chart help Programming Web Development by pikkas … VS2010 and i want to insert a page with a chart which takes data from a database. for example i have… 5 columns with one row and i want a column chart with five bars. something like that, any help? Column1 ---------------------- column2… Chart? Programming Software Development by november_pooh what a component i have to add so that i can use chart? Re: Chart? Programming Software Development by Jx_Man [B]Microsoft Chart Control 6.0 (SP4)[/B] Chart Programming Databases by mundetas … someone please help me with my access database. I have chart I added in a report. I wanted to group the… Re: Chart numbering frustration in VBA Programming Software Development by nutwood33 … sub? Cheers steve Sub graphtest() Dim chartNew As Chart Do rowpointer = rowpointer + 1 locate = Cells(…True .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "This is a New Chart" .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True .Axes(….Characters.Text = "This is a New Chart" [/code] And so on. By the… Chart numbering frustration in VBA Programming Software Development by nutwood33 I'm creating a simple little macro that draws a chart from some data in Excel. The frustration comes because every… time my macro draws a chart, it sequences the number. The first chart is "chart 1" the second is &…could someone tell me how to take charge of the chart identification before I chew another corner off my keyboard! Steve Re: Chart numbering frustration in VBA Programming Software Development by mnemtsas …no charts exist ' 'Deletes the last created chart in the worksheet ' Set chartsTemp = ActiveSheet.….ActiveChart .HasTitle = True ' 'Sorry I got the chart title stuff wrong :-( ' .ChartTitle.Text = "… 'handles the case when there is no chart Err.Clear Resume Next Else MsgBox "… chart columns w different colors? Programming Software Development by jeha0 … each individual item/element/point/column in a chart with column series? Or even have gradient on…(A) Im trying to make a nice chart for my eight batteries that i'm supervising …Normally, the elments of one series in the chart always have the same colour. But I want…to the mean value of all columns). This chart shall be able to display up to 96 … Re: Chart numbering frustration in VBA Programming Software Development by mnemtsas How are you adding the chart? If you are using the Charts.Add method then … to get a reference to the new chart object. [code] dim chartNew as Chart set chartNew=ActiveWorkBook.Charts.Add chartNew.ChartTitle….Characters.Text = "This is a New Chart" [/code] And so on. By the way your CD… Re: Chart numbering frustration in VBA Programming Software Development by Tonye53 Rather than refer to the chart by the chart name, refer to it by its index number on the active sheet. if it is the only chart on the sheet you can refer to it by: Activesheet("sheet name").drawingobjects(1) Hope this helps ! Re: chart columns w different colors? Programming Software Development by TnTinMN …private System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart bc = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart(); public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); … Event is raised before the chart is drawn // At this point the Chart control has created all the labels… Re: Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by lulu79 …the code and the sample output of the chart: Imports System.Data Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client…r("DURATION"), TimeSpan)) Next ' Setup the chart With Chart1 .DataSource = grpDT .Legends.Clear() .… Re: Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by lulu79 … is the code i'm trying to generate the chart: ' Setup the chart With Chart1 .DataSource = grpDT .Legends.Clear() .ChartAreas.Clear()…quot;chartErr") What can i alter to make the chart to become like this: ![chart1](/attachments/large/3/chart1.… Re: Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by TnTinMN …(r("TS"), TimeSpan).Ticks) 'Next ' but the chart control uses OLE Automation dates and they use a ' different….Add(CType(r("TS"), TimeSpan)) Next ' Setup the chart With Chart1 .Dock = DockStyle.Fill .DataSource = dt .Legends.Clear() .… Re: Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by Lee.L You want to generate chart in DataBase directly? Or is it ok to export data to Excel and then generate chart? h If the later, you can use [Data Export]( component to export data to Excel and generate chart when exporting. chart in html... Digital Media UI / UX Design by aashishn86 hii...i am creating a chart using html and asp the code for it is : [code] &…) 'Print out the highest value at the top of the chart 'Response.Write(hi & "</TD>") Dim… Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by lulu79 … one is in Timespan. Now i want to generate a chart from the dataset. While i'm trying to generate the… chart, it has error: *"Series data points do not support … Re: Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by TnTinMN ….DateTime Then ' recreate original TimeSpan ' Remember that the Chart control uses OADates Dim ts As TimeSpan = DateTime.FromOADate(… this case that is an almost useless activity. ' Setup the chart With Chart1 '.Dock = DockStyle.Fill .DataSource = dt .Legends… Chart selection issue Programming Web Development by hemanshurpatel … representing data in graphical view. Initialy i decide for column chart, in which each column represent a value associated with a…. Can anyone suggest any other way or representation then column chart where I can show all these highly variable values. What… Re: Chart selection issue Programming Web Development by LisseCharles Despite of coding one can find various type of charting tools which is available in KoolChart which provides you 3D charting with support of HTML5, would like to suggest you to try at least once. Click [here]( to get further information on pie chart, column chart and many more. chart with php & mysql Programming Web Development by sama.alebrahimy hello how I can call google chart and sent to morethan three column from database in one chart thank you Chart docking and remove lines Programming Software Development by naz1234 Hi, how to dock this label to bottom ? ![Chart.PNG](/attachments/large/3/ca00538d0c8223d401e1e81bfdf00d7d.PNG "align-center") …and how to remove all this line in chart ? ![21.PNG](/attachments/large/3/64a2fe2fca2f21051e29c0f69d4889da.PNG "align-center… Chart with Angular Programming Web Development by davy_yg Hello, I am trying to create a bar chart with angular. I am following the following guidance: https://www.…> barchart_data.js app.controller('MyController', function ($scope) { $scope.myDataSource = { chart: { caption: "Harry's SuperMart", subCaption: "Top 5… chart pie php and Database (sqlsrv) Programming by Ibnoe … Harian ', 'width':850, 'height':550}; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('piechart')); chart.draw(data, options); } </script> help… Re: Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by lulu79 @Beginnerdave :: If i cast it to date, is it possible to generate the bar chart? I want the output to be something like this: ![mon](/attachments/fetch/L2ltYWdlcy9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8zL21vbi5KUEc%3D/500 "mon") Re: Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by lulu79 Hi Lee.L, Currently, I want to create a website that can monitor the total duration for each process. Now I get the data from database and store it inside dataset. So from the dataset, I want it to generate a chart inside my website. Re: Chart from dataset Programming Software Development by lulu79 Dear TnTinMn.. I got a request to change the chart. Now, I have to divide the total sum that we … Re: Chart selection issue Programming Web Development by hemanshurpatel Well I'm using Re: Chart selection issue Programming Web Development by diafol In that case: look at vAxis.logScale Chart of Accounts Programming Software Development by Alekhan … long coding and somemore if there is change in accounts chart it will disturb the whole settings. So I want help…