Google DFP Same Creative Multiple Times Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani In Google DFP Small Business, is there any way to force the same creative to display in multiple ad positions on the same page? I have Show As Many As Possible checked, but it only seems to apply to different creatives. Re: Why does Google offer free fonts to use online? Hardware and Software Information Security by Dani … ... such as a CDN to serve jQuery, Google fonts, reCaptcha, Analytics, DFP, etc. A lot of these features are designed… to create google's vision of what the web… should be like, accessibility, UX, etc. Does google data mine? Absolutely. Does that mean you shouldn't … Maximizing Your Revenue with an AdServer Digital Media Digital Marketing by jsherm101 …including four of the most popular ones out there: Google DFP, OpenX, AOL ADTECH, and Adzerk. The "… is [Google's Doubleclick for Publishers](, or Google DFP. Google DFP is the… a long-time competitor and free alternative to Google DFP. While OpenX allows you to download their software… Re: Confused by JS async for script tag in HTML head Programming Web Development by Dani … of trackers or third party JS on DaniWeb. Just Google Analytics and Google DFP (ad server). Just those two above. That’s all… manipulating the DOM and to use defer if you are. Google recommends in their documentation to use async for their ad… DoubleClick for Publishers - Open Ad on Your Site Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani DFP Small Business offers a feature where you can display a creative on a page of your site, for testing purposes. This feature always worked using the Google Ad Manager tag. However, it completely doesn't work using the asynchronous version of the Google Publisher Tag (with single request enabled). Has anyone gotten this to work? Re: Adsense earning in 2012 falling down!! Digital Media Digital Marketing by iboomz > means that you won't meet the $100 monthly minimum ya, i am too experiencing 50% drop in my adsense earnings but vice versa it has increased my CTR but lowered my CPC now i am using Google DFP . and it is better now. Re: sites you visit daily? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Daily Rituals: DaniWeb, Twitter, Facebook, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Google AdSense, Google Webmaster Tools, Salesforce, Cisco Meraki Management, Google DFP, Wikipedia, Stack Overflow,, Eventbrite, Braintree Gateway, Chase Online, Citibank Online, BuySellAds, Craigslist Re: Maximizing Your Revenue with an AdServer Digital Media Digital Marketing by LastMitch >Stay tuned to our tutorials section as we post guides on these ad serving platforms and much, much more. When will the tutorial be up? Re: Shoud I use Adsense only or with some other ads Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … each ad decreases. It's also been said that Google now factors into their algorithm the number of above-the…a little more complicated than just AdSense, sign up for DFP (Google's DoubleClick for Publishers) ad server. You can sign … CPM you're getting from the other networks, and Google will automatically show AdSense anytime it has a higher-paying… Re: DoubleClick for Publishers - Open Ad on Your Site Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani False alarm. Got it to work. Two issues: - It wasn't working with the beta version of the GAM ad tags. - Certain pages on my site redirect if there are unrecognizable query string parameters in the URL, making it not work on those pages.