online vacation housing reservation Programming Software Development by ikujeyisie PLEASE WHO CAN GIVE ME THE FULL CODE TO CREATE AN ONLINE VACATION HOUSING RESERVATION I REALLY NEED IT AND IT WILL RUN PLEASE Re: online vacation housing reservation Programming Software Development by rubberman Sorry. We don't do your work (real or homework) for you! There are commercial packages that will do this that you can buy. There may be open source packages that you can adapt to this purpose. Just DO NOT ask us to solve your life problems if you are not willing to make an effort to solve them on your own first! How would I implement this in my text game? Programming Software Development by gbatemper … pop=pop-2; karma=karma-10; tech=tech+5; housing=housing+5; moral=moral+5; System.out.println("You gained… pop=pop-2; karma=karma-15; tech=tech+7; housing=housing+3; moral=moral+3; System.out.println("You gained… Re: quick question w\ a program Programming Software Development by jimJohnson …int housing = 0; if (houseBox.getState()) housing = 1; else if (apartmentBox.getState()) housing = 2; else if (dormitoryBox.getState()) housing = 3; return housing; … House Apartment dormitory Select your type of housing to determine the best pet Clear Fields… Re: problem with a java program Programming Software Development by jimJohnson …: cannot find symbol symbol : variable hours location: class PetAdvice if ((housing = 1) && (hours < 10)) ^ F:\JAVA\PetAdvice…: cannot find symbol symbol : variable hours location: class PetAdvice if ((housing = 2) && (hours >= 10)) ^ F:\JAVA\PetAdvice.… Re: problem with a java program Programming Software Development by jimJohnson …the Application\n", "Pet Advice: Housing", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); housing = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,message)); //…4.", "Error", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } return housing; } //the finish() method successfully terminates the application public static… quick question w\ a program Programming Software Development by jimJohnson … implements ItemListener { //declare variables and construct components int housing; double hours; String pet; Label promptLabel = new Label…{ int housing = 0; if (houseBox.getState()) housing = 1; else if (apartmentBox.getState()) housing = 2; else if (dormitoryBox.getState()) housing = 3; return housing; } … Re: quick question w\ a program Programming Software Development by jimJohnson … int housing = 0; if (houseBox.getState()) housing = 1; else if (apartmentBox.getState()) housing = 2; else if (dormitoryBox.getState()) housing = 3; return housing; } …10)) { pet = "Cat"; } case 5: //hamster if ((housing == 2) && (hours < 10)) { pet = &… C++ structure variables and loops Programming Software Development by jdpjtp910 …string> using namespace std; struct Budget { double housing, //Housing payment variable utl, //Utitlities payment variable houseExp, //household… } void compareCurrent(Budget p) { struct Budget standard; standard.housing = 500.00; standard.utl = 150.00; standard.houseExp… problem with a java program Programming Software Development by jimJohnson …", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); }// end output //the getPet() method accepts the housing and hours and returns a pet public static String getPet… validates it. public static int getHousing() { //declare method variables int housing = 0; boolean done = false; //loop while not done while(!done… No Recession After All? Good News for Tech Businesses Community Center by Brian.oco … financial sector is just beginning, the correction in the housing sector is nearly over,” declares Gail D. Fosler,…subtract about 0.4 percentage points from 2008 growth. Housing affordability is beginning to improve, and with the recent…risk. January and February are not big months for housing, but rising affordability bodes well for the spring … scrollbar not showing Programming Web Development by kevin wood Housing<br /> Cobalt Housing<br /> Cobalt Housing<br /> Cobalt Housing<br /> Cobalt Housing<br /> Cobalt Housing…;Tel :</b>Cobalt Housing<br /> <…gt;Fax :</b>Cobalt Housing<br /> <… Re: problem with a java program Programming Software Development by jimJohnson …&& cannot be applied to int,boolean if ((housing = 1) && (hours < 10)) …&& cannot be applied to int,boolean if ((housing = 2) && (hours >= 10)) …&& cannot be applied to int,boolean if ((housing = 2) && (hours < 10))… Re: problem with a java program Programming Software Development by whoost … "dog"). since you are passing [inlinecode]housing[/inlinecode] as the argument to the [inlinecode]switch[/inlinecode…inlinecode]case 1[/inlinecode] is like saying "if housing equals 1," then do something. To do …, instead, you should say: [CODE="java"]switch(housing) { case 1: if (hours>=18){ pet = … Re: C++ structure variables and loops Programming Software Development by jonsca …an initialization list [code] struct Budget { static double housing; }; double Budget::housing = 500.00; [/code] -or- with the …constructor [code] struct Budget { double housing, //Housing payment variable utl, //Utitlities payment variable houseExp; //household expenses … Re: C++ structure variables and loops Programming Software Development by jdpjtp910 …an initialization list [code] struct Budget { static double housing; }; double Budget::housing = 500.00; [/code] -or- with the …constructor [code] struct Budget { double housing, //Housing payment variable utl, //Utitlities payment variable houseExp; //household expenses … Re: problem with a java program Programming Software Development by darkagn …. In other words the statement [code=java] housing = 2 [/code] means "set 'housing' equal to 2" while the statement [code…=java] housing == 2 [/code] means "is housing currently equal to the number 2?" which… Re: C++ structure variables and loops Programming Software Development by jdpjtp910 … into a structure? for example: [CODE]struct Budget { double housing = 500.00, //Housing payment variable utl = 150.00, //Utitlities payment variable houseExp… e-r diagram Programming Databases by rain2shine …. 