computation Programming Web Development by ehpratah … invoice what query should i use..? do i need a computation to achieve this?what is the best and easiest way… Re: computation Programming Web Development by Rahul47 Right now I can only think of computation like you did for total. But then your code will be bulky. P.S: Always try to explain your doubt in depth. :-) Re: computation time for arithmeic operations Programming Software Development by shre86 hey.. What is ur purpose for knowing the computation time?? If its an ideal code then u will have to code directly in assembly to idealise ur coding.. compilers generally break an instruction in a standard manner.. e.g if u say 2*x it will multiply 2 by x and not add x to itself which will reduce the computation time.. Re: computation time for arithmeic operations Programming Software Development by nir_kar [QUOTE=shre86]hey.. What is ur purpose for knowing the computation time?? If its an ideal code then u will have … and not add x to itself which will reduce the computation time..[/QUOTE] hey Thankz guys for the replies.. This was… computation time for arithmeic operations Programming Software Development by nir_kar … the exact amount of time that it took for the computation for addition.. anticipating your replies. cheers!!!! jack Re: computation time for arithmeic operations Programming Software Development by SpS whenevr i need to check the computation time of my program segments....i go for gcc compiler...and compile the program using profiling gives complete description of all the blocks(time many times a particular block is called and many other useful things etc....) computation moving average Programming Software Development by anurag awasthi Greetings all. I need help to create a c program for computation of moving average. computation in grid to be placed in modal pop up Programming Databases by cyberdaemon Good day, I'am having a problem regading the computation in sql. I been using C# and am creating a … Re: computation Programming Web Development by Rahul47 You need to be more specific. Your question requires more explanation. Please post with some snapshot. From where is total cash, total charge, total invoice coming from ? Re: computation Programming Web Development by ehpratah sorry about that im trying to add snapshot on my post but its not showing.ill try again the total cash, total charge, total invoice came from a specific date range that the user search in the db ![81ee817681926b9e83546dc84732b528](/attachments/small/3/81ee817681926b9e83546dc84732b528.jpg "align-left") Re: computation Programming Web Development by ehpratah weired the snapshot is not clickable i'll attached it again here Re: computation Programming Web Development by Rahul47 You need to attach it as file. Re: computation Programming Web Development by ehpratah ok here it is ![67870ab9c4b2542f15c07c430e61a08f](/attachments/small/3/67870ab9c4b2542f15c07c430e61a08f.jpg "align-right") Re: computation Programming Web Development by Rahul47 I still cannot see that image properly. Re: computation Programming Web Development by ehpratah ok heres the link for it still not having any good progress.. Re: computation Programming Web Development by pzuurveen a example: []( Re: computation Programming Web Development by ehpratah Thanks for the link although i already found a way to do it..i made it playing around with my while loop and query like this $sql = "SELECT Payment_type, sum(Grand_total) type_total FROM advance WHERE SDate BETWEEN '" . $from . "' AND '" . $to . "' GROUP BY Payment_type"; $result = mysql_query($sql);… If computation help Programming Software Development by leroi green ok guys, I've got an issue where a computation is just not working but I've used the same … is valid and when it is a perform a computation but the computation is not coming out. can anyone expose the error… Date computation Programming Databases by Lethugs … date of purchased up to current date for the computation of depreciation. I can run the report anytime but… the computation must be like this: Sample: Date purchased January 1-…)), GETDATE()) AS [Depreciated Months] I already got the computation for depreciation, I just need how to compute the number… suggest a C++ libaray for vector computation Programming Software Development by ztdep Dear friends: I need the vector computation as follows, for example: A=[1,2,3], B=[3,4,5] C=A+B; C=A-B;C=A+alphs*B; Could you please suggest me a C++ numerical library for this kind of computation. Regards Re: Date computation Programming Databases by LastMitch >I already got the computation for depreciation, I just need how to compute the number … Re: Date computation Programming Databases by adam_k … one > I can run the report anytime but the computation must be like this is query c. By manipulating both… More loops of computation - Mobile Hybrid Application or Mobile web app Programming Mobile Development by prams_1 … in Javascript. Now could you please tell me whether this computation (loops) will affect the battery usage in a big way… Ok ? will the user response be good? On desktop this computation generally takes around 30-40seconds with cases where it can… Re: php computation Programming Web Development by cereal … ','',$_POST['loan']); if($_POST['CO'] == 'Yes') { # 5% computation $interest = $loan * 0.05; } else { # 10% computation $interest = $loan * 0.1; } echo 'loan: '. $loan… flexgrid automatic col computation.. prob Programming Software Development by jaasaria … data for my project. i wanted,to have a automatic computation for the column i have for example : once i input… Defining and Differentiating Computation. [] vs () Programming Software Development by crapgarden [COLOR="Red"]3.2 - Defining and Differentiating Computation. [] vs ()[/COLOR] I'm trying to get a solid fix … Time Computation Programming Software Development by abelingaw I want to compute the difference of time values. The values are loaded from my database (which are captured via biometrics) into labels. Here's a screen shot: [ATTACH]19115[/ATTACH] And I would like also to separate the hour value and minutes then the computation. Any idea where I will start.? :) Thanks The computation involving multiple types of variables. Programming Software Development by winecoding For the computation involving multiple types of variables, such as integer and double, is the following approach the correct way in terms of not causing any hidden error or information lost? [CODE] int a = 2; double b = 3.0; double c; c = (double)(a+b); c = (double)(a/b); [/CODE] Re: The computation involving multiple types of variables. Programming Software Development by jon.kiparsky Any computation involving a double returns a double - basically, numbers are promoted … Re: The computation involving multiple types of variables. Programming Software Development by winecoding … c instead of 0. Thanks. [QUOTE=jon.kiparsky;1586895]Any computation involving a double returns a double - basically, numbers are promoted…