Re: Icon Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy … First u change the Icon of the Form (Properties Windows Form -> Icon Property) [ICODE] To change the Icon of the Exe file…; Press Make Tab ( U can see the Project Title and Icon there ) -> Change the Form in the Combobox to get… Different icon that u set for the form [/ICODE] By default forms… Re: Icon Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy …the icons of different forms.... But How to change the icon???[/QUOTE] Hi, Actually the above procedure is to change… the icon of an Exe. This is helpful while making your … your exe file will have this icon. And u mentioned the changing of form icon. This is also needed. Because … Re: Icon Programming Software Development by kousarrabiya Hi Try this.. Goto properties of the form->Icon-Browse and select your icon file location... Icon Programming Software Development by kinyuadave Hi there i've just known how to make an exe file now what am asking is how to change the icon of the exe from the default one to one of you choise like in the one cd access program. Re: Icon Programming Software Development by kousarrabiya Hi selva using above said procedure we can only view the icons of different forms.... But How to change the icon??? Icon and Thumbnail Display Problem Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Hp329 …that would pop up, you could select "Change System Icon" or something similar to that. From here, if… program installed, I did decide to change the .gif icon. However after playing with this program further, I decided …installation. I went into Folder Options and tried changing the icon back to the normal one from there. I successfully … Re: Icon and Thumbnail Display Problem Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Tekmaven This question might come out of left field, but what video card do you have? What version of the drivers? Theres a known problem with DetonatorFX's (Drivers for nVidia Video Cards) with setting icons. If you change an icon type, it doesn't appear. (And, its rather annoying :-/) icon in win32 program Programming Software Development by Yourself … it... I want the user the say with icon he wants to use for his program : […hIconSm = LoadIcon(m_hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(GetIconSmall())); // ... void SetIcon(WORD icon) { m_wIcon = icon;}; WORD GetIcon() {return m_wIcon;}; void SetIconSmall(WORD icon_small) {…it is showed ... how can I make the icon show in the title bar ? btw, when … Icon of my website on IE Digital Media UI / UX Design by Hani1991 …no response at all as if there were no icon! As far as I can see, Daniweb … also facing the same problem; I mean the icon of the website can be seen on FF but… not on IE. Also this very icon (of Daniweb) is viewed differently on Netscape! Can… <head> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image… Icon for Python code Programming Software Development by mahesham Whenever I run my python code, the window do not have any icon.. How to change it some icon or the icon I want to assign? I can assign a good icon for the exe generated thru py2exe. I want to assign icon for the window opened after double clicking the code (*.pyw) (I am using wxWidgets) Thanks Mahesh Re: Icon of my website on IE Digital Media UI / UX Design by Hani1991 Hey.. I found that the icon of Facebook can't be viewed on IE9 (And maybe on earlier versions too).. However, the icon of CPanel is viewed perfectly!! And so does the icon of Youtube!! Does this issue have to do with the icon itself; whether its type is valid or not, etc.?? Any help is really appreciated. ICON.EXE - Hijack this log attached - HELP PLS !!! Hardware and Software Information Security by banchang …keep working is to go to task manager, stop the icon.exe process, logoff & logon again. But it keeps… popup, but that isn't 10% of how bad this ICON.exe is. I have Spybot, Spyware Doctor, Adaware, &…; downloaded RapidBlaster Killer, but ICON keeps coming back. Grateful for your help. Logfile of HijackThis… Re: Icon of my website on IE Digital Media UI / UX Design by Arkinder ….com/favicon/"]this[/URL] to make sure that your icon is 16x16 pixels and using a 16 color palette. After… Re: ICON.EXE - Hijack this log attached - HELP PLS !!! Hardware and Software Information Security by banchang ….dll O20 - Winlogon Notify: qomlljk - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\qomlljk.dll ICON.EXE doesn't appear to be there anynore, but if… got worse, as I used to be able to delete ICON.EXE, logoff & log back on again to get a… Icon images Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Nickair … bars and about two days later the image on the icon is gone and all that is there is a blank… page icon. it is like this in the programs folder as well… cant be located but i am able to use the icon no problem. Any ideas? Thanks for the help. Re: Icon for Python code Programming Software Development by mahesham Thaks kruptein. 