Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Re: Cin Help Programming Software Development by VernonDozier cin.get() gets one character, not a string. Perhaps you want … better off using the regular old >> operator with cin. cin >> firstword; cin >> secondword; Re: cin.get problems in use Programming Software Development by Narue cin.get only gets one character. If there are more than … char *msg = "" ) { cout<< msg; cin.ignore ( INT_MAX, '\n' ); cin.get(); } [/code] Of course, that's hackish compared to… Re: Cin question Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …minimize the terminal window and maximize again, this could trigger cin to flush the few letters you had typed before and… OS-specific stuff or a GUI platform of some kind. Cin is meant for command-line instructions: basically, "type …anything to cout and it will never show up in cin because although they share a terminal they are separate … Re: Cin Keyboard inpout to const char* Programming Software Development by Salem > Cin Keyboard inpout to const char* You want to "INPUT&… Re: cin.getline not working in for loop or...? Programming Software Development by Narue cin's >> operator and getline don't play well …. Formatted input treats whitespace differently than nonformatted input. More precisely, cin's >> operator leaves a newline character in the… Re: cin.getline not working in for loop or...? Programming Software Development by Narue >cin.ignore( 2, '\n'); Feel free to replace 2 with any arbitrary number. Someone invariably pipes in with something like this, but fails to do it properly. Once again, search the forum for a better solution. Re: Cin question Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>cin is a buffer, it needs to flush, just like cout No it is not a buffer -- it is a c++ class. And cin can not be flushed. flush() only works on output streams, never input streams. Re: Cin Fail Method Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon is not used to keep the screen open -- it is used to simply test to find out if cin succeeded or not. If you want to keep the screen open call cin.get(). Re: cin input Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew `cin` waits till the user inserts something into the stream, and after that it takes into consideration the `'\n'` Re: cin.ignore Programming Software Development by tymk cin.ignore(this post); Re: cin.ignore Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon cin.ignore() does not affect any of the characters in the … Re: cin a two word name Programming Software Development by Moschops cin >> nameone >> nametwo; cin help Programming Software Development by acardiac … really these functions work???? 1.cin.ignore() 2.cin.clear() 3.cin.good() 5.cin.bad() 6.cin.eof() I mean to say… Re: cin help Programming Software Development by rudasi … you enter a different type eg, [code=cplusplus] int number; cin>>number; [/code] if you then enter an integer… enter a character it wont similarily, [code=cplusplus] char initials; cin>>initials; //the ">>" is an… Cin Programming Software Development by Danny_501 …is: "big St" but this causes the cin /getline function(have tried both) to write it into …. Big st, Little ave):" ;//<< endl; getline (cin, address.street); cout << "Enter suburb:" &…lt;< endl; getline (cin, address.suburb); cout << "Enter state:" <… Cin Help Programming Software Development by Dasttann777 …, secondword; cout<<"Input: "; firstword = cin.get(); cin.ignore(1,' '); secondword = cin.get(); if (firstword == "print") { secondword = firstword… Re: Cin Help Programming Software Development by Dasttann777 … string thirdin; int loop = 1; while (loop == 1) { cin >> firstin; cin >> secondin; if (firstin == "print") { cout… firstin)) cout << "Works"; } char q; cin >> q; return 0; } Also How would I do… Re: Cin Help Programming Software Development by Dasttann777 …; string thirdin; int loop = 1; while (loop == 1) { cin >> firstin; cin >> secondin; if (firstin == "print") { cout…(firstin[i])) cout << "Works"; } char q; cin >> q; return 0; } Thankyou! Re: Cin Programming Software Development by Danny_501 Never mind lol, I figured it out. I just put cin.ignore() after the problem line and it worked. thanks anyway lol. Re: Cin Help Programming Software Development by Daxmark …;"; char *car; int loop = 1; while (loop == 1){ getline (cin,word); if (strncmp(word.c_str(),"print",5)==0… Re: Cin Help Programming Software Development by Daxmark … divword= ""; int loop = 1; while (loop == 1){ getline (cin,word); if (strncmp(word.c_str(),"print",5)==0… Re: Cin Help Programming Software Development by m4ster_r0shi …;; interpreter_grammar<string::const_iterator> my_grammar; string str; while (getline(cin, str)) { if (str.empty()) break; int expr_type; string::const_iterator iter… Re: Cin help! Programming Software Development by gerard4143 Line 12. Why are you doing this [code] cin >> calc >> end; [/code] Why >> … <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main () { string calc; cin >> calc; if(calc == "calc") { system("… cin.get() HELP!!! Programming Software Development by trcartmill … 29 characters whichever comes first. I am trying to use cin.get() to read the name one character at a time… Cin help! Programming Software Development by Tom_Weston …; using namespace std; int main () { string calc; char end; end = ';'; cin >> calc >> end; if(calc == "calc… cin.getline and cin.ignore problem Programming Software Development by Meleeruler …project and it worked without having to use the cin.ignore after the specific cout statement. I was obviously… without it it skips the user inputing their data cin.getline(player1Name, NAME_LENGTH); cout<<"How … cout<<"Enter your name: "; cin.ignore(); cin.getline(player2Name, NAME_LENGTH); cout<<"How well… - why it fails after cin.get(...) Programming Software Development by superjacent …quot;Enter one character: "; cin >> getdata; cin.get(); char line[20]; cout…"\ncin.eof() = false"; if ( cout << "\… false"; // exit routine cin.clear(); while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; cin.get(); return 0; } … Re: - why it fails after cin.get(...) Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …lt;< "Enter one character: "; cin >> getdata; cin.get(); char line[20] = {0}; cout …; << line << "\n"; cin.ignore(); char line2[20] = {0}; cout <<…lt;< "\ncin.eof() = false"; if ( cout << "\ = true&… Re: - why it fails after cin.get(...) Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …lt;< "Enter one character: "; cin >> getdata; cin.get(); char line[20] = {0}; cout …of text 20 characters max: "; cin.getline(line2,20); //cin.ignore(); cout << "\…lt;< "\ncin.eof() = false"; if ( cout << "\ = true&…