Re: Devin Might Be Fake, Yet AI's Threat to Jobs Is Real. Community Center by meyerrluanna Really insightful article! It's interesting to consider how AI is shaping our job market, not just in terms of risks but also opportunities. While the threat to certain jobs can't be ignored, AI also brings the potential to enhance job roles and create new opportunities. It seems like ongoing education and adapting skill sets will be key. By … Text and Image to Video Generation using Diffusion Models in Hugging Face Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 The AI wave has introduced a myriad of exciting applications. While text generation and natural language processing are leading the AI revolution, image, and vision-based technologies are quickly catching up. The intersection of text and vision applications has seen a rapid surge recently. In this article, you'll learn how to generate videos … The AI Bubble Might Burst Soon – And That’s a Good Thing Community Center by Johannes C. … other [AI companies with high valuations]( has been growing quickly, as…/doi/full/10.1080/19368623.2024.2368040) revealed that using 'artificial intelligence' in product descriptions decreases purchase likelihood. This effect most likely… “WHEN WILL I GET MY ROBOT?!” Community Center by Johannes C. … bursts of energy for agile movements. 3. **Artificial muscle fiber isn’t there yet**: Current actuators—…robots' ability to perform precise, fluid movements. While artificial muscle fibers promise more natural motion, the technology is…models soon. I expect a prototype with the intelligence and physical dexterity to perform various household tasks … Re: The AI Bubble Might Burst Soon – And That’s a Good Thing Community Center by meyerrluanna Indeed, there has been a lot of hype, and some enterprises are clearly overvalued.Yet, core technology has consistently survived, matured, and reshaped industries. It's all part of the technology cycle. Adoption may appear slowly because it is primarily about infrastructure, and these things take time. Market corrections occur, but they do not … Re: “WHEN WILL I GET MY ROBOT?!” Community Center by Reverend Jim Never mind the robots. They've been promising me flying cars since 1950. Where is my flying car? ![Flying_Cars.jpg]( How to Fine-tune the OpenAI GPT-4o Model - The Wait is Finally Over Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 On August 20, 2024, [OpenAI enabled GPT-4o fine-tuning]( in the OpenAI playground and the OpenAI API. The much-awaited feature is free for fine-tuning 1 million daily tokens until September 23, 2024. In this article, I will show you how to fine-tune the OpenAI GPT-4o model for text classification and … Enhancing RAG Functionalities using Tools and Agents in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) allows large language models (LLMs) to answer queries related to the data the models have not seen during training. In my previous article, I explained [how to develop RAG systems using the Claude 3.5 Sonnet model](… Re: What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by meyerrluanna Thanks for sharing your thoughts it’s clear you’ve put a lot of consideration into the potential challenges of AI, and your concerns make sense. That said, I think if we implement AI carefully and ethically, we can address a lot of these risks. Like any tool, AI really depends on how we use it. With the right regulations, public awareness, and a … Re: What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by rproffitt What is HAPPENING NOW is a huge increase in power consumption for A.I. compute centers. Anyone remember what happened with the M5 in Star Trek? Memory Alpha link: Extracting Structured Outputs from LLMs in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 Large language models (LLMS) are trained to predict the next token (set of characters) following an input sequence of tokens. This makes LLMs suitable for unstructured textual responses. However, we often need to extract structured information from unstructured text. With the Python [LangChain]( module, you can extract… Quantum Computers: Mysterious Export Bans and the Future of Encryption Community Center by Johannes C. …, it is likely that the **convergence of quantum computing and artificial intelligence** will cause the singularity loading bar to progress further towards… GPT-4o mini - A Cheaper and Faster Alternative to GPT-4o Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …](, their most cost-efficient small model. GPT-4o mini is… With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. **Technology has become a dominant force in how we interact and operate. Now more than ever, we need to be aware of the dangers of centralization – including the risks of overdependency.