406 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mohan_1845

I couldn't install the tensorflow framework in my laptop.can anyone help me out in installing tensorflow for doing my project on deep learning techniques.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Aaron_17

plz someone help me with this problem. i have uploaded the code file down Make a class fraction () with a numerator and a denominator. Create a constructor and overload some operators so that the code below can run on

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for prakash2813

Hello everyone. I have been trying to get desired output since last 4 days and so far very near to it. I am really stucked in the logic. Please help me or help me in writing proper logic. Open the attached zip file for whole eclipse project. No need to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Mike_62

I am trying to implement a MIPS code that preforms unsigned integer divide but i couldn't figure out how. if D == 0, report an error and terminate. Q = 0 # Q is the quotient, initialized to zero R = 0 # R is the remainder, also initialized to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Omama

Hi, below is my code for binary search algorithm. My question is, what if I enter more than 1 same numbers in the array? How should i modify my code to print out all the locations where that same number is found? For example, if I entered the number 2 …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for abrogard

You know the Pareto Principle? The 80/20 rule? That 80% of the work gets done by 20% of the people? Or 80% of the money belongs to 20% of the people? And so on? Well it is 'recursive' inasmuch as it can be applied again to the 20% first recognised. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Ojelabi

Please i need your suggestions on how to design a system that will diagnose malaria or typhoid by accessing a number of symptoms.

Member Avatar for Ojelabi
Member Avatar for shameen_1

I am trying to understand leader clustering algorithm and overlapping clustering algorithm , but not able to get proper documents and explanations. Can someone please help me understand these clustering algorithms that what are the key differences between both (leader clustering and overlapping clustering) algorithms, and if applicable, which algorithm …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rahulrajcse

How to solve monkey and banana problem using best-first search algorithm? Anyone having ideas? I know we have to choose a heuristic function 'h(n)' for performing distance related calculations. But can anyone elaborate this problem ? (algorithm and complexity analysis much appreciated)

Member Avatar for Adarsh_4
Member Avatar for Ashanti_1

Im not really familiar with this kind stuff I really need help with this: develop an algorithm pseudo-code that will accept the names of each sales staff members and their total sales for the month. The algorithm must calculate the commission at 4 % of their total sales amount. It …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Rogayah

I have an assignment and don't have any clue what software to use to solve it. It asked to make algorithm as I have to sort students GPA and the highest rank will get a scholarship.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for send_1

Hi everyone! Please help me to find a thesis title that should be related in computer science about the theory. Your suggestion is very helpful for me since I will be graduating in senior highschool PS: any suggestions would do :)

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for nonik

please help me, create an algorithm that can be used to spell out a positive number worth less than 1,000,000 and create a c ++ program for the algorithm

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for KING_9
Member Avatar for Anil2447

Hi...! In Design of Algorithm. I think it is used to calculate the time complexity.... What is meant by STEP-COUNT METHOD? What is the procedure in that to calculate? I want brief explination. ....

Member Avatar for arina_1
Member Avatar for Dhelandel

Is it possible to integrate Perfect Circles of the Golden ratio geometry in designing logo based on these link ( https://goo.gl/images/7eYZoG ) to recognize flower.. What do you think guys? Im planning to have a research on this.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Daron_1

Hey Everyone, I would like to know can you calculate the absolute speed of this algorithm below and if the the time it takes to execute a memory access is 100 nanoseconds and that all other operations (arithmetic, register accesses, etc.) take 10 nanoseconds: [Click Here](null)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

Hey so I am trying to finish up a lab that I did not finish during a class this summer. The goal is to have the computer navigate an ASCII maze on its own. We use left/right hand rule to find our way through the maze. IE. you have your …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

A while back I came across an article that mentioned genetic algorithms. For those unfamiliar with the term, simply put, rather than finding a solution to a problem by iterating over all possible cases, a genetic algorithm attempts to find a solution by starting with a guess, then generating a …

Member Avatar for Web_4
Member Avatar for Haranadh

I would like to know Which are the python data structures uses divide and concur algorithm? Please explain me?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello, i just set goal of mastering algorith and i just get started i have an algorhtm for insert sort and i when i write it in c it is not sorting this is the algorith for j D 2 to A_length key = A[j] // Insert A[j] into the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for it@61@sec

I have an outcome (O) which could have three states: octal 4, octal 2 or octal 1. With three such outcomes I have 27 combinations. The challenge is to find an algorithm which gives me the minimum number of combinations (NK) which always gives me minimum 2 of 3 states …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Sabik

I want to do a software project regarding barcode scanning. Basically I want to take an image of a 1D barcode then process the picture file and Decode the barcode.I am not a great programmer but I know the basics. I want to develop my skills through it. I want …

Member Avatar for vini_1
Member Avatar for Noname_1

Hi all, I have to solve a tripple sudoku. The program is supposed to solve the enlarged sudoku. We load 21 rows, each with 9 integers in the range <0.9>. Rows 1-9 (numbered so that the first line is numbered 1, etc.), 7-15 and 13-21 are to create a classic …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Naveen_20

I was just wondering if there are any books to learn how to analyze and debugging code of any programming language in general Thanks in advance for the help

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for noname_5

Hi there, I am stuck with a problem, and don't know where to start. I need to calculate the closest pair of points on the Earth using a divide and conquer method. I know I should calculate the orthodromic distance (or in other words the great-circle distance) but I don't …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Sherwin_4

Below is my code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // struct Edge // Represent one edge in the graph. Fields contain // two vertex numbers and a weight. */ struct Edge { int vertex_1, vertex_2, weight; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // struct Graph …

Member Avatar for Seif_2
Member Avatar for Dhelandel

Hi everyone!, I had this confusion about the the Bucket Sort Algorithm. I just wanna know why mostly bucket sort use the range of element in between 0 and 1 or [0,1). [ .78, .23, .45, .95, .25 ,.19 and so on] Just wondering why? :)

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Dhelandel
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for shubham_8

The End.