Re: What's the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of coding? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by toneewa … Cardiomyopathy) is often caused by mutations in several genes that encode components of the contractile and apparatus of the heart muscle… encode-decode to base64 string Programming Software Development by serkan sendur …23); this.btnEncode.TabIndex = 1; this.btnEncode.Text = "Encode"; this.btnEncode.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.btnEncode.Click += new System….TabIndex = 7; this.lblBrowse.Text = "Select a file to encode"; // // lblEncoded // this.lblEncoded.AutoSize = true; this.lblEncoded.Location… Encode and decode binary data with base64 Programming Software Development by X-Boy … how to do it in python... I'm trying to encode a file with base64 and then decode and write the…", "w") file.write(binaryfile) file.close() base64.encode(open("out.txt"), open("out.b64"… Encode/Decode 8 digits numeric to 4 alphabet character follows 4 digits Programming Software Development by rajeemaharjan I want to encode 8 digits decimal(e.g "12345678") to 4 alphabet follows with 4 digits decimal (e.g: "abcd1234"). 8 digits can come from table field. I need the combination of A-Z 26 character and 0-9 decimal with unique ID. Please suggest rule to encode.Its really urgent. Thanks in advance Re: Encode and decode binary data with base64 Programming Software Development by bumsfeld … = open(sound_file, "rb") binary_data = fin.close() # encode binary to base64 string (printable) b64_data = base64.b64encode(binary_data) b64_fname… Re: Encode/Decode 8 digits numeric to 4 alphabet character follows 4 digits Programming Software Development by pritesh2010 see the blow link which contains detail of encode and decode [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""][/URL] Encode and Decode without mbstring Programming Web Development by cwarn23 … an encryption and decryption script for those who want to encode data and decode the encoded data. This script may especially… Encode-Decode Hash String Android Programming Mobile Development by freakyboard I need to encode the sending messages/data(not MD5)and then they will be decoded on the other side. Codes have to be in android libraries not in java. Is there any code or information that may help me around internet? Thx all for your help. Re: Encode-Decode Hash String Android Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo … on Java therefore if there is some process of "encode-decode" it will be Java based. By-the-way… getBytes() does not encode some Strings in Java? Programming Software Development by Mylsamy …am using getBytes() method in Java to encode the String, When I encode the String some string values does not… Encode.. The Code is String psString ="ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö"; psString… In Windows XP OS , it converts in to Encode String and coming to Linux it does not convert … Re: getBytes() does not encode some Strings in Java? Programming Software Development by Mylsamy … i Understand the Problem, My Problem is java Does not encode the String in UTF8 format, then i change the… encode format type as UTF16, Big5, ISO-8859-1 ,means it …does convert the String as encode. Does any change from my Netbaens or Java? It does… Python Encode/Decode Morse Code Programming Software Development by python-noob … then remove this comment return (toMorse, fromMorse) def encode(word,toMorse): '''creates a string of . and _… characters to encode each character in word to Morse code using the….txt", 'rU') for word in filObj: print encode(word,toMorse) filObj.close() # Close the file when… Simple encode / decode integer to small string Programming Web Development by jkon …"); $num = 3674; $encoded = $numCode->encode($num); echo "<br/> $num encoded =…param int $int * @return string */ public function encode($int) { if(!is_int($int)) { throw new Exception(&… Re: Python Encode/Decode Morse Code Programming Software Development by killerkram …,toMorse): '''creates a string of . and _ characters to encode each character in word to Morse code using the toMorse … Re: Python Encode/Decode Morse Code Programming Software Development by Tech B … other is a dict of the mapping values. hence def encode([B]word[/B],[B]toMorse[/B]) You are correct on… to use as the key in the dict. [CODE] def encode(word,toMorse): morse = "" for character in word: morse… Re: Python Encode/Decode Morse Code Programming Software Development by killerkram …() toMorse[key] = val fromMorse[val] = key return (toMorse, fromMorse) def encode(word,toMorse): # still working on this return morse def decode…("morse1.txt", 'rU') for word in filObj: print encode(word,toMorse) filObj.close() # Close the file when finished with… Re: Simple encode / decode integer to small string Programming Web Development by jkon … don't work with strings that are integers , in the encode method. I am posting once again the class Numcode alternating… to a string * @param int $int * @return string */ public function encode($int) { if(!preg_match('/^\d+$/', $int)) { throw new Exception("$int… plz help for encode Programming Software Development by lcssat hi plz help for encode File winRar (*.rar) to oder software sample encode *.rar to *.mdb or *.avi Re: Website url encode Programming Web Development by gon1387 In javascript you can encode your url like this: var DWUrl = "http://…DWUrl)); here's the description for the two func: [Encode URI](…/Global_Objects/encodeURI) [Encode URI Component](… Re: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u010d' Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … characters but is in utf8 (as it is way to encode all unicode characters) >>> w = 'abc'+u'\u010d…; with open('t.txt', 'w') as out: out.write(w.encode('utf8')) out.write('\n') >>> print unicode(open… Re: Website url encode Programming Web Development by DamzWildfire is this the correct way the encode a browser url: <script> function test() { $string= ''; urlencode($string); } </script> Basically i have a website and i want to encode the url when it it shown in the browser. I need software to encode my movie to flash Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by samsnov Please how can I get a software that can encode my movie to flash movie, Adobe media encoder and its Adobe flash coulden`t work in my pc,problem of activation. Is here any other soft ware that can do it for me perfectly, please kindly direct me to any movie encoder software that can do the same work for me, Adobe has not being kind at all 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u010d' Programming Software Development by giancan … as č I get the following error 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u010d' in position...: ordinal not in range(128… Re: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u010d' Programming Software Development by giancan Nothing, again the same error > 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u010d' in position...: My script runs on python 2.6, may this be an issue? Would it be better to migrate to python 3 (if possible, I still didn't check if all the modules I use are supported in py3 as well)? Thanks Website url encode Programming Web Development by DamzWildfire hey i want to encode my website url as a form of security but i have no idea how to go about doing so and help? Re: Website url encode Programming Web Development by DamzWildfire basically i want to encode parts of the url when shown in the browser eg. i wouldnt want the index.php to show. want use it as a means of security Number of bytes to encode a JSON string Programming Web Development by kresimir How many bytes does it take to encode the JSON string "STR\uD834\uDD1E" in UTF-8, in UTF-16 and how many in UTF-32? Re: Number of bytes to encode a JSON string Programming Web Development by LastMitch >How many bytes does it take to encode the JSON string "STR\uD834\uDD1E" in UTF-… Which good program for encode Programming Web Development by bikercyber Hey, Which good program for encode/decode php script. Re: Which good program for encode Programming Web Development by diafol Is this post a vehicle for your signature links, or are you serious. Are you talking encode or encrypt?