Answer to my 100% tools thread Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by emmasmithes … interview for a company to do there [SEO]( and they gave me access to their… Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by simhakidsden You can build a video player in HTML and CSS by using the <video> element to display the video and styling it with CSS to customize its appearance and layout. You can also use JavaScript to add additional functionality, such as play, pause, and volume controls. Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by SCBWV I had to laugh reading this thread AFTER reading the "Writing and speaking clearly" thread. Thanks for the chuckle. Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. …google-leak-seo-takeaways.jpg]( It’s been…Google [confirmed the authenticity](…**siteAuthority**, contradicting [previous denials](… Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …value_counts()) filtered_data.head() ``` **Output:** ![image1.png]( ## Converting Training Data to JSON Format…using the [instructions on the official documentation]( ## Fine-… Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … to remind everyone of our [tagging guidelines]( that have been in place for a couple… Re: How do I set up a working environment on orange pi from ssh? Hardware and Software by fowokov687l … were the instructions I found:…-with-spi-and-i2c.html Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by antwanlee I'd recommend you to go with ollama: Its FOSS and easy to install: ``` curl -fsSL | sh ollama run dolphin-mixtral ``` Other than that I use chatgpt a lot for all kinds of different things, but I prefer ollama's dolphin-mixtral for coding for now. Re: How do I set up a working environment on orange pi from ssh? Hardware and Software by rproffitt As we read it becomes clear there is no single tutorial or something I can write in a few paragraphs that will either get "it" working or tell use what "it" is. Best to approach this just like your first system and dig in. Re: Does anyone know how to self-host a nextcloud server? Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by antwanlee … how to setup Nextcloud on Ubuntu server… Re: How do I set up a working environment on orange pi from ssh? Hardware and Software by toneewa Using Win32Disk Imager to run the OS [Raspbian]( on Orange … Re: My .NetFramework version does not work with my Microsoft.SharePointClient Programming Software Development by rproffitt Wasn't that retired? Read and tell me what you think it said. Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Naor I don't remember how I found daniweb. I think it was a year ago clicking on search result on google. The website actually caught my eyes immediately. I really liked the design and the interactivity. I also was welcomed by a site admin named dani. I didn't know she is the brain behind it. Man, This is amazing website. Thinking that 1 person is … Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani You may have noticed a lot of topics, primarily older topics, currently don’t have any tags. Tags were deleted that did not fit our current criteria of representing a reasonably popular technology, and/or could not reasonably be consolidated or merged with any existing tags. I plan to work on our old auto-tagger from years ago and see if we… Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani OK ... and without further ado, the results of this (seemingly never-ending) project: We've reduced from 9541 tags down to only 212 tags by completely removing tags that did not meet our criteria (e.g. tags that did not represent a technology), but, in most cases, consolidating tags into larger categories, by synonyms, etc. ~200 tags is … Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani I've implemented a permissions change in which non-newbie community members (members with more than 15 reputation points) can no longer create new tags. The reason for this change is because it brings us closer to my reason for implementing tags in the first place. The world of programming was going through a growth spurt and there were lots of … Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by rproffitt So to create a new tag one only needs to create a new account (newbie)? Seems odd but I know I avoid tag creation because reasons. Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Reverend Jim >members with more than 15 reputation points Perhaps she meant "less than" Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Sheyna28 No, I meant what I said and said what I meant :) I think so, anyways? Members with more than 15 reputation points (non-newbies) used to be able to create new tags. They no longer can do so. Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Sheyna28 Ugh, there I go posting as my test account again. I really should finish working on this feature I'm working on before posting more. Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani > Code is locked! Wait, huh? Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani > So to create a new tag one only needs to create a new account (newbie)? Seems odd but I know I avoid tag creation because reasons. Oh, I see. Yes, newbies were never able to create tags. The notable change here is that non-newbies previously were, and now they aren't as well. Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Just moderators and staff writers now, I’m afraid. I thought that was implied when I said, given the overhaul, “I think it makes sense to make the ability to create new tags more of a moderated one.” :) Image Analysis Using OpenAI GPT-4o Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …) ``` **Output:** ![image2.png]( ## Graph Analysis I found…response_content) ``` **Output:** ![image5.png]( ## Image Sentiment Prediction Another … OpenAI GPT-4o vs Meta Llama 3 for Zero Shot Text Classifiation Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … OpenAI announced [GPT-4o (omni)]( on… for zero shot text classification](… dataset from this [Kaggle link]( The dataset consists … ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … International Control Treaty.** ![header-agitalks-demetrius.jpg]( ## About Demetrius A. Floudas ## ![…portrait-daf-small.jpg]( **[Demetrius A. Floudas](http://talks.… Text to Speech Conversion Using Hugging Face Transformers Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … [how to generate stunning images from text](… be done with the following commands: ``` !git clone %cd MeloTTS !pip install -e . !python… Re: How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by Dani … freelance services such as [Upwork]( or [Toptal]( I've personally had good experiences with…, survey system, use the world famous [SurveyMonkey](