Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by toneewa … problems which caused the freeze you mentioned. It was memory heap space and array allocating. E.g., if x or y… heap Programming Software Development by sidra 100 …to first enter data in array then making a min heap out of it [CODE]#include <iostream> #…include <stdlib> using namespace std; class Heap { int currentsize; int *array; int capacity; void heapsort(int… the number of element u want to sort in heap:"; cin>>n; cout<<… HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by Toxic_Rice … an array as they are pulled off the Heap. The Heap ADT is implemented using a class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include…time(NULL)); // Seeds the random number generator Heap<int> heap; // The Heap object int newNumber; int array[MAX_SIZE]; // … Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by Toxic_Rice ….cpp:<.text+0xae>: undefined reference to 'Heap<int>::Heap()' tmp/ccegi5Id.o:main.cpp:<.text+0xae>….o:main.cpp:<.text+0xae>: undefined reference to 'Heap<int>::display() const' tmp/ccegi5Id.o:main.cpp…:<.text+0xae>: undefined reference to 'Heap<int>::removeMax()' collec2: ld returned 1 exit status… Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by Toxic_Rice …; at the very end of my display: [B]THE RAW HEAP: =============================== 190 173 183 162 81 180 163 158 100 47… 0 Segmentation fault <core dumped> [/B] 'THE RAWP HEAP:' section of the program appears to be correct. It generates… Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by Toxic_Rice … outputting incorrect results. Here is the display: [B]THE RAW HEAP: ========================= 197 158 191 143 151 135 179 36 116 73… Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by Toxic_Rice …. Here is the output of one run: [B]THE RAW HEAP: =========================== 196 192 192 180 182 179 188 115 139 127… Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by Toxic_Rice … command for main.cpp, I ran into this warning: [B]Heap.h:203: warning: control reaches end of non-void function… Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by Toxic_Rice …lt; MAX_SIZE; i++) { array[i] = heap.removeMax(); // Fills array element i with the //… freshly removed maximum value // from the Heap cout << array[i] <&… Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by mitrmkar [QUOTE=Toxic_Rice]But I'm a little confused. I thought I did that with the 'SORTED ARRAY:' section ...[/QUOTE] Yes, you did [I]that[/I] correctly, however, I was suggesting that you might be stepping out of boundaries wrt. the heap's [ICODE]myArray[][/ICODE] Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by Toxic_Rice …(NULL)); // Seeds the random number generator Heap<int> heap; // The Heap object int newNumber; int array[MAX_SIZE-1];… // The array to store the Heap-sorted integers **** This is what I changed. …have the output as well: [B]THE RAW HEAP: ========================= 197 173 184 149 171 181 167… Re: HEAP Program Help Programming Software Development by mitrmkar … the random number generator Heap<int> heap; // The Heap object while(!heap.isFull()) { heap.insert(rand() % 190 + 10); } heap.display(); while(!heap.isEmpty()) { cout <… Heap Sort Running Way Too Slowly Programming Software Development by OnTheRadio …* Insertion Sort * Merge Sort * Quick Sort * Heap Sort The sorted result should be written to the output… such that all nodes below the start index are in heap order */ siftDown (v, start, count - 1); start =… after sifting down the root all nodes/elements are in heap order } // siftDown() template <typename T>… heap function Programming Software Development by marnun … > The function returns true if the HEAP property holds among the array elements x[i]...… isHeap (int x[], int n, int i) { bool heap=true; for (int j=i; j<n; j…x[j]>=x[2*j+2]) heap=true; else heap=false; } else heap=true; return heap; } } CodeLab returns logical error: … Re: heap function Programming Software Development by nullptr … elements x[i]...x[n-1] , and false otherwise. The HEAP property is simply that for every value of j between… has no children, then there's nothing to cause a HEAP property failure. For code efficiency, there's no reason to… child unless x[j] has a first child and the HEAP property holds true for the first child. So with that… heap short and heap tree about help me pls Programming Software Development by webwebcpp …is called ’ countries’. The cities will be added to the Heap Tree according to the countries they are bounded. Binary search…tree which is suitable for the application. You can form Heap tree by using series. After the names of the …cities are read and stored in binary search tree and Heap tree, inorder under the binary search tree must be … Heap corruption detected. What does it mean? Programming Software