216 Topics

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Member Avatar for micmo

Hi guys, I've been searching for hours now and haven't yet found a good source of C# information for what I need to do. The general gist is this: I have 1 Client app (a simple windows form which gathers data) and 1 Server console app (which holds the business …

Member Avatar for micmo
Member Avatar for rachaelginge

I need to get codes for ADD DELETE SEARCH (WHICH GOES TO ANOTHER FORM WHEN CLICKED) UPDATE (WHICH UPDATE AND SAVES RESULTS) [ATTACH]19289[/ATTACH] just the code for that thank you! :) it's from a SQL Database;

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

Hi i need to add a combo box to a property grid that can be populated with the result of an sql statement, i can more than likely populate it when i come to it but i have no idea how to add the combo box. Currently i am creating …

Member Avatar for junioryz

I have a text file with the following numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 How do I read each individual number into an array? It needs to move along each row so read in 1, 2 and then 3 into a array of 6 integers. Then move to the …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

Hi I'm pritty new to C# I'm having trouble with items repeating in a combo box This method gets the values from my table and stores it in the list of strings which it does fine . . . I think. [CODE]public class EditStates { public List<string> getStates(CEditStates ced) { …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for fullmetalboy

The main problem is that I recieve the following message: "base {System.SystemException} = {"Unable to create a constant value of type 'BokButik1.Models.Book-Author'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context."}" based on this LinQ code: [CODE] IBookRepository myIBookRepository = new BookRepository(); var allBooks = …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JPByD

I have a C# website that includes AJAX. The site has a master page and sub pages. I am revamping the photo gallery sub page to include a jquery function that displays a larger version of a thumbnail image when hovered. The thumbnails are listed in a xaml file, at …

Member Avatar for JPByD
Member Avatar for noamo48

Hi all, I'm new on this site and was hoping some of you more experienced coders could give me some advice. I'm a long time IT guy, always loved programming but never got too deep into it. I know the basics of programming in .Net and C# but I would …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for raja289

hi same week and am here again with another problem lol and yeah its my homework and am stuck somewhere as 95 % has been finished. Windows Form Application--- using C sharp and SQL server 2008 i made database in SQL server 2008 and using visual basic 2008 C sharp …

Member Avatar for tom_289
Member Avatar for Raihanorium

Hi everybody, I am a new user of this forum. I usually work with Visual Studio 2008 in C# .NET. I have some experience in C# and can freely meet my needs. But now-a-days, I am wondering with the design of The KMPlayer, Windows Media Player, Nokia PC Suite, Real …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for aoelord

I need to output the results from a .dat file then have it read in data and assign a new * for every 2% each record equals. It is meant to appear as this: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 | | | | | …

Member Avatar for aoelord
Member Avatar for AMetnik

[CODE] private void displayWith1Criteria(string column, string value) { Console.WriteLine("entering _1_ display method"); dbcontent = new DBtestEntities(); var studienummerQuery = from members in dbcontent.Medlemmer.Include("Retninger") where column == value orderby members.Fornavn select new { Studienr = members.Studienummer, Fornavn = members.Fornavn, Efternavn = members.Efternavn, Email = members.Email, Studiested = members.Studiested, Betaling = members.BetalingsType, …

Member Avatar for AMetnik
Member Avatar for AMetnik

[CODE] var studienummerQuery = from members in dbcontent.Medlemmer.Include("Retninger") orderby members.Fornavn select members; foreach(var a in studienummerQuery) { Console.WriteLine(a); } [/CODE] Thats my code, wonder why it doesnt work.. My tables are: Medlemmer Retninger

Member Avatar for AMetnik
Member Avatar for wade2462

I want to be able to have a Textblock set to a certain width and height so it can contain two lines of 36pt font. I have accomplished this with word wrap, but it can still overflow. Is there anyway to make the font size shrink when there is an …

Member Avatar for Hassan_w

hello everybody.. recently I'm doing attendance software connected multiple RFID devices, the device doesn't support seeking new input automatically, so I need to implement the loop to seek next card automatically, the read function takes 3 parameters. I did read from each devices but separately. I need to read from …

