Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja Well the iTouch is more exspensive as it's flash based where as … wlan connection which will set you back around £30. The iTouch however doesn't have this problem, providing you have the… Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by zandiago Apple came out with a new 32GB i-touch...shouldn't I just wait for the 60GB?...I'm pretty sure they'll do that...Good thing I didn't buy anything yet...i'll wait and see what apple does...the 32GB itouch is about 500USD. Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja …...i'll wait and see what apple does...the 32GB itouch is about 500USD.[/QUOTE] Good idea but you'll be… Larger Capacity iTouch and iPhone Hardware and Software Hardware by Dani …. Apple has recently unveiled larger capacity versions of the iTouch and iPhone. The iTouch, originally only available in 8 gig and 16…the pricetag, and released the 8 gig and 16 gig iTouch. Now they're following suit with a 16 gig iPhone… with the same pricetag of the new 32 gig iTouch: $500. This news also comes with the announcement of … Shut up about your exploding iTouch or we will sue Hardware and Software Hardware by happygeek …'s what one unhappy chap is claiming happened after the iTouch he bought for his 11 year old daughter went up… him and his daughter not to talk about the exploding iTouch to anyone or Apple would seek damages through the courts… How to transfer music from iPod itouch to computer? Hardware and Software Hardware by erer002 How do i copy all my music from my old itouch to the computer/itunes,so i can put it on my new itouch. PS: My OS is Windows 7. Re: How to transfer music from iPod itouch to computer? Hardware and Software Hardware by jingda I know that you can download itunes from the internet but is the wrong stuff. The orignal poster said this " How do i copy all my music from my old itouch to the computer/itunes,so i can put it on my new itouch." Just transferred the music from the old one to the new one. Why does he need the computer/itunes. He could just use diskaid. iTunes 8, Nano 4G, New iTouch and iPhone 2.1 Firmware announced: Let's Rock! Hardware and Software Hardware by newsguy … device and $199 for the bigger 16GB one. The new iTouch has also been announced, which brings a built-in speaker… Re: G3 imac with itouch that won't boot. Hardware and Software Hardware by AbdulRasa iTouch is a touch screen that was discontinued in 2001. I don't know about swapping the Power Supply, this is my first Mac. Re: G3 imac with itouch that won't boot. Hardware and Software Hardware by Dani Not familiar with G3 macs, but is there a way to swap out the power supply? Also, what is an iTouch? Re: G3 imac with itouch that won't boot. Hardware and Software Hardware by dirtbikeflyboy9 [QUOTE=AbdulRasa;101776]iTouch is a touch screen that was discontinued in 2001. I don't know about swapping the Power Supply, this is my first Mac.[/QUOTE] Call New and Fresh Computer repair located in Southern California, and we will reapir your iMac for you. The number is (858) 442-3866. Thanks! Re: how to make ICS from notebook to itouch Hardware and Software Networking by inthink @Jorgem : i've tried and still not working, i use ad hoc connection and it connect to the itouch but can't make internet sharing connection. @oalee : Thank you so much... i will try it... ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by zandiago Good day boys & girls. There has been a lot of hype about the i-touch/i-phone. I was planning to buy the I-touch, but realized that 16GB may not be sufficient. So then i went looking around. I ended up with two choices(I've included the stats). So which would you choose? I-TOUCH: [url]… Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dave Sinkula I was wishing I'd gotten Gen 5 Archos. [url][/url] Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by lasher511 I would go the ipod touch over the archos. I bought an ipod touch the day after it hit shelves in Australia and i have had nothing but joy from it since then. Yes it may have a smaller cacity but its alot smaller then the archos and the software for managing files on it is alot easier to use. Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Infarction In the middle (capacity wise): Zune2 80GB </troll> :icon_twisted: Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting I've got a 2GB iPod Nano and it's enough. Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by zandiago 2gb??? you've got self control...i've got several hundred songs, some of them are mixes....a few hours each. Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting 2GB gives me some 24 hours of music on the thing. That's more than enough time to reach a PC that has iTunes on it :) Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Jx_Man [QUOTE=jwenting;521209]I've got a 2GB iPod Nano and it's enough.[/QUOTE] it's not enough?? wow, how many file you want to save in it... Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ghubghub Ha, I've got around 150 GB of music on my drive, so I'd need serious ipod storage to get it all... Anyhow, thanks for this thread, I've been curious about buying the touch and this helps. Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by linux I have an iPod touch (jailbroken, of course). It's my pride and joy. I absolutely love it. As for storage, I doubt you should need to put your 150gb collection onto a device. I remember I had a 4gb iPod Mini and I had to uncheck all the songs that I'd never listen to on the road. 16gb is just enough for me to have videos, photos, and music with… Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by scru Both devices suck. Get a Zune :P Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by linux Down With Microsoftttt =D Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by zandiago scru....why do you choose a zune? Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting he just wants to stir the pot, start an argument... Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by zandiago I'm leaning towards the ARCHOS Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by linux I got the iPod touch and I don't regret it one bit. Re: ITOUCH vs ARCHOS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting Even 2GB on an iPod is sufficient for storing 24 hours of continuous music. So on a 60GB one you could store a month worth of music, far more than the battery lasts... So why waste money on the bigger versions, buy the cheapest one you can get and spend the leftover money on accessoiries like a carrying case, better headphones, maybe some … iTouch jailbreak questions Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by forumdude123 I am [I]considering[/I] jailbreaking my iPod touch. I have some questions before going any further: 1. Can I restore in case of failure or if I hate the jailbreak? 2. What are the risks associated with jailbreaking? 3. Should I experienced problems will I be able to fix it under my warranty 4. Will I experience slowdowns or major battery life…