250 different buildings that provide low-income housing. On average, each building contains 25 apartments…legislation that encourages the development of low-income housing through tax incentives, developmental zoning perferences, and… this, the CHS provdes inforation about low-income housing to state, county, and city governents. Second,… Re: input data not being saved in dataset or database Programming Software Development by Teme64 … [ICODE]Dim comm As New SqlCommand("SET IDENTITY_INSERT Housing ON;INSERT INTO Housing (housingID, housingType, description, location) VALUES ('', '" & Me… STATEMENT MsgBox(Adp.InsertCommand().CommandText) ' /DEBUG 'Adp.Update(ds, "Housing") <- This doesn't work Adp.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() ' Use… need help debugging code Programming Software Development by danielagaba …keep getting an error saying "Invalid Object name 'Housing'" and I cant find the error. [code]… New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Housing", conn) dap.Fill(ds, "Housing") Dim dr As DataRow =…= loc ds.Tables("Housing").Rows.Add(dr) dap.Update(ds, "Housing") MessageBox.Show("Information… Re: input data not being saved in dataset or database Programming Software Development by Teme64 …") = Me.TextBox3.Text ds.Tables("Housing").Rows.Add(dr) Dim cmd As New… INSERT STATEMENT 'Adp.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Housing (housingType, description, location) VALUES ('" & Me…& "')") Adp.Update(ds, "Housing") MessageBox.Show("Information Saved!")[/CODE]If … Pattern / Image matching Programming Software Development by tillaart36 … build. The values of a cell stand for some different housing types. By a floodfill algorithm the program detects 'clusters' …all the available 2d forms of the templates where the housing type is the same. Say I have a cluster …need to find a template from the subset of detached housing from the library where the shape of the template matches… input data not being saved in dataset or database Programming Software Development by danielagaba …As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Housing") Adp.Fill(ds, "Housing") Dim dr As DataRow = ds…location") = Me.TextBox3.Text ds.Tables("Housing").Rows.Add(dr) Dim cmd As New …SqlCommandBuilder(Adp) Adp.Update(ds, "Housing") MessageBox.Show("Information Saved!") [/code] Twin Buds Signal Sunnier Tech Market? Community Center by Brian.oco …Investors were also pleased by a stronger-than-expected housing report and sent the Dow Jones industrial average up … troubles of the financials, Wall Street was examining the housing sector — the root of much of investors' current angst… for technology companies. When buyers get back into the housing market, the floodgates open (okay, just a little … Economic Picture Shifting; Cell Phone Overcharges Lose in Court Community Center by Brian.oco … 1990's). No, the real reason has been about housing and credit. More to point, while investment companies have …gave any thought to the concept that what goes up (housing prices) must come down. But that is changing. …stating that now, the economic crisis is turning away from housing and real estate, and toward the credit markets. Instead… Returning to main menu Programming Software Development by gbatemper … new Scanner( ); int food; int water; int housing; int tech; int pop; int atk; int def; int…; int farmlevel; int choice; food=1; water=1; housing=1; tech=1; pop=6; atk=pop*tech; def…("+water+")"); System.out.println("Housing Level ("+housing+")"); System.out.println("Technological Level… Can you help me do this question? Programming Software Development by 9107you …double income = ReadLib.readDouble (); System.out.println ("Enter the housing cost"); double housingCost = ReadLib.readInt (); System.out.println (&… residents. Your program should ask for the income (income) housing cost (housingCost), number of children (childTotal), and the total… Re: input data not being saved in dataset or database Programming Software Development by danielagaba … [code] Dim comm As New SqlCommand("SET IDENTITY_INSERT Housing ON;INSERT INTO Housing (housingID, housingType, description, location) VALUES ('', '" & Me…; "')", conn) Adp.InsertCommand = comm Adp.Update(ds, "Housing") [/code] or could it be a bug with VS… Unix Error/Complications (Maybe syntax) Programming Software Development by pepsi123 …} /* Set and get housing*/ void Applicant::setHousing(string newHousing) { housing = newHousing; } string Applicant::getHousing() { return housing; } /* Set and get…int payMonth; int payDay; string housing; char sex; int points; };