Re: dual boot system Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Colonel Panic …s know as the boot.ini file and it will allow you to dual boot. If you have …never messed with a boot.ini file before, you…There is a tab there that says "BOOT.INI" I recommend doing it this way…look for Windows installs and will restore your boot.ini with your XP install. Unfortunately it doesn… dual boot system Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by mike7778 i know that there are countless dual boot threads, but i didn't see the one that i … win 98 on it. i am wondering if it will dual boot without me having to do anything, or am i going… reconizes the drive as being installed, but i have no boot options. just goes straight to win xp. thanks Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Yiuca [QUOTE=hoodatguy;758053]I want to use a dual boot with home premium and business; will i be able to … installation, you'd need to install programs again. If you dual boot then you could use 1 installation to download all the…), or before you do a clean install if staying single boot, download all the drivers you need beforehand & burn them… Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by maui_mallard Hey, Has anyone tried putting a Home and Vista on a dual boot yet????? do i get a dual boot??? Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Henry Schubel … install process will allow you to make the machine duel boot as long as you have enough disc space and install… of the disc mgmt programs around, to make all my dual boot machines, but I also use it to dice up the… as 4 operating systems on it. PM would supply a boot manager you could use, allowing you to select which OS… Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Ancient Dragon … drive d: in my computer and created the dual boot option automatically. Now I can boot from either os :) Unfortunately it would not… Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jbennet you can dual boot either using the NT loader or GRUB I've done it with XP Pro and Widnows Server 2003 before but its a pain in the ass Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by maui_mallard Ok probably not going to put in a dual boot if its such a pian in the ass.....but what do you use windows server 2003 for????? Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by hoodatguy I want to use a dual boot with home premium and business; will i be able to use all my documents and programs which are installed on the "home side C:"? My other option is to do c clean istall and trck down all my software and drivers; which I am sure I don't have all the discs.:) Re: Dual boot Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by skilly …again) choose 'startup repair' this should fix your boot file for dual-boot it would probably be easier to install win7 last…...(to auto config the boot file) P.S. with… the newer computers, you can boot from *.vhd files (create… Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jleach45 Installed Linux 8 and the dual boot. I have it to boot to Linux first using GRUB as the bootloader. Now, how do I boot to Windows from Linux...Thanks Dual Boot Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jbennet ok ive finally deicded to copromise and dual boot windows XP Home and Debian Etch (i need windows for … install GRUB to the MBR - this should allow me to boot both right? If i stick with the defauklt settings should… Re: dual boot Community Center by wingtip I have a dual boot system on my pc.. one hard drive is vista 64 bit (the default drive to boot first) and if… during bootup i can select the other drive which will boot me back to my old stuff on xp 32 bit… Re: DUal Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by OlyComputers … would work fine, you could also: Use your partion softwares boot cd to create the two partitions in advance. Use the… one question I have is why you would want this boot scheme? Windows 2003 is a server operatins system, the only… run a server. In which case you wouldn't want dual boot because loading into XP would just shut down your server… Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jbennet … etch netinstall onto my dells sata drive tonight as a dual boot with win XP - do you think my realtek based (belkin… Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by sgriffin … now I am in need of an answer to a Dual Boot problem. I have just purchased Windows 7 along with a…: [url][/url] This should allow… Dual Boot Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jleach45 Hi, What are the steps to create a dual boot? I am running Win98SE and I want to also install RH 8. Or can you direct me to a good site. :p Re: Dual Boot Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TKSS [QUOTE=jleach45]Hi, What are the steps to create a dual boot? I am running Win98SE and I want to also install RH 8. Or can you direct me to a good site. :p[/QUOTE] [url][/url] has some great tutorials for ya dual boot Community Center by russey123 I wanna dual boot Xp media and Vista on my laptop im not sure where to start. Can someone give me some hepl with this. Re: dual boot Community Center by CodyH … trying to do it the opposite way (Vista installed with dual boot for XP) Have fun :) DUal Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by AERRA I want to make my System as Dual Boot Windows XP and Windows 2003 with Single Hard Disk.Can someone validate my approach 1.Install Windows XP on C drive 2.Install Partition Magic and create another partition for Win2003 in NTFS format 3.Install Windows 2003 Any issues are expected in this process... Regards Aerra Dual Boot Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jerry9839 … now I am in need of an answer to a Dual Boot problem. I have just purchased Windows 7 along with a… Dual boot Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Onlineshade I want to set up Red Hat or Fedora with windows. But the dual boot option is no working. I set up windows 7 with 90 GB Hardisk. I have 148 GB in total. When I want to set up fedora it shows - not enough space. But still there 58 GB free space.Can any one say what is the problem? How can I solve it? Dual Boot Hardware and Software by loidz123 How to configure dual boot OS(win7 and ubuntu 12.10)? Dual boot xp and RH9... Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Albacore … i cant seem to find the answers. Im trying to dual boot both xp and rh9 on my laptop. I used Partition… bootloader screen where it asks me again which OS to boot into. If i choose linux from either screen its fine…, here are my questions. 1, How do i fix the boot loader problem{grub, bootmagic}? 2, Whats "Logical"?, i… Dual Boot 2 HD XP & 98 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Marv1 …, I have been trying to set up Dual boot using two existing XP PRO and an existing… Windows 98" line of code. During boot attempt when menu comes up Win XP or … D:\. Xp sees 98 as drive G:\. [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)…I can start to reinstall XP and build the dual boot. Anyone got any suggestions. I really would like… Re: Dual Boot 2 HD XP & 98 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Marv1 … an XP crash yesterday and a reinstall as new OS, DUAL BOOT Menu comes up, select 98 and instead of booting 98…, it does a reboot in XP to DUAL BOOT menu each time I select 98. XP drive is 0… is 1, D:\, 2nd connecter XP has crashed again, disk boot failure. Marv1 Dual Boot Problem Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jhonnyboy Hey guys i was dual booting XP and Vista, then decided to delete the Vista Partition to get rid of it. Boot when i boot my PC the boot record is still giving me the Vista Option. When i click on vista it says it's missing. My question is, how can i completely get rid of the dual boot screen and boot up into XP normally again. Dual boot problems Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by normanallen … was recommended to me. I used wubi to create a dual boot system, but when I tried to increase the resolution from… maximim supported by BIOS). Finally, tried wubi again for the dual boot and chose the USB drive to put the ubuntu directory… on. Now when I boot and chose Ubuntu I get the message "GRUB4DOS. Minimal… Re: Dual Boot 2 HD XP & 98 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Marv1 I now have XP functional again after purchasing another H/D which I did not need. Possibly I should try to clarify that I am trying to dual boot two fully functional hardrives, not partitions. I previously was dual booting with 98 as the first choice. I now want to use XP as the first choice in the boot menu.