Help! What would you do to avoid Paypal identity theft? Hardware and Software Information Security by hatespy … the genunine Paypal site. What should I do to avoid identity theft in this case? I have NOD32, ZoneAlarm with Antivirus, Spyware… Re: Socialmedia identity theft Digital Media Digital Marketing by jacquelinelop Identity theft on social media can happen for a variety of reasons and to anyone. You can be targeted if you have a social media profile. However, before you can learn how to protect yourself from identity theft on social media, you must first understand why it occurs. Here are three reasons why identity theft is carried out through social media. Re: Socialmedia identity theft Digital Media Digital Marketing by jacquelinelop …but sharing your personal information puts you at risk of identity theft. In the European Union, a staggering 13% of … take to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft on social media. Identity theft on social media can happen for a … before you can learn how to protect yourself from identity theft on social media, you must first understand why it … Re: Socialmedia identity theft Digital Media Digital Marketing by mrandrei Many so-called SEO experts always come up with "tricks" to manipulate ranking and traffic. They should be penalized for doing this nasty socialmedia identity theft! The Future of Identity Hardware and Software Networking by Michael_Knight …a greater disconnect between individuals and their reputations. Identity theft has been a big hit with the purveyors of… limited company money. Putting this in terms of identity theft, someone who could pose as the limited company …structure would be ideal for limiting the effects of identity theft. When applying for small loans, you could … Re: The Future of Identity Hardware and Software Networking by iwallet … I have to say is about taking a precaution against identity theft.It is now more common that your SSN and credit… alarm when the wallet is taken 30 ft away.Thus identity theft can be prevented. Hope you may be interested... Do You Trust the White House with Your Online Identity? Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher … postulates security tokens such as a "smart identity card," possibly from state government, or a… online information, which the plan says would make identity theft more difficult. However, while the plan talks a… eliminate anonymous posting altogether. While the potential smart identity card would allow for anonymous posting, the very… Re: Do You Trust the White House with Your Online Identity? Digital Media Digital Marketing by hallshac Well I don't link the government in my business but you can already get anonymous and secured connections with out the government! CHeck out identity theft protection product at SNIP. you can also get anonymous browsing but with out the secure part at SNIP or other proxy services out there. Socialmedia identity theft Digital Media Digital Marketing by seotechniques …to use shortcuts like who is already popular using their identity.Example they will create a social media blog microsite in… the popular identity from their they will direct the link to their … sites.It may reduce the reputation of the certain identity.Recently I read one article from SNIP to protect… Website plagued by Identity Theft in SQL Programming Web Development by jtok … via a stored proc using SCOPE_IDENTITY() to retrieve the last identity value when necessary. Below is an example of how I… Re: Help! What would you do to avoid Paypal identity theft? Hardware and Software Information Security by jbennet yeah it seems a virus has modified a thing called your hosts file to redirect you. [B]Do it in this order[/B] the "hosts" file lives in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc IT SHOULD ONLY CONTAIN [code] localhost [/code] also check the file "lmhosts.sam". Everything should be commented out with a # - … Re: Help! What would you do to avoid Paypal identity theft? Hardware and Software Information Security by gerbil Hatespy, it is most likely not a problem with your computer, more likely Paypal was momentarily down and IE then fooled with the URL. If you want a complete explanation [or one, anyway] click on the link in your post above and then in the webpage that opens click the link How you got here... is benign. Re: Help! What would you do to avoid Paypal identity theft? Hardware and Software Information Security by hatespy Thanks a lot, folks! James, I checked the "hosts" file as suggested, below " localhost" there are tons of weird URLs I never visited. Should I delete all of them? Would there be any risk involved? Thanks! [QUOTE=jbennet;538330]yeah it seems a virus has modified a thing called your hosts file … Re: Help! What would you do to avoid Paypal identity theft? Hardware and Software Information Security by jbennet spybots immunisation adds some lines, but spyware can add lines too. delete everything apart from the " localhost" line and reapply the spybot immunisations Re: Socialmedia identity theft Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital Social Media Threat is a legitimate concern, both from a personal and professional manner. I recommend being vigilant and creating alerts with your name/s to keep up with any non-authorized use of your name. Re: Website plagued by Identity Theft in SQL Programming Web Development by Oxiegen Have you tried creating a Webservice as an intermediate between your site and the dB-server? Perhaps that will eliminate the problem. Irresponsible youngsters risking it all online Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek …standings as well as leaving them vulnerable to identity theft and fraud. More than 1000 people between the… to change those behaviours, leaving themselves vulnerable to identity theft and fraud. While 73 percent of survey respondents…concern about being a victim of online fraud or identity theft, 71 percent also admit that despite good intentions… Shops and Robbers: the truth about credit card fraud Digital Media Digital Marketing by newsguy …banks are not to blame for credit card fraud and identity theft according to the victims of those crimes, retailers are.