How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by TSC_Chazz … the socket when done This code works as expected on Windows and Linux hosts, but on an Apple host the server… Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by rproffitt How long have you been asking this question? I see priors at over 5 months and the second question I have for you is what do you consider helpful? While I'd rewrite this another way I won't rewrite it for you. You are the author and must support your app for as long as you see fit. I see nothing wrong with the usual open socket, send data, close… Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by TSC_Chazz I asked it once on one other forum, five months ago. Yes, this is a very low priority issue; if I can't get it working, I'll simply leave it as is and Apple users will be SOL. And what I would consider helpful is specifically what I'm asking: how do I get the data to actually leave the Apple machine without closing the connection? Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by rproffitt We ran into this on other platforms and worked around it. Sorry, no magic() call I know of, just had to rewrite. TCP turned out to be the incorrect choice for our needs but hey you can google "tcp force send" to see if any of those ideas work. Again, I don't know of any magic() here. Only that we had to rewrite. Read https://… Upvc windows and doors Hardware and Software by Viva_2 How long do UPVC windows typically last, and what kind of warranty is usually offered? “WHEN WILL I GET MY ROBOT?!” Community Center by Johannes C. … good at making casual conversation, they still have short context windows and lack reliable long-term memory, both of which are… Re: “WHEN WILL I GET MY ROBOT?!” Community Center by Reverend Jim Never mind the robots. They've been promising me flying cars since 1950. Where is my flying car? ![Flying_Cars.jpg]( Re: Problem with the external hard drive Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by astroraamaji In response to external hard drive issues, promptly diagnose connectivity, power supply, and file system integrity. Implement data recovery measures, update drivers, and consider professional assistance for severe cases to safeguard valuable information. Re: How to enable gpedit on Windows 10 & 11 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by abuislam If Windows 11 update KB5023706 is causing BSODs, you can enable the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) on Windows Home with a script. Save it as enable-gpedit.bat, run it as admin, and reboot to manage updates more effectively. Re: visual basic has stopped working on windows 10 home version Programming Software Development by JamesTechUSA Try running VB6 in compatibility mode for Windows 7 and ensure all necessary dependencies are installed on your Windows 10 Home system. Re: visual basic has stopped working on windows 10 home version Programming Software Development by fx.eko … vb6 can be solved as long as it is in windows 10 Professional version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3208) Therefore, the… Re: visual basic has stopped working on windows 10 home version Programming Software Development by Emma_42 you should be able to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue with compiling VB6 programs on your Windows 10 system. If the problem persists, consider using a more modern development environment or running VB6 on a more compatible operating system. Re: visual basic has stopped working on windows 10 home version Programming Software Development by pyeri … Visual Studio 6.0 will eventually stop working on modern Windows versions. The sane choice here is switching to an open… Re: visual basic has stopped working on windows 10 home version Programming Software Development by pyeri … especially in light of direction that Microsoft Desktop technologies like Windows OS are taking. And remember, Free Pascal isn't the… Re: How to run visual studio console application from windows server on linux m Programming Software Development by michealaso … debug your console application on a Linux server from your Windows machine using Visual Studio's remote debugging via SSH: Ensure…. Ensure SSH connectivity and firewall settings allow connections from your Windows machine to the Linux server. Re: visual basic has stopped working on windows 10 home version Programming Software Development by fx.eko hi @pyeri is there a tool to convert from vb6 to Free Pascal (a dialect of Delphi) Thank you for the enlightenment How to Recover Deleted Files From an SD Card on Windows? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Emma_42 How to Get Back Files on SD Cards? Re: How to Recover Deleted Files From an SD Card on Windows? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by rproffitt We only lose what we don't backup. There are file recovery apps galore today so no need to write which to try. Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone …lt;/version> <classifier>natives-windows</classifier> </dependency> …lt;/version> <classifier>natives-windows</classifier> </dependency> …lt;/version> <classifier>natives-windows</classifier> </dependency>… Re: Problem with the external hard drive Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by QuintinFields … with the port or the cable.Check Disk Management on Windows to see if the drive shows up there. Sometimes, it… a Linux Live CD. Sometimes Linux can read drives that Windows can’t. If the data is super important and you… Re: Chrome generates AI content Community Center by Chris Hüneke ……… Re: Python - Optimization Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by Reverend Jim … seeing the code. In my previous life I was a Windows SysAdmin/dbadmin as well as a digital plumber. I wrote… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by rproffitt Is this the old Blinding Flash issue? Hack or workaround possible at Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by toneewa You can try to only show the window when you are ready to draw. Runs fine. package org.example; import org.joml.Matrix4f; import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWVidMode; import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWErrorCallback; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL; import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack; import java.nio.… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone **toneewa** you are a very good programmer, your code is working properly ... how you know what to implement ? to think that available AI chats (copilot, chatgpt 4 , and some others) wasnt able to help in such matter is unbeliveable . so to sum up you just add glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER, GL_TRUE); in init … Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by toneewa This is what was left overs, after several different iterations. My thoughts: The idea was to hide the window, color it black, and show it when ready. From the first impression I got, it was clearing the frame color or not setting it resulting in a long white screen before getting to black. glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER, GL_TRUE); This… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone i noticed (based on your first answer you gave above) that simpliest solving of issue is just move glfwShowWindow(window); to whatever method for example to drawAxes or whatever other will me during code developing like for example AxisArrowHeads() . I didnt noticed any errors so far so it should work i think , you said about spending some hours … Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by toneewa Correct. glfwShowWindow(window); in drawAxes(); Yeah, many hours for this. Trouble-shooting skills, with trial and error. I had more trouble getting the work envirnoment setup. The IntelliJ IDEA license was expired. "AI" has a long way to go. E.g., missing headers, identifiers, and all 4 types of dementia. Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by varone Wow dont waste so many time for anonymouse guy from the internet who ask for help, but really i appriciate that, thank you even much more by reading it , for your help and your time . I just tell you what i am seeing now - Java is very weird lang, free dev programs like eclipse or vsc have plenty of implementing errors (and IntellJ licence is… Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by toneewa I like C++. It has plenty of libraries. Like any language, find a good book or website with examples and write them. Understand how they work, then, try to create an example using the idea. It really depends on what you want to do with it. Learn them all. I've only encountered the following: C, C++, SQL, Node.js/TypeScript, HTML/CSS, C#, Java, …