829 Topics

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Super Mario Galaxy has beaten off the likes of GTA IV, Call of Duty 4 and Rock Band to win the coveted 'Best Game' BAFTA at the [URL="http://www.bafta.org/awards/video-games/"]British Academy Video Games Awards[/URL] last night. Call of Duty 4 managed to pick up a gong for best gameplay as well as …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft, the company behind the Xbox games console, has announced the results of some new research which suggests that video games are [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19975/532/"]not as bad for kids[/URL] as some would have us believe. However, the real surprise has been that kids want their parents to keep a closer eye on …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

First the good news: the GTA IV downloadable content expansion pack 'The Lost and Damned' has broken the world record for downloaded content, assuming such a record exists. Microsoft is not putting any numbers to the claim, but it is [URL="http://gamerscoreblog.com/press/archive/2009/02/27/SunDevil.aspx"]shouting[/URL] from the roof tops that the GTA IV DLC …

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When the Resident Evil 5 demo was released on Xbox Live and managed to get itself downloaded a staggering 1.8 million times in the first week, well everyone pretty much thought that was one Xbox record that was not going to be broken any time soon. But that was before …

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The [URL="http://www.asa.org.uk"]Advertising Standards Authority[/URL] here in the UK has ruled against Microsoft concerning a television advert for the Xbox 360 which featured a woman with half a head watching a movie being streamed via the games console. So what could possibly be the problem with that? Maybe there should have …

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A week ago I was reporting how 'leaked' documents were suggesting that the PlayStation 4 would [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3890.html"]build upon existing CELL processor architecture[/URL] with the Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE). At the time I said that this was good news, not bad, in that it meant costs should be kept down …

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Surprisingly, the answer could well be yes. At least if a bunch of computer science researchers at [URL="http://www.dur.ac.uk/computer.science/"]Durham University[/URL] have anything to do with it. The group have taken the 3D game engine that powers the immersive Half Life 2 game and used it to develop a realistic virtual simulation …

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Sony does not seem to have had a very happy Xmas if the various reports floating around the web are to be believed. Indeed, the third quarter financials which includes the holiday season show that the flagship PS3 console managed to sell some 440,000 units less than for the same …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Apparently it would appear that the Tomb raider franchise is not as healthy as it used to be. The days of movie spin-offs with Angelina Jolie would look like being long gone (was it really 2001 that the movie came out?) Indeed, publisher Eidos even had to renegotiate debt covenants …

Member Avatar for happygeek

My youngest daughter got a Nintendo DS for xmas, complete with a bunch of cutesy games which seem to involve patting animals of various kinds. It is, of course, pink. Which has kind of summed up the DS, a handheld games console for the family which is all cuddly and …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Games are dangerous, corrupting, evil things. After all we have been told that playing GTA IV is more harmful to kids than [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19975/532/"]watching porn and drinking beer[/URL], and how the Nintendo Wii can [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22425/532/"]cause serious injury[/URL] to players and observers alike. Now, it appears, the truth is emerging. A brilliantly …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the latest figures to be released, it would seem that as far as gamers in the UK are concerned Nintendo is the bees knees grabbing nearly half the market. The [URL="http://www.elspa.com/"]ELSPA[/URL] numbers show that the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22425/532/"]Wii[/URL] managed to increase game software sales by 112 percent over the previous …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Bloomberg is out with a story this week saying IBM will lay off 16,000 more employees, on top of the 15,000 the firm has already cut. Since economic recovery usually lags job losses, it’s another morbid sign that we’re still in the teeth of this economic hurricane. Note also that …

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It should come as no real surprise, but Microsoft has announced that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1710.html"]Halo 3[/URL] is the undisputed king of games when it comes Xbox Live. The Xbox Live Director of Programming, the unlikely sounding Major Nelson, has [URL="http://majornelson.com/archive/2009/01/04/the-top-20-live-games-of-2008.aspx"]revealed[/URL] that when it comes to the games that were being played online …

