Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 … Grande', 'Lucida Sans', Arial, sans-serif; height: 40px; color: white; } footer{ width: 100%; padding-bottom: 26px; margin-bottom: auto; color: rgb… Re: 88 Business-Growing Strategies Digital Media Digital Marketing by henrymorgan9522 A growth strategy is an organization's plan for overcoming current and future challenges to realize its goals for expansion. Examples of growth strategy goals include increasing market share and revenue, acquiring assets, and improving the organization's products or services. Re: ‘footer links’ Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by shaniadavid Footer is the lower portion of the website which is very important for On-page optimization of your website. Google can crawl these links more easily and they are also good for people to easily navigate when they reach on the end of the page... Re: footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by drfarzad …quot;" class="footer">هاست لینوکس معمولی</a></li>…quot;" class="footer">هاست لینوکس پر حجم</a></li>…quot;" class="footer">هاست ویندوز پرحجم</a></li>… Footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by tqmd1 Dear Experts I have followin codes [B]CSS[/B][CODE]#footer { clear:both; width: 826px; height: 50px; background: rgb(…height: 50px; }[/CODE] HTML [CODE]<div id="footer"> Last Updated : January 01, 2012 </div…>[/CODE] Footer tags is included in all 5 pages, When I update… Footer help Programming Web Development by clarme … and not the CSS because all the programing for the footer in the CSS file says "centered" here is… the programing from the footer.php file . can anyone help me out? Thanks! <div… align="center" id="footer"><p><hr class="footerhr… Re: Footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by carrieathomer … is creating a seperate file html or asp , name it footer.html then include this file all the pages like below… [CODE] <div><!--#include file="footer.html" --> </div>[/CODE] so you have… to modify only one file footer.html , incase if you want to update Re: Footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by hericles I the website on a server with PHP available? A simple PHP include will let you reference the footer in each page but only require you to update it once (in the footer.php file you would create). Although I always assumed that the date updated applied to that page in particular. If you only update page 1 should the updated date change for page 2? Re: Footer help Programming Web Development by vibhaJ <div align="center" id="footer"><hr class="footerhr" align="… Footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by chunkmartinez On my web page i have a footer image that is to go on the bottom of the page, but is also to be centered(like a centered footer on the bottom of a page!!) I know that if i use the center tag, tahat i cant use the position:absolute style in css to move to bottom. So what can i do?? Footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by Geminyi … finished my webpage and was instructed to put in a footer. I am brand new, and still working out all the… the moment that i wish to tackle is inserting a footer with dreamweaver. One that no matter whether it is widescreen… Re: Footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by lengoanhcat Try to put the footer inside the table Create another row in the table Put all your footer inside that row I hope that helps to solve your problem Cat Le Re: Footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by Fungus1487 … whole vertical page wont compensate for the extra height. the footer will rewmain at the bottom of your screen until you…; left: 50%;">Copyright 2008 </div> the footer will sit at the very bottom of your page in… Re: Footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by MidiMagic … header </thead> <tfoot> contents of table footer> </tfoot> <tbody> body of table… top of the printed part of the table, and the footer at the bottom of the printed page. Re: footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by drjohn … try to use css and not inline styles! Such as #footer p {text-align:center;} And as for using tables!!! Your… footer area is nested five tables deep! Using tables for layout … footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by drfarzad i have a new class for my footer texts in style.css and my page is [url][/url] . now in firefox my text align "left" is working fine but in IE it's on center . what should i do ? Re: footer Digital Media UI / UX Design by Xufyan please show the code...your text align in footer is centered in Firefox Footer in a footer? Digital Media UI / UX Design by zobadof … be on the bottom but overlap the orginal footer. How would I go about doing this?…uk]( style.css #footer { background: url("../images/footer.png") repeat-x scroll center …: 10px; font-family: Verdana; color: #888888; } footer.php <div class="container" id="… footer line Digital Media UI / UX Design by davy_yg …background: white url(images/footerline.png) repeat-x; } #footer-nav { width: 921px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0… Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color: #acacac; } [/CODE] footer.php [CODE] <div id="content"> <…</div> [/CODE] I place footer line for the footer. I wonder why in mozzila firefox, the… footer css problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by rubai … wp theme. But a problem arise with the footer. I have uploaded the theme in my testing …server. Here footer area comes into left side, just beneath the …sidebar. But I have created separate footer.php file and div for it. I want …to set my footer part at bottom of the theme. Please take… Re: Footer Refusing to Stick When Zoom Above 100% Digital Media UI / UX Design by JorgeM …%;} #wrapper {min-height:100%;margin-bottom:-75px;} #push, #footer {height:75px;} ##HTML <body> <div id… </div> <div id="footer">Footer Area</div> </body> …]( One example centers content while having… Footer not where its suppose to be... Digital Media UI / UX Design by .kaine …. */ border-left: 0px dashed #000000; padding-left: 20px; } .twoColElsLtHdr #footer { padding: 0 0; /*this padding matches the left alignment of…: 1px solid #000;*/ /*border-left: 1px solid #000;*/ } .twoColElsLtHdr #footer p { margin: 0; /* zeroing the margins of the first element… Footer is invisible Programming Web Development by phphp …](/attachments/small/4/bd088ee3b1c1ceb7db6e02812614cfdb.png "align-left") .footer { background-color: orange; width: 100%; border: 1px solid…; </div> <div class="footer">Footer div</div> </body> &… Re: Footer is invisible Programming Web Development by gentlemedia …gets a scrollbar when it overflows. The reason why your footer is invisble (off-screen) is because you set a …);` That 200px is the height of the header and the footer together. Little demo 1:… (old IE), but it uses fixed positioned header and footer which might give you issues on older touch screen devices… Footer in a DHTML Programming Web Development by raheel_88 …bottom of my DHTML web page. The simple footer tag doesn't do what I want because …the text in the footer is simply placed underneath the current text on … web page. What I want s for the footer to stay at the bottom of the window, …a code for something similar to my page without a footer; [CODE]<HTML> <HEAD> … Re: footer css problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by ckchaudhary keep footer outside the 'main' div. a strucute like below should work …;></div> </div> <div id='footer'>....</div> Footer Refusing to Stick When Zoom Above 100% Digital Media UI / UX Design by zobadof …auto; border-bottom: 2px outset #000; } #footer { background: url(/images/footer.png) repeat-x top center; width: 100%; … 120px; padding-bottom: 150px; position: absolute; bottom: 0%; } #footer .container { margin: 0 auto; width: 940px; } The website, … Re: Footer Refusing to Stick When Zoom Above 100% Digital Media UI / UX Design by JorgeM …a seperation so that you dont get text behind the footer. ##I hope this helps you. ![270dc61cc7c13915c33d206980b22af9](/attachments/…100%;float:left;background: url( repeat-x top center;} </style>…> </div> <div id="footer"></div> </body> &… Re: Footer in a footer? Digital Media UI / UX Design by pixelsoul … my markup <div class="container" id="footer"> <div class="footer2"> <… Re: Footer not clearing Digital Media UI / UX Design by JorgeM …create a page with a "sticky" footer. I tested this code on my local machine …} #headerContent {width:1112px;margin:0 auto;} #separator, #footer {height:180px;} #content {margin:0 auto;width:1112px;padding…gt; </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="footerContent"&…