What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by jkon … but one that would not go away. As the web bubble burst in early 2000 I believe that something similar will… Re: What is your biggest fear with the current A.I. revolution? Community Center by Reverend Jim My biggest fear is an expansion of misinformation to the extent that we will not be able to trust that anything we see, hear, or read will have any basis in reality. Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by syd919 bubble sort works by comparing one element int the data to … you wanted to sort the data in ascending order using bubble sort you would compare 3 to 2 first and the… Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by syd919 bubble sort works by comparing one element in the data to … you wanted to sort the data in ascending order using bubble sort you would compare 3 to 2 first and the… Bubble sort Linked list Programming Software Development by CHOCHOCHO …int info; nodeType *link; }; class Bubble { public: Bubble(); friend istream &operator>>(…tail_ptr); #include "Bubble.h" Bubble::Bubble() { head_ptr = NULL; manynodes = 0; } int Bubble:: size() const { return… Re: bubble sorting in an array Programming Software Development by Asif_NSU … in theory. I disagree with any practical use of bubble sort because it sucks and has destroyed real applications.… I disagree with teaching bubble sort because people who learn bubble sort, use bubble sort. That takes us full …million dollar project. The only place i would use bubble sort would be a short program where sorting is … Re: bubble sorting in an array Programming Software Development by Asif_NSU …behind insertion sort is easier to grasp than that of bubble sort (from my experience as a teacher).[/QUOTE] […ur experience.... :) The ease of implementation is what made bubble sort live this long. It does know when the …I replied: "u replied "don't use bubble sort, ever"!!!!!!!!" Thanx for spending ur precious time… Re: Bubble sorting of file dates in C Programming Software Development by JohnQ002 …return 0; } int display() { f=fopen("Bubble.txt", "r"); printf("---Names…(f); return 0; } int bubble() { //Bubble sorting function f=fopen("Bubble.txt", "r"…the file\n"); printf(" 3 - Bubble sorting\n"); printf(" 4 - Exist … Re: Bubble sort help Programming Software Development by MandrewP …h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; void Bubble(int x[],int n ){ int main(){ int n=5; … at the end of your two functions main() and Bubble(). While not using a return statement won't cause …[j+1]; x[j+1]=temp; } } } } // Env\d off Bubble Sort funtion }[/CODE]Lines 6 - 12 sort the array through… Bubble sorting of file dates in C Programming Software Development by JohnQ002 … fclose(f); return 0; } int display() { f=fopen("Bubble.txt", "r"); printf("---Names and numbers…} printf("\n"); fclose(f); return 0; } int bubble() { //Bubble sorting function return 0; } int main(void) { int option; … Bubble Sort Question Programming Software Development by kiail …using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Bubble { class Bubble { // array to hold values private … static void Main() { // instantiate instance of class Bubble myBubble = new Bubble(); // retrieve elements to store in array Console.Write(&… Bubble Sort, must press enter for each element to be sorted?? Programming Software Development by kiail …using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Bubble { class Bubble { // array to hold values6.0, 4… public static void Main() { // instantiate instance of class Bubble myBubble = new Bubble(); /* // retrieve elements to store in array Console.Write(&… Re: bubble sorting in an array Programming Software Development by Narue …behind insertion sort is easier to grasp than that of bubble sort (from my experience as a teacher). The …. Of course, insertion sort handles this feature automagically while bubble sort requires a modification (the addition of a "…you still haven't given a good reason for using bubble sort. There's no existing situation (outside of theoretical… Re: Bubble and Selection Sorting Problem Programming Software Development by SHENGTON … final sorted numbers. I attached some screenshots of Bubble and Insertion sorting. I want to display the …("%d",&cho); i = getchar(); if(cho==1) { bubble(); } if(cho==2) { insert(); } if(cho==3) { select();… i = getchar(); ++i; clrscr(); return 0; } void bubble(void) { int a[100],n,i,j,t,k; clrscr… Re: Bubble and Selection Sorting Problem Programming Software Development by Adak …of each pass, for Selection sort. Your Bubble sort is wrong, however. Bubble sort is distinguished by always comparing two elements…, that are next to each other. Your so called Bubble sort, doesn't do that. That's the difference …between Bubble Sort and Selection Sort - In Bubble Sort, the numbers can never be moved… Bubble Sort problem Programming Software Development by smize33 … find a program that is capable of showing how a bubble sort works.. this is the program.. [Code] /********************************************* *…q=temp; } } //Buuble