Re: Problem with the external hard drive Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Ali_204 … expensive but is often the most reliable for critical data. Backup in the Future: Once you recover your data, consider setting… up a regular backup schedule. Using cloud storage or multiple backup drives can help prevent data loss in… Re: Windows licence Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by tarael1 … valid key unless you have written down or saved to backup the key for the damaged motherboard. In which case you… How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 …) # Confirm the presence of the object holding the Netbox database backup obj1 = 'object_netbox_2024-03-16.psql.gz' container = 'netbox-backups…as file_tar_bz2: # Read the contents of the compressed Netbox media backup file file_contents = # Create a file-like object… Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem … same as the uncompressed tar file. with'/var/backup/netbox_backups/netbox_2024-03-16.psql.gz', 'rb') as file: ….gz', contents=file, content_type='application/octet-stream' ) with open('/var/backup/netbox_backups/netbox_media_2024-03-20.tar.bz2', 'rb') as file: swift_conn… Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 … with the contents of the compressed Netbox media backup with"/var/backup/netbox_backups/netbox_media_2024-03-24.tar.bz2"… Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem I don't understand why you need to extract all the files from the compressed `tar.bz2` just to upload to a backup. Also, line 69 is now meaningless having just posted only a snippet of the code. Before the error, what was the last `` message? Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim … twelve rooms you used to have. That's how their backup/restore works. Of the twelve apps I had configured, only… mention that the tech said I should try downloading the backup file from the server and restoring it from the local… file on my computer that can be copied as a backup like most other apps I have to configure like VLC… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by toneewa … data, dating back to the 90's. My least favorite backup was burning a DVD on 4x or 8x and it… Re: Backup Programs? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by iamthwee Backup exec from symantec? Backup Programming Software Development by LeNenne …destinationfile sourcefile1 = App.Path & "\backup\PhoneTel.mdb" destinationfile1 = App.Path & "\backup\backup\PhoneTel.mdb" FileCopy sourcefile1, destinationfile1… how can I get the backup file from backup\backup with the old data, not the same data as… Backup Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by sipapu …. C is my main drive containing the back up software; backup was to the D drive. Also have a second drive… this situation. I am confounded. Do I have a successful backup or a corrupted one. Is this a software problem or… XP problem? What can I do to get a proven backup BEFORE I really need it? backup Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jindalarpan hey all as i wanted to go for the backup of my server having redhat fedora 4. server is running …, dhcp server , kickstart and many more i wanted to take backup of all the server so that in worst case what… configration files that should be backuped. i wanted to take backup on dvd drives and only wan to take back up… Backup???????? Programming Databases by Peppercat101 Hi, does anyone know if there is a backup SQL statement in MS Access to backup the entire Database? Re: Backup???????? Programming Databases by buddylee17 You could write a batch file to copy the db into a backup folder. Then use Scheduled Tasks to run the script daily or weekly or how ever often you need it to run. Re: backup Programming Databases by bhanu1225 Here is another way for backup. mysqldump -u [username] -p [password] [databasename] > [backupfile.sql] *[username] - this is your database username *[password] - this is the password for your database *[databasename] - the name of your database *[backupfile.sql] - the file to which the backup should be written. Try this, it would work. backup Programming Databases by srpa01red how can we take backup of a database with shutdown the server in mysql. backup Programming Databases by nobby85 i am using xampp on my computer and i want to carry a backup of my database using the mysqldump command Backup Programming Software Development by sabiut Hi, i want to write a program that will automate my backup on a windows using python but i have no idea how to get started. can someone please point me to the right direction. thanks in advance Re: Backup Programming Software Development by snippsat [URL=""]byte of python[/URL] chapter 10 can help you out. The zip solution there works best on linux, if you what to compress backup look into [URL=""]zipfile[/URL] or some 3 party module rar/7zip/lmza. Backup Hardware and Software Networking by VEL Hassan How could I take a backup of my LAN computers using Ubuntu 11.10 Operating systems in schedule and I am using Centos 6 version ? Thanks in advance... VelHassan...... Backup / Restore File: Rename & Multi Programming Software Development by abelingaw …with the same date. Heres my code (Backup): [CODE] Public Sub DBBackup() 'On Error… = Nothing myTrue = App.Path & "\Backup\" & Format$(Date, "mmmm-dd-…Database.mdb", myTrue, False MsgBox "Database Backup Process Complete", vbInformation, "Information" lblCBK… Backup File : Permission Denied Programming Software Development by abelingaw …Path & "\Database.mdb") 'Create Backup folder if not present If fsys.FolderExists(App.Path …= True Then fsys.DeleteFile isTrue End If 'Start Backup Process If myfile.Attributes = ReadOnly And myfile.ParentFolder.Attributes… contains my whole project (Includes Both of Backup folder and program). I tried removing the … Backup routines, with Windows or Norton Ghost Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by OttoLund …any disc if your system crashes. I use Windows XP Backup utility, making ASR with diskette boot, Total and Incremental …backups, and its' important that the backup files are stored in another media/disc than the system… one for system and data and one for backup files. The best backup media may be an external tape but that … Re: Backup / Restore File: Rename & Multi Programming Software Development by abelingaw For modification purposes sir. Let's say I Backup my database at 9:00, then I had to add … 10:00, so rather than replacing the first backup, it would just create another backup file. So that I can Restore any… of the database backup if there is any need of looking at records on … Re: Backup an access database Programming Software Development by Saikalyankumar … up ' * You can also use SqlBackupAsync method to perform the backup ' * operation asynchronously bkpDBFull.SqlBackup(myServer)[/CODE] and the code for…(sender As Object, args As ServerMessageEventArgs) Console.WriteLine("Hurray...Backup completed.") Console.WriteLine(args.[Error].Message) End Sub Private… Re: Backup routines, with Windows or Norton Ghost Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by OttoLund … around somewhere. If you just care about your data, Windows backup is just fine. Personally, since all I care about is… my data, I just use Windows Backup, and I back up my documents monthly, because I can… utilize while I'm reinstalling...[/QUOTE] I've changed to backup with Norton Ghost 10, with a dedicated disc#2 in… Re: Backup / Restore File: Rename & Multi Programming Software Development by abelingaw Uhm yes i guess i got that one now. Next is the restoration of a DB (one which is selected by the use). My DB Backup name would be January-04-2010.mdb (Because of the date code), if i select this DB and restore it, it would be renamed to Database.mdb so that it will replace the current DB which is on my App's path. Thanks again.. Backup SQL 2005 Database Using Code Programming Software Development by tashiDuks …. btnCancel When user process the backup, it should take a backup in specified location. The backup file should be like "…= Minute, 23 = Second). When user process a backup on next day the backup file name should be same as the above…the different date and time. And i want this backup should be encrypted with password so that other person … Re: backup of db table using php Programming Web Development by sallecpt …quot;; } else $backup_type="\nBACKUP Type: Full database backup (all tables included)\n\n"; include(LOCATION."…>"") xmail($to_emailaddress,$from_emailaddress, $row_meta['SiteTitle']." Database Backup: $backup_file_name", $dump_buffer, $backup_file_name, $backup_type); if ($save_backup_zip_file_to_server) … BackUp sql server database using to a user defined Path Programming Software Development by waleed.makarem …database . It works fine if I make backup to specific folder"C:\Program Files\…name'. " my code is Dim sqlBackup As New Backup() sqlBackup.Action = BackupActionType.Database sqlBackup.BackupSetDescription = "ArchiveDataBase…Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\rft.bak", DeviceType.File) Dim connection…