** ![decentralize.jpg]( What do Facebook and North Korea have in common? They're… Comparing GPT-4o vs Claude 3.5 Sonnet for Zero Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 On June 20, 2024, Anthropic released the [Claude 3.5 sonnet]( large language model. Claude claims it to be the state-of-the-art model for many natural language processing tasks, surpassing the [OpenAI GPT-4o model]( My first test for comparing two large … Retrieval Augmented Generation with Claude 3.5 Sonnet Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In my [previous article]( I presented results comparing Anthropic [Claude 3.5 Sonnet]( and [OpenAI GPT-4o]( models for … Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon LMs are great , but if you don't know how to ask the right questions , break your thoughts in manageable pieces they can't do it for you. Even when you do , you must have a level of experience to distinguish a wrong or crappy response from a legitimate one. More over I know that are many programmers that aren't yet familiar with what those new AI … Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim I'd definitely follow that. My older son does a fair bit of AI work and he exclusively uses Python with Pytorch. I would strongly recommend that over C++. Also, if you aren't familiar with Jupyter notebooks I suggest you have a look - I found that vscode was the interface that was the easiest to set up and use. ChatGPT, Gender Bias, and the Nuclear Apocalypse Community Center by Johannes C. **A brand-new preprint investigates ChatGPT’s gender bias by presenting the LLM with various moral dilemmas. In this article, you’ll discover what the researchers found and the results of my own replication of the experiment with GPT-4o.** ![header-chatgpt-genderbias.jpg](… Image Analysis Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In my article on [Image Analysis Using OpenAI GPT-4o Model](, I explained how GPT-4o model allows you to analyze images and answer questions related images precisely. In this article, I will show you how to analyze images with the [… Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon Hello , I have started writing it ( in my free time ) but it is a little difficult because I want it to be safe but also for someone that doesn't know a lot about Python. So I have to start from what pyenv is and why you should use virtual environments in Python. Less than half a year ago , I have written Python here and there in my life (or more… Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani I would absolutely love, of course, if you could write a tutorial, or series of tutorials, on how to use LLM without a ChatGPT API. I did not even realize that there were open source LLMs available these days!! (Perhaps I'm just behind the times?) Yes, just create a tutorial draft and then you can manage it from the [Editorial Workshop](https://… GPT-4o mini vs. GPT-4o vs GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Summarization Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In my previous [article on GPT-4o mini](, I compared the performance of GPT-4o mini against GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4o for zero-shot text classification. We saw that GPT-4o mini, being 36% times cheaper, achieves only 2% less … Re: What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by QuintinFields My biggest fear is that they will replace the musicians. Comparison of Fine-tuning GPT-4o mini vs GPT-3.5 for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In my previous articles, I presented a [comparison of OpenAI GPT-4o mini model with GPT-4o and GPT-3.5 turbo models for zero-shot text classification]( The results showed that GPT-4o mini, while significantly cheaper than … GPT-4o Snapshot vs Meta Llama 3.1 70b for Zero-Shot Text Summarization Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In a previous article, I compared [GPT-4o mini vs. GPT-4o and GPT-3.5 Turbo for zero-shot text summarization]( The results showed that the GPT-4o mini achieves almost similar performance for zero-shot text … Artificial Intelligence Programming Web Development by davy_yg … just attended Microsoft exhibition here in Indonesia. They introduce artificial intelligence called Rinna. anyone ever heard of one? It's a … Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by 001devid … form of algorithms. ## Artificial Intelligence and its Real-World Benefits ## Artificial intelligence is the science of training…draw. These days' machine learning and artificial intelligence are applied to all sorts of technology.… few. **Conclusion** In simple words, artificial intelligence is the science of creating machines that have… Artificial Intelligence II Programming Web Development by davy_yg What is Artificial Intelligence for? Is it only for game development? is there any other things that it might be useful for? Thanks for advice. Re: What Qualifies As Artificial Intelligence? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Raunikkapoor Artificial intelligence (AI) has secured its position in the industry. The main …