sorting of integer array A[] void Bubble(int *a,int n) { int i,j; for (i=…]); printf("\n\n"); } //end of file bubble.cpp [/CODE] there's a problem here.. when i… Bubble sort using recursion Programming Software Development by Voltron160 … I could get some help with making this bubble sort program sort recursively. Any help would be… main is used every time but slight modifications to function bubble { const int size = 5; int arry[size] =… hold; hold = a; a = b; b = hold; } void bubble( int x[], int n ) { int j, pass; int switched = … Bubble and Selection Sorting Problem Programming Software Development by SHENGTON …evening. :) I got some problems with the "Bubble Sort" and "Selection Sort". My …quot;%d",&cho); i = getchar(); if(cho==1) { bubble(); } if(cho==2) { insert(); } if(cho==3) { select…i = getchar(); ++i; clrscr(); return 0; } void bubble(void) { int a[100],n,i,j,t,k;… Bubble sort / compareToIgnoreCare() problem Programming Software Development by scheppy … have a small problem with with my bubble sort. Everything else in my program works…This is the part of code for the bubble sort. [CODE] //bubble sort based on animal breed if (numberofanimals…knows how many animals are in the array } //bubble sort based on animal breed if (numberofanimals >… Bubble Sorting Java Code Programming by misstj555 … lab assignment. This is because I must use a bubble sort which works for an array only. I am …though my main question is how to incorrparate a "bubble sort" to the code. Here are the aspects…corrospoindng exame score? ## Questtion Two ## This is my "Bubble Sort" method shown in the code block below. public… Re: bubble sorting in an array Programming Software Development by Narue …because some moronic bobo who didn't know better used bubble sort. You seem to think I'm doing this …. I disagree with [b]any[/b] practical use of bubble sort because it sucks and has destroyed real applications. I… disagree with teaching bubble sort because people who learn bubble sort, use bubble sort. That takes us full circle… Bubble Sort Matrix Arrays Programming Software Development by Linda1 …=5; void printmatrix(int matrix[NO_OF_ROWS][NO_OF_COLUMNS]; void bubble-sort (int matrix[NO_OF_ROWS][NO_OF_COLUMNS] int main() {…quot;Original matrix " << endl; } void bubble-sort (int matrix[NO_OF_ROWS][NO_OF_COLUMNS] { int temp, i, j… 0; } The first part is ok but the bubble sort part is not right... Anyone? Its suppose to… Bubble Sort Help Programming Software Development by Jarrex … while (done1 == false); int i; int j; string tmp; //bubble sort for (i=0; i<counter; i++) { for (j…<< " " << endl; } //end bubble sort, start binary search while (done == false){ int upperbound = counter…; endl; }} } [/CODE] the problem is that the bubble sort causes my calories to not line up with the… Bubble Sort after Selecting Search From Switch Statement Programming Software Development by LostnC … chose to search by. I have an example of a bubble sort, but I dont' understand how to appy it to… any assistance given. Here is my code (not including the bubble sort): [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; // Declare…"); return 0; } [/CODE] Here is my example of the bubble sort: I just don't know how to change the… Re: Bubble sort using recursion Programming Software Development by lafigueroa I created a version called bubble2 that perform a recursive bubble sort. I left the comments in so you can "… ) return; //find the correct position for item n and then bubble the next one down for (int i=n-2; i… sorted in the same order you had in your original bubble sort. Re: Bubble Sort problem Programming Software Development by Adak I don't personally find Bubble sort to be intuitive. This is intuitive to me, simpler, …and on random numbers, slightly quicker than Bubble sort: [CODE] for(i=0;i<Max-1;i… with less than 100 values. I've called this algorithm Bubble sort and Selection sort, but it's really a simplified… Re: bubble sorting in an array Programming Software Development by Asif_NSU [QUOTE=Narue]And don't use bubble sort, ever. It has no redeeming qualities.[/QUOTE] Yes Bubble sort is the least efficient algorithm… it doesnt matter much what sorting algorithm u use. And bubble sort does have a few good qualities. Apart from being… it is quite apparent that he is trying to learn bubble sort, and u replied "don't use… Re: Bubble and Selection Sorting Problem Programming Software Development by Adak … is a good sort to memorize, btw. Slightly faster than Bubble sort, and easy to commit to memory, as well. Check… Re: Bubble and Selection Sorting Problem Programming Software Development by abhimanipal The pseudo code for bubble sort is for i=0 to i<n { for j=0 to j<n-1 { if a[j] > a[i] then swap } } Check out the wiki link for bubble sort to get a more detailed explanation. Re: Bubble sort / compareToIgnoreCare() problem Programming Software Development by scheppy … of 1 gets subtracted from number of animals. so the bubble sort only sorts the array for numberofanimals see below [CODE…]//bubble sort based on animal breed if (numberofanimals > 1)//making …