Development by franziss … mean? Thank you for your help Heap corruption detected at 0072FB10 HEAP[algo.exe]: HEAP: Free Heap block 72fb08 modified at 72fb1c after it….exe. This may be due to a corruption of the heap, and indicates a bug in algo.exe or any of… Re: Heap Data Structure - Removing an arbitrary item Programming Computer Science by blackrobe … it would mean by "its index" if the heap is stored using an old fashioned tree with nodes and… the location of the element in the heap. The remaining elements must form a valid heap once you have executed your algorithm… its placed at the very top, at which point the heap operation Extract-Min pops the element and restructures the… Re: Heap Sort Programming Software Development by DavidKroukamp … code before resorting to dissecting an already written heap sort algorithm. Any information you could give to…[url=]Heap Sort in Java[/url] , [url=http://www.augustana.…[url=]Heap Sort in Java[/url] , [url=http://www… heap creation c++ Programming Software Development by tones1986 … a function, upHeap() that should then recreate the heap structure as required. Then the next item is read…lt;int> v1(1); // heap of integers vector<float> v2(1); // heap of floating-pt nums vector<…;string> v3(1); // heap of strings // print header message cout << … Heap Data Structure Programming Software Development by TuX4020 …structure. I've read lots of pages online about the heap data structure, but I keep coming up with questions. …In my class, I got the impression that a heap was structured similarly to a tree - parent node/child … it appears that the method of choice is fashioning a heap based on an underlying array - which way is generally … Heap Overflow in Pascal Programming Software Development by solaris249 [B]Is pascal vulnarable to heap overflow vulnarability?I think pascal doesn't any have problem with stack overflow it true in heap overflow attack too?does pascal any problem with heap overflow attack? Thanks.[/B] heap sort -- segmentation fault Programming Software Development by klackey19 …and header but I am only concerned with the heap sort file) [CODE]//header file #ifndef SRT_H …srtbubb(a, size, sizeof(TYPE), compare); #elif defined HEAP srtheap(a, size, sizeof(TYPE), compare); #elif …gt; *(TYPE *)p2) { return +5; } return 0; } //heap sort file #include <stdlib.h> #include <string… Heap Sort Programming Software Development by WigglesMcMuffin Hello, This isn't the typical "I wrote a heap sort that doesn't work, help me please" thread, … really like to [B]understand[/B] the innards of a heap sort before I attempt to write one. I'd like… basic pseudo code before resorting to dissecting an already written heap sort algorithm. Any information you could give to gently clear… heap sort Programming Software Development by jigglymig …point me in the right direction. [CODE]void Heap::heapRebuild(int root) { // if the root…[child] = temp; // transform the new subtree into a heap heapRebuild(child); } // end if } // end if //… do nothing } // end heapRebuild[/CODE] [CODE]void Heap::heapSort() { int temp; int last = size-1;… Heap Sort Stack Over Flow At 100,000 Random Elements Programming Software Development by fonzi …from 100-10,000 random elements after that the heap sort says stack over flow, im thinking the… MAX_HEAPIFY(A, largest, n); } } //this method builds a max heap takes in an array and a int n public static…MAX_HEAPIFY(A, i, n); } } //this method is the heap sort it takes in one array and a lenght public… Heap Tree - Array Programming Software Development by R1111 **Hello, If I have an array, and want to make a heap tree out of it using make heap and sort heap, how would I do it? I'm struggling because I didn't take any course in data structure. Any help -in c++- will be appreciated :D** Re: heap creation c++ Programming Software Development by Narue … math is off. Keep in mind that a lot of heap algorithms are 1-based, and C++ is 0-based. This… Re: heap creation c++ Programming Software Development by tones1986 I no longer get 0's in my code - i changed my size to be size - 1 , and that fixed that problem. I do though ... get a rather large random number in my code ... but any help in sortnig out my upHeap() function so that i will proberly go through my vector and create a heap, i would much appreicate it.. i will update you with any info as i work more Re: Heap corruption problem in getsrtring() of resultset occi methods in vs 2005 Programming Software Development by dhpatil1 Hi all I have a heap corruption problem in getting STL containers data through OCCI methods …gt;getString(1); r.PDM_FIRST_NAME=rs->getString(2);; //Error Heap Corruption r.PDM_LAST_NAME= rs->getString(3); r.PDM_F_FIRST_NAME= … vs 2005. 12 thousand records are fatched and then Heap corruption problem message dispaly and exit from program.