1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for amazing_grace

hi expert, first of all, i have to say sorry for my poor english.i am working on a phone-book project and come across a big problem. my approach: 1. i ask to users to identify the type of data he would like to search,eg, name, tel no 2. i ask …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for AnnA.B

I'm trying to do program to basic operations in math. So, I want that the program calculate for example 3*2+4 etc. I already did something, but it needs upgrade. The problem is with division (/). Everything I write it's always the same result- 0. I don't know why. It is …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Leila1

Please C++ TO Delphi [CODE]IMAGE_NT_HEADERS* inh; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* ish; DWORD newRVA = (ish + inh->FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1)->VirtualAddress + ((ish + inh->FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1)->Misc.VirtualSize + (inh->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment - (((ish + inh->FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1)->Misc.VirtualSize % inh->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment) ? ((ish + inh->FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1)->Misc.VirtualSize % inh->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment) : inh->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment))); newSecSize = (newSecSize + (inh->OptionalHeader.FileAlignment - ((newSecSize % …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for TeejMonster

I am trying to create an application that allows one to browse a .MDB file to add/edit/delete basic personal information for fraternity alumni. It is something that I have been casually doing in my free time with little trouble, however, I have run into a snag recently. I have a …

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Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello! I was looking for the answer here but I couldn't find: [url]http://www.freepascal.org/port.var[/url] . I've got old code in Turbo Pascal and I try to run it on Dev-Pascal 1.9.2. (I also tried Lazarus application, but there was "Error. Project raised exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'."). [code]Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.6 …

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Member Avatar for dejandenib

Can anyone give me a solution for this? the program should output how can the chemical equation be balanced (which are the coefficients) 28th ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, 2003-2004 Asia Region, Tehran Site Balanced Chemical Equations Sample Input 3 HCl+CaO2H2=CaCl2+H2O HCl+H2SO4=NaCl HCl+NaOH=NaCl+H2O Sample Output 2 1 1 2 IMPOSSIBLE …

Member Avatar for aidvllasaliu
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, Could you tell me what is (are) wrong of the following answer:- Question:- Create the first half of a game of rock, paper, scissors. Ask the user for R, P or S. Get the computer to generate 0,1or 2. Now convert the computer’s number to R, P or …

Member Avatar for TeejMonster
Member Avatar for Duoas

Hi all. I'm writing a little program that paints and animates its own form in response to the user's mouse gestures. The weird thing is: Whenever the [B]BDS Delphi 2006 is running[/B] and I run my application, I get a framerate of about 25 FPS. If I terminate BDS but …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for AnnA.B

Hy everyone! First I vould like to say that your great! I find lots of solutions here fom my programing problems. I would like to write a calculator in Pascal/Delphi with scietific functions. For example: if I write [1,2,3]+[3,2,1], program return [4,4,4]. Does anybody have an idea how solve this …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear ALL, Could you tell me how can I get num1, num2 and Output 2 for the following programme. [code] program Project2; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, ourcrt; var num1, num2: integer; begin num2:=0; repeat num1:=num2+1; if (num1 mod 2=1) then begin writeln(num2); end else begin num1:=num1+1; end; num2:=num2+1; until num2>4; …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, I have got the answer of the following question but I do not understand why it has been done in this way: 3. Your task is to create a game of Heads or Tails against the computer. Write a program that asks the user for Heads or Tails, …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for AnnA.B

Hi! I have a problem, again. I would like to write a program to integrate functions. If I write to console integrate(polynom, lower limit, upper limit). I already write function which seperate polynom, now I don't know how to calculate whole thing. Example: integrate(x^2+3,-1,2) solution: 12

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Sub Xero

Hello everyone, I'm quite familiar with Delphi, but I'm new to using threads and so I've got a question. Here's what I'm trying to do: I'm using the brilliant VirtualTreeView component and I wish to add to it from a thread. The tree is on the main form and is …

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Member Avatar for Qudrat

Dear Sir, Please help me on Delphi. Could you tell me how can I get disk serial?