1. _icon = wx.Icon('./icons/logo2.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) This line worked for me. Icon change Programming Software Development by suncica2222 …'s the code [CODE]HINSTANCE hExe = LoadLibrary(nameExe); // first icon HRSRC hRes = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(101), RT_GROUP_ICON); HGLOBAL hResLoad …LoadResource(NULL, hRes2); PBYTE lpResLock2 = (PBYTE) LockResource(hResLoad2); //second icon HRSRC hRes3 = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(102), RT_GROUP_ICON); HGLOBAL hResLoad3 = … Icon On button not appearing Programming Software Development by varun45 … Swing. I have placed all images in a package named icon. The frame is loading as well as the buttons. I…("Editor.gif"); selIcon = getImageIcon("icon/small_hand.gif"); delIcon = getImageIcon("icon/remove_icon.gif"); roadIcon = getImageIcon("road… Re: ICON.EXE - Hijack this log attached - HELP PLS !!! Hardware and Software Information Security by banchang … LCD [EMAIL="PowerC@M"]PowerC@M[/EMAIL] ZOOM\ICON.EXE C:\Program Files\USR WLAN\USR 22Mbps WLAN Adapter… Re: ICON.EXE - Hijack this log attached - HELP PLS !!! Hardware and Software Information Security by banchang … C:\Program Files\Trust\Trust 730S LCD PowerC@M ZOOM\ICON.EXE C:\Program Files\USR WLAN\USR 22Mbps WLAN Adapter… Re: ICON.EXE - Hijack this log attached - HELP PLS !!! Hardware and Software Information Security by kylethedarkn … says delete on reboot. 3. Now click on the folder icon and select all of the files i told u to… Re: ICON.EXE - Hijack this log attached - HELP PLS !!! Hardware and Software Information Security by kylethedarkn …;"]Windows[/URL] icon appears,[B] press F8[/B]. [*] Instead of Windows loading as… Re: Icon images Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Nickair [QUOTE=Bing7;1071654]no idea about the icon , you could try unpinning it and then go to mozilla … ill check it out. What happened was i guess the icon path was lost, so all i had to do was… Re: Icon change Programming Software Development by usagi … as binary and re-write the part that contains the icon? To know what to change and how it looks you… create a copy of the remote exe and replace the icon with the one you want in using a resource editor… Re: Icon On button not appearing Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … the usual cause is that Java is looking for the icon files in the wrong place. new ImageIcon(iconName) will not… pass null to a JLabel or JButton for the image icon that also does not throw an exception, it just doesn… Re: Icon movement Programming Software Development by slayer10 ok i tried that and it works but i cant figure out how to get a preset icon from a form component, i already know how to set an icon, i just need the ysntax to take a previously stored icon. Re: Icon images Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Bing7 no idea about the icon , you could try unpinning it and then go to mozilla thunderbird folder and repin it . i use win7 and have windows[ live] mail. downloaded the windows live essentials tools Icon in java? Programming Software Development by Majestics How to set caption icon in java? Like firefox icon on the top caption bar. and how to run a process in background in java? Thank you. Re: Icon double exposure Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by caperjack [QUOTE=JackieToes;1151355][COLOR="Red"]. My Recycle bin Icon is on top of several of my I cons it … mouse and hold it down on the icon and drag it off the other icon , have you scanned you computer for viruses… Icon Problem on Windows 7 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cadmanof50s … my other apps, I notice that two programs show their icon as "generic". The applications are Mozilla Firefox and… they told me it was an issue with my Windows Icon Cache.....whatever that means. All other apps show ok and…