Member Avatar for AndreiZ3

Hi, I am trying to send emails from a mobile C# application that I am writing. There are heaps of articles online how to do this which is great. Everyone has: Using System.Net.Mail; reference at the top of the code. Problem is when I type System. there is no Mail …

Member Avatar for AndreiZ3

Hi, I have loaded a listview with data from a webservice. foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(dr["ProductName"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(dr["QuantityOrdered"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add("0"); lvProductsOrdered.Items.Insert(0, lvi); lvi.Tag = dr; } Now when the user taps on the listview item I want to read the data back in: The list view …

Member Avatar for N4JRY
Member Avatar for AndreiZ3

Hi, I am doing a mobile application. Someone else is passing me the datatable via a webservice so I get in the following: DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // create a datatable dt System.Guid guidCustomer = new Guid(Common.sCustomerID); // pass the guid dt = ws.BoningRoomOrdersCustomerOrderItems(guidCustomer); // send guid to webservice …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for c12345n

I have a solution with many projects (assembled sepparetely), all works fine, but I want merge all because i want make only one project (I want it more secure without reflection to make obfuscation process). In process of integration anything appear not be assigned correctly. - I want run unified …

Member Avatar for Venjense
Member Avatar for jacg4

Hello Everyone I would like to get some help with setting the property Dynamic URL Behavior of a web reference inside VS2008 running on .NET Compact Framework 3.5. I have done some search and I found that it doesn't work cause CF doesn't "support" having a .config file. It can …

Member Avatar for b10hzrd

Mobile phones are constantly evolving and improving to the point that they are akin to the PC market of the mid-nineties, when it seemed as if your desktop was horribly outdated six months after purchase. Bag phones became brick phones, which evolved into the iconic flip phone. The advent of …

Member Avatar for dmpartners
Member Avatar for jacg4

Hello everybody Could someone help me on this? I think it's pretty basic... newbie problems... I have a Windows mobile application and what I'm trying to do is that when the user clicks a button for the first time it changes it's text to finish task. Then when the user …

Member Avatar for jacg4
Member Avatar for jacg4

Hello everyone My request is the following: Do anyone know about a collapsible panel that can be used on a windows forms project? Thanks for any answer

Member Avatar for jacg4
Member Avatar for addie20

how I am new to c# and I have a question I have to create a form, it is of 2 pages so I created 2 different forms, now based on the database table, I have to fill few textboxes in form2 in order to overcome the exception of crashing …

Member Avatar for sadhawan
Member Avatar for 00 freedom

hi all, i would like to ask if do you know how to Embed the Remote Desktop ActiveX Control in a Web Page using C#? any help would be greatly appreciated!! thanks!

Member Avatar for murugavel84
Member Avatar for hkBattousai

A most basic TCT connection is established with the code below: [CODE]// Initialization IPEndPoint m_IpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5000); Socket m_Socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); NetworkStream m_Stream = new NetworkStream(m_Socket); // Read/write operations m_Stream.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello world!"), 0, 12); byte[] read_buffer = new byte[4096]; m_Stream.Read(read_buffer, 0, 4096); // Closing open resources …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for animewolf17

I know this is very very short notice but I need this by 11:30 am CST I was depending on cramster to help but no one responded to my topic last and I dont think anyone goes past page one on those forums plus I dont think anyone does C# …

Member Avatar for pepsy11

Hello.. I am making a program where i use an sql database to storage user information, but i cant figure out how to add a new record that actually stays in the database, i have found some different codes but they only add the record "locally", so when i close …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for fabio533

I Got 2 tables: 'Standby' and 'Usage' [COLOR="Red"]Standby[/COLOR] Table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (equipment id); [COLOR="Red"]Area [/COLOR](physical location); [COLOR="Red"]Stock1[/COLOR] (Nº Total of equipments); [COLOR="Red"]Usage[/COLOR] table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Used[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is taken from Standby); [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Received[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is restored to Standby); [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (foreign …

Member Avatar for team_ferrari22

Hi All, Does anybody know how to [B]defragment windows registry[/B]. We googled and found several free tools doing the same.But no tool is having open source. One tool is there - '[U]UltraDefrag[/U]' which is open source tool written in 'C' for file defragmentation. Please provide help in searching open source/ …

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The End.