The "filter by" at the top of a forum is by default set to "recommended". I'd love to have it remember (at least for the duration of my session) that I want a different filter (or none), prefarably one filter setting for all forums. Everytime I switch to a different forum "recommended" is back on. I already found the thread where you answered "no" to this, but I want it anyway.

I agree 100%
When I look at latest posts, or Java posts or whatever I want to see them all. If I want to filter I can. but the default "recommended" is worse than useless.
Please make it remember my choice of "none".

Don’t you guys remember how much everyone was complaining that the quality of new topics being asked was worse than the worst? Don’t you guys remember how you criticized what a turn-off it was to visit DaniWeb and see nothing but low quality spammy questions being asked? Ever since making Recommended the default, all of that instantly stopped.

I am not completely against saving your choice. However, before I consider doing so, I want to make sure that I’m solving the right problem.

For example, your primary complaint in this thread seems to be:

When I look at latest posts, or Java posts or whatever I want to see them all.

However, the Latest Posts page doesn’t filter by Recommended by default. The Latest Topics page doesn’t filter by Recommended by default, and a new link to it was added to the slide out sidebar last week. In addition, the Java topics page doesn’t filter by Recommended by default either.

So what problem for you would I actually be solving?

Since a new link to Latest Topics was added in a prominent place to the left sidebar last week, why can’t you just use that when wanting to retrieve all latest topics, or filtering by Java or C++ or whatever when wanting to retrieve topics about a particular subject?

You say that filtering by Recommended is the worst thing. But I’m seeing that it immediately stopped a LOT of complaining in their tracks when it was implemented, and there’s still plenty of ways to retrieve all fresh content without having to change the filter.

As mentioned, I’m not entirely dead set on the filter not being customizable. But I don’t want to make it so if it’s not the problem. You would need to prove to me first why it’s a problem, and so far the only thing you gave me was wanting it to save your choice for Java topics, when Java topics don’t have a recommended filter to begin with.

I just created a folder on my bookmarks bar for Daniweb with a link (filters disabled) to each forum.


the Latest Posts page doesn’t filter by Recommended by default.

Indeed it doesn't. I haven;t used it in ages because I rememember that it was filtered by recommended. DId you change it, or is it just my geriatic memory at fault?

It never was filtered by recommended, never ever ever.

Jim, in order to access those bookmarks you need to click once on the DaniWeb category and then on Latest Topics.

In the same number of clicks, you can click once on the hamburger menu to the left of the logo, and then on either Newest Topics or Latest Topics. Neither are filtered.

My way

  • Click on Daniweb bookmark bar folder
  • Click on the (for example) Hardware & Software link

Your way

  • Click a link to go to Daniweb home page
  • Click on hamburger
  • Click on Hardware and Software
  • Click on latest topics
  • Click on Filterd By
  • Click on Remove Filter


  • Click a link to go to Daniweb home page
  • Scroll down
  • Click Hardware
  • Click on Filterd By
  • Click on Remove Filter

Even if I don't want to remove the filters it's still more steps.

To just get to latest you would

  • Go to Daniweb home page
  • Click hamburger
  • Click latest topics

That requires that I wait for two pages to load. My way always requires two clicks but only one page load, and it's the same method (click the folder, click a link) no matter where I want to go. I don't consider this a foolish consistency.

Also, I feel I can't properly do my job as a mod unless I see every thread. I'm not suggesting you change anything. I'm just saying what works for me.


I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I was saying that if you want to see all Latest Topics across all forums (the first item in your bookmarks list), you can do it in two clicks with our navigation menu.

To just get to latest you would

  • Go to Daniweb home page
  • Click hamburger
  • Click latest topics

Why are you going to the homepage first? Every page has a hamburger menu.

I'm starting from "not on Daniweb". To get to Daniweb I have to either type the address into the address bar or click on a link to it. I count that as "step one". If I'm already on Daniweb then, yes, I can go to the hamburger but that still takes a minimum of two clicks and if I go to a forum I still have to turn off the filter. Most of the time I just go to Latest Topics anyway though. Since youy added the Mark As Read context menu I very seldom go to the individual forums.

