Brian.oco 0 Posting Whiz

Charlie Payne, sounding a lot like Revolutionary War pamphleteer Thomas Paine, says that we're in the 2009 version of “these are the times that try men’s souls”.

Of course, the historical Paine once also said that those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it. So it goes in the stock market these days. It’s volatile, moving up one day and down the next, worn down by $1 trillion in new taxes and a $9.3 national deficit, and waylaid by frightened consumers who figure the best strategy right now is to avoid spending, stay away from stocks, and start Googling tips on how to churn butter.

Says today’s Payne, on the rumor of a “dead cat’s bounce” from yesterday’s market rally of 150 points; “Midday rallies have been a part of this market for some time so there wasn't much celebrating when the market closed yesterday. Instead of heading for local watering holes, weary traders, with a slight spring in their step, went home to contemplate what awaits with the jobs report tomorrow. Yesterday, I mentioned how a bunch of companies in a variety of industries saw their share prices edge higher even as they suffered news that reflected poor past execution or increased business challenges in the future. So yesterday was a ray of sunshine on our tired faces. I wouldn't call it a mirage but some might call it sucker's rally. ”

That’s somewhat of a relief if you’re in angst over whether you should get in or out of the market right now. Payne also, accurately, I think, points out that from a trader's point of view the bigger risk right now is missing a bear market rebound. “The thing about those kinds of moves is they happen suddenly so it's easy to get left at the station or stuck in your foxhole. Investors are like Wile E. Coyote in the sense that they have been blown up so often at this point they simply sigh and brace for impact.”

Payne’s way out is to invest in China, including (perhaps, especially) China technology companies. He points that China tech will benefit from a real, downright genuine stimulus plan (as opposed to the pork-a-palooza plan our geniuses in Congress just passed). China is poised to $1.5 trillion into its economy, without tax hikes, without carbon tax burdens, and without any apology to its former communist roots.

It’s the “anti-American” plan and it’s a good one for investors who want to push some cash back into the global stock market.

The financial trading site agrees with Payne. Its trading summary for Wednesday (March 3) says that the major U.S. index futures are pointing to a higher opening on Wednesday. “After showing significant volatility in yesterday's session due to indecision, the major averages may derive comfort from the recovery in the global markets. The revival in the rest of the markets came about after reports suggested that the Chinese government may augment its previously announced stimulus package.”

Additionally, says Trading Markets, an upbeat manufacturing report from China has increased hopes of a recovery in China, which incidentally is one of the biggest consumers of commodities. A short-term bounce is likely, given the oversold levels of the markets, which may bring in bargain hunters.

So what good China Tech stocks may come into play?

Let’s look at these companies, all of which have been trading lower as the news from America crossed the world.

PacificNet (PACT.PK), for one, is off by 20% in trading this year and should be an excellent candidate for the China stimulus plan. So to is Chinese search engine (BIDU), used by China's burgeoning middle class, and (NTES), which is showing good profits, although it’s stock price slid last week on overall global market weakness. Also, check out China video game companies The9 (NCTY), and Shanda (SNDA), who have also seen market losses, but are in a resilient industry that surely should be boosted by a big, fat real stimulus plan.

So give China’s technology landscape a look. There’s real money coming in and, in contrast to the U.S. stimulus plan, it doesn’t have all these government taxes and penalties attached.

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