Member Avatar for coderdan
Member Avatar for ShawnH

I have a layered window created using the UpdatedLayeredWindow windows function. I'm alpha blending a bitmap to achieve a nice smooth border around the window. Whenever the window opens, all the controls are invisible. They're still there as I can cause button events to still trigger but you can't see …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for ShawnH

I'm currently using the old SetWindowRgn method to create a form with rounded corners but the edges of the corners produced are horribly pixelated. Is there any way to have a form with rounded corners that are smooth?

Member Avatar for ShawnH
Member Avatar for ebi1

Hi all., I want to make a small and simple game for kids, where they need to compare between different shapes of polygons. So in this game, there will be a button, loading different Polygons, with transparent background. i REALLY preffer it will be with the Animated GIF of RxLib, …

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Member Avatar for Keph

Hi guys. I'm trying to familiarize with Delphi as better as possible. And now I've started flicking through the Delphi Demos to get more info about Delphi's features and possibilities. But unfortunately some demos do not have any description or comments. So now I can't figure out what the next …

Member Avatar for gerhardjl

Hi, Can someone assist me to locate a Serial Comms Package for the old Delphi V5,6,7 (early 2000's) ? I wish to do basic comms IO routines. I used to have a package called CPort(V.3?), but my pc crashed and I was unable to obtain it again. Maybe there are …

Member Avatar for marsheng
Member Avatar for janevblagoj

Hello, I work in Delphi 6 a few years. Now I was beginning in Delphi network and I need some source code For following things: I want make chat application which to have two peer to peer clients But I don’t know how I to measure time for two clients …

Member Avatar for x DeaDLy

Im making an Anti-Leak for my program. Have created the function already that checks the hardware ID and every but i have a problem! How can i add multiple hardware id's in one string. Example: HardID : String = "MY HARDWARE ID"; Where the "my hardware id" is that's where …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for revski

Hi please help me. On my form i have a memo and 2 buttons, one is to load a .txt file into the form the other is to save. I want to use these buttons using the VistaSave and load dialogs. The save button i want to take the contents …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for victorxata

At first, I want to present myself. Nice to meet you all. I am implementing an app with Delphi 2007 + Firebird 2.1. I use TMS Components because I like the aspect of MS apps and I'd found this pack as the better. I like also usability of MS apps …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for dorkwad

Hi, I have an old legacy application developed by someone else many years ago that we use day to day in our business. My boss would like to update the logos and images used within the application to give it a re-vamp. I do not know what the program was …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for squeege321

Hi All, I work on a software package that prints checks, among other things. I want to verify that a particular font is installed on the system before I allow the print, because if its not there it defaults to Wingdings, and checks don't quite look right with Wingdings :) …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Nowayz

Was recently asked to convert some code, but I have a minimalistic ammount of knowledge of delphi and I wasn't able to convert this code. If you could help me out it would be great. [code=c++] void TypeStr(char *lpszString) { char cChar; while((cChar=*lpszString++)) // loops through chars { short vk=VkKeyScan(cChar); …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, I have got confused to the real / integer. Would you mind helping to express it to me? I have got the answer of the following question: Write a menu system for the currency exchange program. My menu could look like this: Exchange rates How much money would …

Member Avatar for turbomen
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, It is a simple example using a string. [code] program dowhile; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, OurCrt; var my_words : string; begin my_words := ''; writeln('Enter some words (type "stop" to finish):'); readln(my_words); while (my_words <> 'stop') do begin clrscr; Writeln('You typed:'); writeln(my_words); writeln; writeln('Enter some words (type "stop" …

Member Avatar for turbomen
Member Avatar for fromb

I had a hard drive crash and stupid me haven't made backups for at least a year. I had several projects for which I used Delphi 5 and have lost all the code. Is there any way of getting the code back by un compiling the exe file?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for yassar

Hi, I am modifying a software in delphi, The software is in Turkish, but it cannot show special Turkish characters properly. Can anyone help me solve this problem.

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The End.