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If you thought that gaming was all about next generation technology, HD graphics or innovative input systems think again. If the results of a survey into console usage in the US during 2008 is anything to go by, it would appear that gameplay is still in charge. The Nielsen research …

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Everyone wants to know what's going to happen in the new year as if anyone can accurately predict these things. However, one can deduce, with reasonable accuracy, that there will be innovations that are designed to get our attention. This is my list of Linux-oriented predictions for 2009. [B]The keyword …

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Here in the UK, we take our video gaming pretty seriously. No more than at this time of year when more games are bought than at any other time. So the annual xmas sales charts are always much anticipated as a barometer of just what is winning the hearts, minds …

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Proving that no holiday is sacred, The Register is reporting today on not one but two scams involving fake products to be on the lookout for this shopping season. Graphics card vendor HIS sent out an alert that, despite [URL="http://news.softpedia.com/news/Graphics-Card-Maker-HIS-Joins-Netbook-Market-98967.shtml"]reports[/URL] to the contrary, the company has [URL="http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/12/05/his_fake_netbook_warning/"]not ventured into the …

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Now that, if you are a hardcore PC gamer, is cool. ASUS has announced the availability of what it claims is the world's first quad core gaming notebook. The G71 series is powered by the Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9300 processor, and has had 'overspeed protection' removed to push it …

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An update on the report from the UK’s Financial Times and The Telegraph that Microsoft is all set to buy Yahoo’s search engine division for $20 billion: more media outlets are carrying the story on Sunday night, including Drudge and CNET. But CNBC found an inside source who claims the …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft has kept it fairly quiet, no press releases or launch trumpeting, but it now looks like the Xbox 360 has been upgraded with the new Jasper motherboard. The new Xbox 360 has been spotted in the wild by the eagle eyed [URL="http://www.xbox-scene.com"]Xbox Scene[/URL] chaps and as a result we …

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I admit it, I love a good TLA. That is a Three Letter Acronym to you, guvnor. I have probably used BTW (By The Way) more than any other in close on 20 years of emailing and online discussions. BTW, did you know that today, right now, there are two …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

A typically eloquent contribution from my colleague Happygeek tells us a great deal about the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3522.html"]games console wars[/URL]. Xbox is outselling the PS3 but they're both being trounced by the Wii. So far so good, but my guess is that the Xbox will still be the long-term loser. And I'll …

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The news that a couple has split up because the man was having an affair with someone else playing Second Life - not that they'd met, you understand, they were having this online thing - and the wife wants a real-life divorce is no great surprise. They first met online, …

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I almost thought it was April 1st, but no it is actually just a couple of days before the election of the new President of the United States. Which probably accounts for why EA has apparently decided to develop a download content pack for the Mercenaries 2 game which will …

Member Avatar for happygeek

With only a couple of weeks left until the Wrath of the Lich King expansion officially launches in many regions around the world, on 13th November to be precise, Blizzard Entertainment has announced a huge milestone for an online game. Yep, it would appear that global subscriptions to World of …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Wow! Now that really is a hard question to answer isn't it? If you listen to what 'Barmy' Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO and 43rd richest person on Earth, [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20745/53/"]has to say[/URL] then you might be forgiven for thinking it is Google (I'm going to f****** kill Google), or maybe Apple …

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MDY Industries developed a popular World of Warcraft bot by the name of MMOGlider. Popular because, I would imagine, it took much of the donkey work out of progressing through the virtual world by automating repetitive tasks. You know, the boring stuff such as slaying monsters and scavenging for loot. …

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The games developers convention in Leipzig, Germany, has been used to announce that The Sims 3 is to be released world-wide on February 20th 2009. Electronics Arts is also set to release a limited edition collectors version which will come complete with a Sims 'plumbob' logo USB drive, a virtual …

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It would appear that Japanese swimmer Kosuke Kitajima, who won gold in the men's 100m breast stroke event, [URL="http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=195049"]has a Nintendo Wii to thank[/URL]. I was always told not to wee in the pool, but Kitajima had his Wii in the gym so that's OK then. Apparently, the Olympic swimmer …

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The End.