: `products/997/97084/Manual-Control` This is my current …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.