How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Kirubel_2 …: none; /*to hide popup initially*/ transition: 3s all ease; /* cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275) */ animation: 2s… cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275) shadow-mercury… Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 …: 0.7s all ease-in-out; */ transition: 1s all cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1); height: 100%; background…-left: 40%; margin-right: 5%; } #b{ transition: 1s all cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1); } .contain{ color:white… Re: How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Dani I'm not exactly understanding your question. I see you have an HTML form here in this HTML code. What is not working about it? You need to specify the action="#" to be a URL that will process the form. Bezier curves in Java Programming Software Development by lordsurya08 … out the polygons, I want to use series of cubic Bezier curves to make smoother edges. I spent some time poking… around the Java awt and swing classes and saw the Bezier curves mentioned several times. I believe that awt has a… or two that allows me to define shapes out of Bezier curves, and more importantly, fill them. However, I have not… Re: Bezier curves in Java Programming Software Development by SasseMan Have you looked at the [URL=""]Shape[/URL] interface, its implementing classes, and uses? I think [URL=""]QuadCurve2D.Double[/URL] is a cubic bezier curve. Drawing Bezier curves using De Casteljau Algorithm in c++ , Open Gl Programming Software Development by empyrean …); glEnd(); glFlush(); } // Calculate the next bezier point. Point drawBezier(Point A, Point B, Point…640,480); glutInitWindowPosition(100,150); glutCreateWindow("Bezier Curve"); glutMouseFunc(myMouse); glutDisplayFunc(myDisplay); … Re: Drawing Bezier curves using De Casteljau Algorithm in c++ , Open Gl Programming Software Development by empyrean … write an interactive program for the definition and drawing of Bezier curve. Your program should be able to: 1. Interactively define… Re: Drawing Bezier curves using De Casteljau Algorithm in c++ , Open Gl Programming Software Development by raptr_dflo … all, move the code that draws the points and the Bezier curve out of MyMouse() into its own function, and then… JAVA animation problem - animating a bezier curve !!! Programming Software Development by JGee2005 … that moves across my screen. The line should be a bezier curve and should animate pixel by pixel. I would like… Approximating sine wave using bezier curves Programming Software Development by jda … all, I'm trying to approximate a sine wave using bezier curves (for rendering speed over drawing many straight lines). I… Get Current Point In Cubic Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by lxXTaCoXxl … it helps some one out there. Formula for a cubic Bezier curve: [code]^ = Exponent _ = Subset [x, y] = (1 - t)^3P_0… How to give atributes from page to Bezier curve in SVG Programming Web Development by Drugsxxx down vote favorite I would like to draw Bezier Curves in SVG, and i know that the code looks … Bounding Box - Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by necrovore … am trying to find out the bounding box of a bezier curve. I know that it can be done by getting… Re: Bounding Box - Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by pritaeas Here's an [SO thread]( with several examples and links. Perhaps it helps. Re: Bezier curves in Java Programming Software Development by SasseMan [URL=""][/URL] Re: Bezier curves in Java Programming Software Development by SasseMan Sorry, I meant [URL=""]CubicCurve2D.Double[/URL] Re: Drawing Bezier curves using De Casteljau Algorithm in c++ , Open Gl Programming Software Development by raptr_dflo I'd suggest replacing your drawBezier() function at line 61 (which should really be called something like computeBezierPoint(), since that's what it does), with a new computeDeCasteljauPoint() function. Note that the de casteljau definition lends itself well to recursion -- given an initial set of N points, and a value t, you compute a new set of … Re: JAVA animation problem - animating a bezier curve !!! Programming Software Development by server_crash I wouldn't waste my time writting some method to create a parabola like that. Use drawPolyline(), it's much easier. You could use a Timer object to keep track of how long, and then just increment the variables and call a repaint. Re: JAVA animation problem - animating a bezier curve !!! Programming Software Development by JGee2005 Thankyou I shall look into doing that. Re: Approximating sine wave using bezier curves Programming Software Development by wildgoose Just a thought [CODE] const float Y1 = (2 * SQRT2) / 7 - 1 / 7; const float Y2 = (4 * SQRT2) / 7 - 2 / 7; const float Y3 = SQRT2 / 2; const float Y4 = (3 * SQRT2) / 7 + 2 / 7; [/CODE] 7 is not 7.0f 2 is not 2.0f etc. Re: Approximating sine wave using bezier curves Programming Software Development by jda Duh. Of course, works like a charm. Thanks, I figured I was missing something simple. [code=C#] const float Y1 = (2 * SQRT2) / 7.0f - 1.0f / 7.0f; const float Y2 = (4 * SQRT2) / 7.0f - 2.0f / 7.0f; const float Y3 = SQRT2 / 2.0f; const float Y4 = (3 * SQRT2) / 7.0f + 2.0f / 7.0f; [/code] Re: Get Current Point In Cubic Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by lxXTaCoXxl Just found out that I can't use my custom class the way I have it set up here (that's what I get for typing it up in notepad), so instead here's a new snippet: [code]public Point CurrentPoint(float t, Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) { float cube = t * t * t; float square = t * t; float ax = 3 * (p1.X - p0.X); float ay = 3 * (p1.Y - p0.Y);… Re: Get Current Point In Cubic Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by Keith_2 Can I ask, what does t refer to? the x axis or something else? Would you be able to expand on the methods to include public static float GetForX(float x) and public static float GetForY(float y) ? Thanks. Re: How to give atributes from page to Bezier curve in SVG Programming Web Development by LastMitch >down vote >favorite **@Drugsxxx** What do you mean by that? Can you be more directed? Do you want someone to assist/help you or not, regarding about the issue you are having? Re: How to give atributes from page to Bezier curve in SVG Programming Web Development by Drugsxxx Im sorry i dont now why this is there its not part of my problem. Re: Bounding Box - Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by necrovore I had seen that post. But the answer posted there requires taking using the de Casteljau's algorithm (which i am trying to avoid). The accepted answer (one by ypnos), i cant seem to comprehend what that formula means. Re: Bounding Box - Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by ddanbe It is a [parametric equation]( Re: Get Current Point In Cubic Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by lxXTaCoXxl Sorry for the extremely late response, however t refers to the point in time you are looking for during the travel of the curve. To get x and y individually you would simply do the following: float x = CurrentPoint(t, e1,c1,c2,e2).X; float y = CurrentPoint(t, e1,c1,c2,e2).Y; -Jamie Css Horizontal Dropdown Menu Visibility Problem Programming Web Development by Himanshu Chawla …0); transform: scaleX(0); -webkit-transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275); -moz-…transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275); -ms-…0); transform: scaleX(0); -webkit-transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275); -moz-… Matrix Inversion help :'( Programming Software Development by xb211 …which try to perform degree reduction for a Bezier curve). I've spent a long time trying…perform matrix inversion. For example degree reduction in Bezier's curve (let's say from degree … in this case) M: A matrix involving bezier curves (I already wrote a function to get…because I'm using OpenGL to plot my bezier curve... and I can't seem to …