Ah, gotcha. I thought you were on a random page on DaniWeb and you thought the link was only on the homepage.

Since you very seldom go to the individual forums for a different reason, and the individual forums are the only pages on this site that have a Recommended filter, then I'll consider this a moot point for you.

pritaeas, can you please comment since you were the one who brought this up initially here.

What I'm only looking for is that when I go to the Programming Forum for example, the recommended filter is on. I want that if I turn that off, that it will remember my choice.

I don't care at this moment that it will remember that choice for one forum, or for all. To me both are acceptable.

If I want to browse latest topics re programming ihave to;
open daniweb page
click on the menu icon
click on proramming
click on latest topics
(now my list is filtered according to a very poor "recommended" algorithm)
click on recommended
click on remove filter

enough said?

If I want to browse latest topics re programming ihave to;

But, how often do you do that? The category-level forum listings are geared more towards the new DaniWeb member as an overview of the type of content we cover. Why would you not filter by C++ or by PHP or by some specific language of interest?

Also, you say it's a very poor recommendation algorithm, yet I keep asking and asking and asking ....... please give me feedback about what makes it poor. Specifically, let me know of any threads you think it should include but it doesn't. That way I can tweak the algorithm to make it not filter out things you want to see and not be such a poor recommendation algorithm.

I used to go directly to the forums if I wanted to do "mark as read" (usually the digital media forum) but since you added the context menu to do that (thanks again) I haven't felt the need.

I'm not sure what you mean by context menu. Do you mean the forums on the homepage that show which ones have new posts for you?

When I am on a thread summary page there is a little grey cogwheel to the right of each thread title that I can click on to get a menu of actions.

Also, you say it's a very poor recommendation algorithm, yet I keep asking and asking and asking ....... please give me feedback about what makes it poor.

Personally, I'd expect to see recommended threads to include topics no older than 2-3 months, matching my most used tags.

One of the threads I just saw in my recommended list was a year old topic about game development in C++. Neither I usually respond(ed) to.

I get what you’re saying about it only going back 2-3 months, but we simply don’t have enough new content for that. If we only went back 2 months, nearly every forum would have 10 topics or fewer. So we go back 1 year max.

Your example, however, seems to be about Recommended not filtering out enough content. (It shows content you think it shouldn’t.)

Everyone here is saying that you have to remove the filter because it filters out tooo much.

What’s an example of content that you want to see that Recommended is not showing you?

... or that you think it should have shown you but it doesn’t?

(Moderating excluded, as just use Latest Topics for that.)

To that end, if you’re not missing out on content you wished it had shown you, what’s the purpose of removing the filter?

we simply don’t have enough new content

Point taken.

What’s an example of content that you want to see that Recommended is not showing you?

I'll have to come back on this when I notice it. I'm still not active enough to have an example ready.

the purpose of removing the filter?

It's just that without a filter I'm able to see all threads for that forum in their correct order, without something determining for me what I'd like to see.

To me, the working of the recommended filter and browsing without a filter are two separate things. I answered about the recommended because you asked for feedback, not because I use it.

I answered about the recommended because you asked for feedback, not because I use it.

And, I suppose, the question I'm trying to have answered is why don't you use it?

Since no one has ever been able to point me to any topic they feel should be recommended but isn't, then it seems to me that not liking the filter because content you would otherwise want to see is now being filtered away is a moot point.

So then you brought up that you don't like the order that it shows content in. Can you point me to a specific example where content you wished was higher up in the list was not? Or an example where having the Recommended filter made it more difficult, in any way, to easily get to the content you would have wanted to discover quicker, while removing the filter made it easier?

... in other words, I get that no one here is using it. But I don't understand what it is that you don't like about it.

Is it just an emotional reason such as, "I don't like that it's not showing me everything" even though there's nothing that it's hiding that you would want to see?

If I go to a specific forum, I expect to see the threads on top which have the latest replies (unread by me). If recommended is on, then the order is something else (apart from the fact that the first recommended are so large I have to scroll down to see more threads).

Two screenshots attached:



The recommended do not even show the newest replies on threads.

Are you referring to the featured editorial? Is it the featured editorial that makes you want to remove the filter?

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