… suggests a veritable tidal wave of fraud and ID theft in the UK, with 44 percent admitting they had…fallen victim to card fraud and 42 percent said their identity had been stolen. Apparently, the average amount stolen was … Exposed: Indian visa application data accessible to anyone with a web browser Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …of Indian identities with enough sensitive data to make ID theft child’s play. I am even more amazed that…by not acting for over a year a door to identity theft, which could just as easily be entered by terrorist …Sanjib says “VFS India could be responsible for large scale identity theft, for every online visa application that it receives. This … First public demo of Norton Confidential fails to impress Community Center by happygeek …has been working on a transactional security and identity protection product under the codename of ‘Symantec Voyager…help secure online transactions against the dangers of identity theft in its many forms, Norton Confidential has…the transactional security crimeware threat, and for taking identity theft seriously. But equally, one would applaud them … The average Brit is worth 10,000 quid online Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …share means that we are increasingly at risk from identity crime. The survey reckons 75 percent of people give… a further 78 percent claimed to be worried about identity theft and 43 percent have either experienced it themselves or…retailers are some of the most popular targets for identity theft since so many personal details are required by users.… One cybercrime committed every ten seconds Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …index1.php?page=cybercrime"]report[/URL] from online identity specialists [URL=""]Garlik…place in the UK during the same period. ID theft online hit the 90,000 incidents mark, while …cybercrimes committed in the UK in 2006 [LIST] [*]Online identity theft 92,000 [*]Online financial fraud 207,000 [*]Online offences… Top 10 online black market malware bargains Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … also drawn to these sites as crucial data, needed for identity theft, tends to be readily available - including email addresses, names and… Christmas shopping you should be aware that hacking activity and identity theft tend to increase during certain times of the year. As… Do you want to be famous? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek …my job, my house, my independence and ultimately my identity I ventured online and rediscovered myself there. Ever since … take a serious but accessible look at the virtual identity question. OK, enough waffle. Here are some of… personalities. [*]People who have been the victim of identity theft and are prepared to talk about the experience from … A Very Personal Beat-Down Community Center by Toulinwoek …trillion dollar security initiative to prevent (or at least minimize) theft, but we are only talking about implementing a commom-sense… or years to clean up after a good, old-fashioned identity theft? I say, NO! Give them one chance, call somebody …in place right now to protect my personal information from theft, and when can I expect you to grow up … Re: One cybercrime committed every ten seconds Hardware and Software Networking by Dortz … wrong, but its hard to determine if it is. Obviously identity theft and fraud are illegal, but if your website is hacked… Women prefer chocolate to IT security Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy … asked, without giving it a second thought or considering the identity theft potential of such an action when coupled to the password… extracting more valuable information that can be used in ID theft or fraud. This research shows that it's pretty simple… School hacker could get 38 years jail time Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … 69 felony counts against Khan, including second degree burglary, ID theft, altering an falsifying a public record and, of course, computer… a reflection of the severity of the offences which include identity theft and computer fraud. Gumblar hitting Googlers hard Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … data, including credit card details and the like, leading to identity theft and other fraudulent activity. One such activity being the… theft of FTP credentials which can lead to any site that … Keyword advertising is illegal. In Utah Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek … describing keyword advertising as being a creative new kind of identity theft. Cool and trendy sound bytes no doubt, but of little… little evidence of the kind of rife hijacking of commercial identity, forceful misdirection of trade from one business to another, which…