Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … url in urls: docs.extend(YoutubeLoader.from_youtube_url(url, add_video_info=True).load()) print("=====================================") print(f"Total number of videos… to this chain will be the chat history in the form of a list of messages and the user prompt. The… form load Programming Software Development by arvin2006 … opens so i decided to put a loading form. how could i associate the form load with the exectubale file? i set timer… Other fields are not disabled during form load but should be disabled Programming Software Development by kayecng … fields except for buttons and other necessary information needed during form load. But my problem is, some fields are not disabled. My…, MenuStrip).Enabled = True End If End If Next End Sub ** FORM LOAD -- ** Private Sub frmPartsM_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles… Re: Changing Datagrid rows BackColor on form load ! Programming Software Development by msrd …Rows cells that contain the word Yes into green on form load when i put that code into a button it worked… but on a form load i didn't work ! anyone can help me out ?…As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.MdiParent = My.Forms.MainForm Dim i As Integer … Reinitialise Form load event once hidden Programming Software Development by Ap0ca1ypse Hello, How do I reinitialise a form load event? Example; Form1 Loads data from a Db ….Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load '<Load Data etc> End sub Private Sub btntbl1Data_Click(ByVal…> elseif whichtbl = "tbl2" then '<Load Data from button selected> elseif whichtbl = "tbl3&… Changing Datagrid rows BackColor on form load ! Programming Software Development by aymenbnr … Rows cells that contain the word Yes into green on form load when i put that code into a button it worked… but on a form load i didn't work ! anyone can help me out ? Thanks… As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim j As Integer = 0 For j = 0 To Me… How to show data on form load in combo box from database Programming Software Development by satti … problem is i want to show a default value on form load in comobo box txt5, user dont need to click on… suggestion that how to populate a combo txt5 on load like when form load the txt5 combo can show data from the select… Loading a Second Form from the First Form Load Programming Software Development by dburris Hello, I am attempting to load a second form from the first form load. Here is my code but nothing happens. Other threads I … Trying to call a Form Load parent event from a child form. Can anyone Help? Programming Software Development by perryg30313 I have two forms. Form A and Form B. Form A has a datagrid that is populated … Database Table query. When a button is pressed Form B is launched that allows you to add a…and show the newly added record when I close form B and go back to the parent. I thought… was looking for a way to re-fire the form load event but I can't figure out how. Any… Re: Changing Datagrid rows BackColor on form load ! Programming Software Development by aymenbnr … ! well i paste it after that line of code in form load ! for the datagrid fill ! still doesn't work [CODE]Private… As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.SitesTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Database1DataSet.sites) Dim i As Integer… Re: Changing Datagrid rows BackColor on form load ! Programming Software Development by anuj6928 jst first fill the data grid on form load nd then use this code there is no problem in the code .. jst try to fill grid before use this Re: fill DataGridView without form load event Programming Software Development by Emma Etigu hi I already have an event in the form load which i use as the password picker. the data grid views are on different tab controls, but when I add the fill method for the data grid views under the form load the password picker method is skipped. that us my problem. thanks. fill DataGridView without form load event Programming Software Development by Emma Etigu hi guys I was wondering whether it is possible to load items to the data grid view without having to do it in the form load event. if so, please assist in discussing a few techniques. thanks Re: fill DataGridView without form load event Programming Software Development by deceptikon …'s no requirement that a DataGridView be initialized in the form Load event. Obviously you need to do it *somewhere*, but where…, and how users will interact with it and its parent form? how to avoid form load again after loading the page in Programming Web Development by pranav_jog how to avoid form load again after loading the page in in my case when i am selecting any item from dropdownlist then form is loading again & again & after selecting item second time it's giving me the selected value, so how can i get selected value at the first time?? thanks pranav Re: how to avoid form load again after loading the page in Programming Web Development by pranav_jog … the true but doesn't work.. so how to avoid form load ? in my case 1st time when i am selecting any… c# datagridview display last month data only when form load Programming Software Development by lianpiau …. I want display last month data or ?days only when form load. I know use SQL query. But the problem is at… Why does this not work on form load? Programming Software Development by morgan.wowk I'm wondering why this code doesn't work on form load. Everything works except the item being added to the listview. … form load Programming Software Development by programming2010 … and textboxes of form1.cs to be viewed in another form but as a read only information,what code do you….g. like a student fills his/her details in a form...wat is the code for saving that when… office that was networked and you want to send the form to finance office from the registrar office...wat is the… Re: form load Programming Software Development by kvprajapati … and textboxes of form1.cs to be viewed in another form but as a read only information,what code do you….g. like a student fills his/her details in a form...wat is the code for saving that when… office that was networked and you want to send the form to finance office from the registrar office...wat is the… Re: How to show a form after the parent form load? Programming Software Development by leahrose87 … snippets in my parent form load. All I need to do is try to load another form after the parent form load.For example, the user… user login, the system must show the parent form and the main transaction form of the user with a role as an… Re: How to show a form after the parent form load? Programming Software Development by leahrose87 If I do this in my parent form load, the AssessorForm will show first without the parent form. How to show the two form simultaneously?Is it possible to load two form simultaneously? Re: How to show a form after the parent form load? Programming Software Development by G_Waddell …other as the child: [B][I]On your main form load event:[/I][/B] [CODE] Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender…As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load dim Assessor as Boolean Me.IsMdiContainer = True ..... If … End if [/CODE] This should open your assessor form as a child of your main parent… Re: Change datagridviewcombox cell color on form load? Programming Software Development by adam_k Loop through all records in your datagridview - after populating the dgv and not on form load necessarily - and set the color as per your criteria. Have you tried anything yet? Re: DataGriedview Cell Color Change Failed ON Form Load Programming Software Development by Maligui … you have a Cross thread exception going on when using Form Load - meaning that the thread to update the UI is not… Form Load Event not firing...Please Help Programming Software Development by guente … when try to load the purchase form, it doesn't load. I said so because under the mybase.load of the form i have a… procedure that refreshes a data grid view placed on the form. But it… Re: Form Load Event not firing...Please Help Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim … As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub where you replace **Form1** with the actual form name as in Private Sub frmPurchase_Load…(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles frmPurchase.Load End Sub… load image Programming Software Development by samreen36 i place two forms one contain 2 picturebox and 2 button and 2nd form contain 2 picturebox and one button when insert image in 1st form it automaticaly load on 2nd form when 2nd form load. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me to do this Form load based on condition Programming Web Development by krm08 … page and there's combobox on it,I want to load the form according to the selection of items. The html page… <?php $v = $_POST['option']; if($v==1) { ?> <form method="get" action="page1.php">…="get" action="page4.php"></form> <?php } ?> [/code] I want to navigate … Re: Form Load Event not firing...Please Help Programming Software Development by Begginnerdev Have you tried using the Me.Load event instead to see what happens?