cancel button problem Programming Software Development by isumasama …on OK, the program works fine but if clicks on CANCEL,, the program still works as it is.. meaning the … As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click Me.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel End Sub[/COLOR][/code] above are the codes for OK… and CANCEL.. please assist me so that it will not save … Cancel backgroundworker from working Programming Software Development by Lukezzz …press the same button, it is ment to cancel the backgroundworker so you can press it again…When I press the backgroundworker the second time to cancel it with the: backgroundWorker1->CancelWorkerAsync(); ...and … backgroundWorker1->RunWorkerAsync(); [/code] When I try to cancel the worker, it seems that the Worker never cancels when… Cancel FormClosing Programming Software Development by Gus_19 …to close, even if cancelled is clicked. How can clicking cancel, essentially do nothing and go back to the form? …DialogResult.No Then Application.Exit() Elseif Result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then 'Do Nothing ElseIf Result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then… Re: Cancel FormClosing Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim …& vbCrLf _ & " Cancel - resume application" If Unsaved() Then… Case vbCancel 'return to application e.Cancel = True Case vbNo 'discard changes and… Cancel Button Programming Software Development by mustoora Hi, I want to have a dialog result to appear when i click on the form's cancel button. It will ask "Do you want to quit?" when the cancel button is clicked. How do i go about doing that? Cancel Windows Forms Close Event Programming Software Development by raybolio … e) { if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing) { Hide(); e.Cancel = true; } else { e.Cancel = false; } } [/CODE] You can see that the way I… Re: Cancel Button Programming Software Development by Hamrick …, ByVal e As EventArgs ) _ Handles ButtonCancel.Click ' Verify the cancel Dim result As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show( "Do you want… Cancel select validation controls Programming Web Development by srsackman …? This is different from setting the CausesValidation property of a Cancel button to false. Thanks for any help! Steve-- Cancel answer still submits. Programming Web Development by arthurav … selected entries from a database. The problem is that choosing cancel still deletes those entries. This is the function: function checkDelete… Re: Cancel answer still submits. Programming Web Development by parry_kulk … form is submitted to the server even after you click cancel on the confirm box. One of the reason for this… Re: Cancel answer still submits. Programming Web Development by parry_kulk …;"; [/CODE] And return false from the javascript function when cancel is clicked, [CODE] function checkDelete (){ var answer = confirm("Are… Re: Cancel answer still submits. Programming Web Development by kiranbvsn … selected entries from a database. The problem is that choosing cancel still deletes those entries. > This is the function: function… cancel from input box in 2008 Programming Software Development by kieran82 … with 4 staff members and want to know how to cancel the input box if they accidently click on another persons… Re: cancel from input box in 2008 Programming Software Development by prvnkmr194 … Exit Do End If Loop [/CODE] When user click on cancel button of input box it will return empty string e.cancel simple problem?? Programming Software Development by Fritzeh … = "" e.Cancel = True End Select ElseIf MsgBoxResult.Cancel Then e.Cancel = True End If[/CODE]… Or givenPass = "" ' e.Cancel = True ' Case MsgBoxResult.Cancel ' e.Cancel = True ' End Select ' Catch ee As… How do I get this loop to stop and create a cancel function Programming Software Development by chris forgeard … WORK SUCH AS MODULUS AND CANCEL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BY CHRIS FORGEARD …; //===================================================================== //THE CALCULATOR LOOP while (cancel == cancel) { cout << "… Re: How do I get this loop to stop and create a cancel function Programming Software Development by embooglement … look at your while loop. [icode]while (cancel == cancel)[/icode]. cancel is always going to equal cancel. This should probably be changed to [icode…]while (true)[/icode], or [icode]while (cancel == 'c')[/icode], or something like that. The other thing is… Re: e.cancel simple problem?? Programming Software Development by johnny3d …them leave ElseIf givenPass = "" Then 'user click the cancel button MsgBox("You must enter a password.") e….Cancel = True Else 'password is wrong MsgBox("Your password … Re: e.cancel simple problem?? Programming Software Development by Fritzeh I have tried all 3, hence the commenting out, VB JIT debugger tried to handle it. Basically ok works if the password is correct or there isnt one, if its wrong i think it crashes or if i hit cancel. about JOPTION . .how to disable [NO and CANCEL] Programming Software Development by nipacayaljon …equals(answer)){ Object[] options = { "OK", "CANCEL" }; JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "Your Answer is Correct&…(answer)){ Object[] options = { "OK", "CANCEL" }; JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "Your Answer is Correct&… how to delete a token when cancel is clicked Programming Web Development by php.coder … user has requested if he/she clicks cancel NOTE the user doesnt have to input anything… if cancel is clicked that particular token is deleted …="row"><a href="includes/cancel.php?token=<?php echo $_GET['token']; ?>…;">Cancel</a></td></th>… Re: Openfiledialog and Savefiledialog when i press cancel ! Programming Software Development by inspiron07 …use DialogResult.Cancel you will trigger your metod when you only press cancel, it does not covers all cancel probabilities. …i.e. You can cancel the dialogbox by … etc. } else { // Console.WriteLine("User pressed cancel!"); } Close Pop up window when cancel on dialog box is pressed Programming Software Development by adityam4444 … empty pop up, the dialog box for Open, Save or Cancel Excel file will come. Now, if the user clicks on… pop up. But if user clicks on either save or cancel, in the both cases, the blank pop up remains opened… suggest the ways to close it automatically when save or cancel is clicked. Thanks How to Cancel amendments for a record Programming Software Development by tom_289 how to Cancel amendments of a record in VS 2008 Windows application, using C sharp and SQL server 2008 Database... looking for line of codes for • Cancel amendments for a record • Cancel all amendments made to the table since the last save cheers vb 2008 Express Minimize, Maximize and Cancel Button Problems Programming Software Development by leo1937ca …express and having a problem adding a Maximize, Minimize or Cancel button to a MDI Form. The default icon does …not display along with Minimize, Maximize or Cancel button although the Properties are set true. There is …only a "none" option in the Cancel properties options. I suspect that the Icon file has been… Re: vb 2008 Express Minimize, Maximize and Cancel Button Problems Programming Software Development by leo1937ca …express and having a problem adding a Maximize, Minimize or Cancel button to a MDI Form. The default icon does …not display along with Minimize, Maximize or Cancel button although the Properties are set true. There is …only a "none" option in the Cancel properties options. I suspect that the Icon file has been… Re: how to delete a token when cancel is clicked Programming Web Development by LastMitch … the user doesnt have to input anything if cancel is clicked that particular token is deleted from the d.… Downloading the file and cancel it Programming Software Development by mark103 …, I need some help regarding how to cancel the connection from my server using the urllib2…,3,True) self.getControl(4202).setLabel("") #cancel the connection and close the database if action == ACTION_ENTER…thread.start() Do you know how I can cancel the connection from my server so that the … cannot cancel your daniweb account Community Center Meta DaniWeb by seeit360 … tried in vain for 5 years to cancel. I have tried to find any cancel link that works, any button, any combination…, they don't work for my account. I need the cancel membership button to actually work on DaniWeb. that is all… get the value of row before changing in table if cancel click Programming Web Development by _1_14 … success without any error but if i need to cancel value edited in row OR get value before changed… what i write to cancel edit in row in table by using jquery my…lt;td><input type='button' class='e' value='Cancel'/></td></tr>"); }); $(&…