pass data to another asp page Programming Software Development by Fergus_1 …;View" NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("our_ref", "MD_Overall.aspx?id={0}") %>' /> </ItemTemplate> </asp… Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by mickeydoodle I've just acquired a Dell laptop, it seems to hate Linux! Touch pad doesn't work properly, Wireless won't connect and it's sooo slow! Works fine with Windows! Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by simhakidsden It's quite baffling to witness such a stark contrast in Dell's approach to promoting Ubuntu between Europe and the USA. Their inconsistent messaging only adds to the confusion for potential customers. Hopefully, Dell can streamline their marketing strategy to provide clearer information and support for Linux enthusiasts worldwide. ASPX files not loading Programming Web Development by Persist01 … goes live. All the aspx files load fine except for 3 of them - RSS_News.aspx, RSS_Employment.aspx and RSS_Weather.aspx. For example when trying… address bar: [code] http://<domain name>/ErrorPage.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/RSS_News.aspx [/code] Which tends to suggest the file cannot be… aspx page not loading!!!! Method called too soon Programming Software Development by dba123 …. What should happen is I start debug, my aspx page loads, I click on the hyperlink, and …urlrewriter.asp[/url]) and then my code below : My aspx page: [CODE]<%@ Page Language="C#" …AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="TestURLRewriter.aspx.cs" Inherits="TestURLRewriter" %> <… Re: ASPX files not loading Programming Web Development by bihu ve u tried this one ../RSS_News.aspx or or ../../RSS_News.aspx or ~/RSS_News.aspx aspx to html convertion ( crawling ) problem Programming Software Development by expvice … a new seo tool.I began my tool by converting aspx pages to html pages.I'm doing this by [code…/city/temp.html[/url] this is aspx page : [url][/url…] In html page the menu doesn't work, but in aspx page menu works. When i compared the two page by… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by raul15791 …;1156311][b]>Whenever I made some changes on a .aspx file, [icode]the changes can be seen immediately[/icode]…access my localhost. But [icode]when I made changes in aspx.vb file, the localhost still showing old info.[/icode][/b…which inherits [U]System.Web.UI.Page[/U] class. The .aspx file contains an Inherits attribute in the @Page directive that… Re: aspx to html convertion ( crawling ) problem Programming Software Development by apegram … SEO-friendly URL [url][/url] to what your site may want to see, [url… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by raul15791 … created is just as weird as the old one. The aspx.vb is still not reflecting any changes. I am sure… I am editing the correct file. In the XXX.aspx file, I can see the the line : [CODE]Codebehind="…;XXX.aspx.vb"[/CODE] I even tried removing the .aspx.vb from the folder. Delete all… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by kvprajapati …access my localhost. But [icode]when I made changes in aspx.vb file, the localhost still showing old info.[/icode][/b…which inherits [U]System.Web.UI.Page[/U] class. The .aspx file contains an Inherits attribute in the @Page directive that…, ASP.NET generates a partial class based on the .aspx file;[/icode] this class is a partial class of the… Re: aspx to html convertion ( crawling ) problem Programming Software Development by expvice Hey, I solved my problem, my tool now converts any aspx page with ajax and styled sheeted and javascript to html page without any error. My Google Seo tool works perfect, who want to get this seo tool to increase their place can contact me over here. Thanks for all. coding is great. Re: aspx to html convertion ( crawling ) problem Programming Software Development by elaek Hello expvice, Please inform how you done to convert aspx to Html. I have the same problem. Thanks. .aspx page won't open at home Programming Web Development by ironman25 … used C#, if that's important). For some reason, the .aspx page works fine everywhere at school and at a friend… located at: [url][/url] Aspx in Notepad - populate a dropdown with SQL DB & query Programming Web Development by ismailc Good , I need help. I have a blank aspx page where I want to add a drop down down … an access db. How can I in a notepad edited aspx page 1. connect to a sql db 2. Create &… aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by raul15791 … running on localhost. Whenever I made some changes on a .aspx file, the changes can be seen immediately when I access… my localhost. But when I made changes in aspx.vb file, the localhost still showing old info. * I have… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by reach_yousuf Hi there Whenever you make changes in aspx file the changes will be reflected in browser because the … web browser. however if you make changes in code behind .aspx.vb then you have to builld the appliction, this will… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by raul15791 [QUOTE=reach_yousuf;1154341]Hi there Whenever you make changes in aspx file the changes will be reflected in browser because the … web browser. however if you make changes in code behind .aspx.vb then you have to builld the appliction, this will… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by kvprajapati … why the website can run perfectly even after the XXX.aspx.vb is removed?? [/b] ASP.NET compiler compiles App_Code and… any code-behind files associated with aspx, ascx, etc files. The runtime caches all the compilation results… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by greatdevelopers … is rightly attached to your aspx.vb page. Now you need to verify that your events … ASPX C# Cookies not working Programming Software Development by micmo … goes back to the log in form. My Code: Index.aspx [CODE] <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true…" CodeFile="index.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <%@ Register src… Aspx net and c# Programming Web Development by nalb4242 Hello i have question i am new at using aspx and c# .. after i get my website from server using FTP i can access the aspx page only but i can not view the code of c# behind it .. i think they are saved in bin file but how can i view them .. thanks Re: .aspx not working Programming Web Development by Paladine … the CREATE button and then click OK. 6. Create your aspx file with this calendar control in the code (as you… created[/i][b]/[/b][i]then the name of the aspx file name & extension[/i] Voila! Hope this helps… Re: .aspx not working Programming Web Development by aarya i used to save my asp file as localhost/myweb/a.asp it is working.i ahve downloaded the .netframework 1.1 to suport aspx extension and stored in wwroot/myweb directory. the storing the file is same as asp right? is it different. if it is the same then my a.asp is working why not a.aspx Re: .aspx not working Programming Web Development by kedar_challa … working.i ahve downloaded the .netframework 1.1 to suport aspx extension and stored in wwroot/myweb directory. the storing the… same then my a.asp is working why not a.aspx[/QUOTE] Hi Aarya, Here u have to consider the difference… Re: .aspx not working Programming Web Development by Paladine … as this example shows : [url]http://localhost/Test2.aspx[/url] Where Test2.aspx is the name of the file with the code… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by raul15791 … compiler compiles App_Code and any code-behind files associated with aspx, ascx, etc files. The runtime caches all the compilation results… Re: aspx.vb not reflecting changes on local host Programming Web Development by raul15791 Hi all, Sorry for leaving this thread for so long... So what you mean is that whenever I made changes on aspx.vb file, I'll need to recompile the project again? P.S: My project is super large can takes long long time to compile. Is it possible for me to compile only the part where I make changes? .aspx not working Programming Web Development by aarya i m very new to m trying my first script.i have microsoft .net framework 1.1.but when i try my script localhost/myweb/a.aspx i m getting blank screen.please any body help me Re: .aspx not working Programming Web Development by campkev I copied and pasted into a text document and saved it as a.aspx on my computer and it works fine. if you are getting a blank screen, try right clicking and hitting view source to see if you can get any information that way.