Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by soly_1 Although superintelligence and God are both considered "mighty entities," the devil is in the details. A superintelligence merely needs code; unlike supernatural beings, it doesn't require faith. The proof isn't found in antiquated literature, but rather in the quick developments in AI and machine learning. Though, in my opinion, the … Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by olivia_24 It also assumes that said AI will be vindictive (like the gods). If the theory is correct, why would a sentient AI need to be vengeful once it has been created? In any case, there is still no evidence that machine consciousness it attainable. At least one engineer involved in the development of OpenAI has made claims about consciousness, but those … '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … the help of basic elements of logic, somewhat similar to children assembling their LEGO blocks. I would advocate for platforms like… Re: Where do you find the best friends? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani I just came across this thread and thought I'd comment. I have had a really hard time making friends since moving to California. I work from home so I don't have coworkers, and my husband and I don't have children yet, so I'm not meeting other parents. Being super sick the past year really hasn't helped matters either. Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bumsfeld Children should be told to be in a sport rather than watch it. It takes a couch potato to raise a couch spud. children help Digital Media UI / UX Design by hwoarang69 …="login_username". so here is what iam doing bg_middle2.children.right_login.login.user.login_username? but this dont work. dont worry… Parent should monitor websites visited by children Hardware and Software macOS by siennal …Yahoo Messenger online. Parents are responsible for their children’s safety and being urged to remain vigilant… over what internet websites their children may visit. Currently many parents have rules on… computer monitoring software to monitor websites visited by children, and prevent them from giving out personal information… Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by matthewwhite011 … a large a gap between parents’ perceptions of their children’s weight and expert definitions. According to their parents,… 15 percent of children are a little or very overweight, while national data … than twice as many, or 32 percent of all children, are overweight or obese. The poll was conducted by… Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind … the police to arrest parents who dare to let their children play outside sometimes) is the real problem (and a …. 2) Where is the reference for this supposed police arrest/children taken away story???? It smells of BS or insane misinformation… to me. There is no law requiring children to be inside! 3) Where is the idea of a… Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting … parents are "negligent" for not "preventing their children from becoming obese", the same CPS who steal… children from parents who let them play outdoors and work off … Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind …'ve never heard of a single case of CPS taking children because they were running wild outdoors, it is the media… a culture of disengagment which causes parents to restrict their children to the digital world. Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim In my house we taught our children to eat well (lots of vegetables and lots of variety) … Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon Dawn of the computer age is mostly responsible for obese children, all they want to do is sit playing on a computer or texting. Even their brains are getting fat due to lack of use, such as learning to do math in their head instead of on a calculator. Some day in the future man will evolve without brains due to lack of use. Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … a culture of disengagment which causes parents to restrict their children to the digital world. Do you really believe that kids… Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting … the police to arrest parents who dare to let their children play outside sometimes) is the real problem (and a diet… Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim …;. Too many parents have abdicated their roles and let their children be raised by teachers, TV, movies and/or the street… Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by BigPaw …; Too many parents have abdicated their roles and let their children be raised by teachers, TV, movies and/or the street… Re: Children's obesity a major health concern for Parents Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Based on old British movies (and one episode of Ripping Yarns), five minutes after birth, all children are shipped off to boarding school where they are tortured mercilessly by their peers until they graduate. Re: children help Digital Media UI / UX Design by JorgeM If you've incorporated jQuery into your project, you can easily get the value of the input field by using the val() method. For example, <script> $(document).ready(function() { var inputVal; inputVal = $('#login_username').val(); }); </script> Re: Children & CS-What language to learn-What book(s) to use Programming Computer Science by Dani …++), for example. In addition, you say "Children and CS". What age children are we dealing with? Are you trying to… Robots Help Ill Children Achieve Mobility Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Niki_Fears …margin than traditional methods. This project will help children and their families overcome the high cost, frustration,… and time consuming labor of traditional training. Children who will benefit from the increased access to training…robot and the vision of technology researchers, these children can find new independence and explore many of… output from children process Programming Software Development by psycheheaven I have the following code, which creates children process. Children process is a shell script on unix platform, which prints … it is from popen() function or is it from that children shell script? Moreover, I expect the buffer contain the line… Re: Looping through multiple children?? Programming Software Development by Rashakil Fol …. [code]void DeleteCategoryTree(int catID) { int[] children = GetChildIDs(catID); foreach(int child in children) DeleteCategoryTree(child); DeleteCategoryRow(catID); }[/code] Edit 3: And… if you think there can be children so deep as to cause a stack overflow, use a… Re: Looping through multiple children?? Programming Software Development by Rashakil Fol [QUOTE=david.1982;791548]But what if that child has children, and it's children have children? See my problem?[/QUOTE] Read my function (now functions) again, you'll see that it deletes the children. Xpath Corelate Parent With Variable number Of Children Programming Software Development by rototem …; ............. So first league has 2 teams inside (2 children) and second has 3 teams , but the number of… , which , in terms of xpath , means the parent of each children, like this : $feed = array( 'team_name' => '../league/team… Is there any solution to make xpath corelate children witj parents and treat them separately ?? Thank you. error: no match for ‘operator=’ in ‘*(node->_node::children + ((long unsigned int)((( Programming Software Development by johndoe444 …struct _node btree_node; struct _node { int* keys; btree_node* children; int count_keys; int is_leaf; btree_node* parent; int position_in_parent;…error: no match for ‘operator=’ in ‘*(node->_node::children + ((long unsigned int)(((long unsigned int)(i + degree… this line of code: [CODE]node->children[i+degree] = NULL;[/CODE] I failed to… Re: Personalised Development For Gifted Children Community Center Say Hello! by aqab … learning a fun activity, rather than just propping our children up in front of the TV.[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR…you define normality. As you may well be aware. Many children in the less developed world do not have the childhood… that children in the more developed world do. They spend their childhoods… Re: Looping through multiple children?? Programming Software Development by david.1982 But what if that child has children, and it's children have children? See my problem? Re: URGNT HELP!!create a tree(simple m-ary),each node having MAX 4 dataitems & 5 children Programming Software Development by abhimanipal …[CODE]struct node { int data[5]; struct node* children[5]; int count; };[/CODE] Create the head node …insert the next node, check how many children does head have. If it has less than …5 children, make the next node the child of… the head. If not check how many children does the first child have then check for… Re: How select children nodes with a parent node with namespace Programming Software Development by Garidius … I want to get all values. Many of them are children of children. Below the Input xml file, I show the output…","SNStp". This because these 4 nodes are children of MNr and GTRn, and MNr and GTRn are… children of CENs1. I hope is not too complicate. Thanks in …