Re: Uniswap V4 Hooks Development Programming Software Development by Dani … shouldn't ever allow ourselves to be held back from innovation because of the inherent risk that always comes along with… Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Johannes C. …a minor example of **how the EU inadvertently stifles innovation and jeopardizes its own economic future**. This article examines…regulation.** The EU is predominantly a service economy, and innovation must be the driver of such an economy. Regulation…(EC)_No._2257/94)** and stay out of the innovation sector. However, beyond all cynicism, it is clear… '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … rare blend of skills that enable him to drive technological innovation with strategic business insight. His journey includes founding and successfully… effectively collaborate with artificial teammates to unlock new levels of innovation and fulfillment. We believe the future is “blended teams” with… 'Prepare for the Earliest Possible AGI Deployment Scenario' Community Center by Johannes C. ….** Any regulation could quickly become outdated and ineffective, potentially hindering innovation while also failing to protect individuals and society at large… Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Dani I'm happy to live in Silicon Valley :) Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … Re: 88 Business-Growing Strategies Digital Media Digital Marketing by henrymorgan9522 A growth strategy is an organization's plan for overcoming current and future challenges to realize its goals for expansion. Examples of growth strategy goals include increasing market share and revenue, acquiring assets, and improving the organization's products or services. Innovation Research in the IT Sector Digital Media Digital Marketing by condorian … University of StrathClyde in Scotland to study the impact of innovation in product development in the technological (with focus the IT… Microsoft Needs to Learn It's About Innovation, Not Names Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Techwriter10 … products. Here's a crazy idea: How about trying some innovation. Maybe if you did something interesting and new, and publicized… Re: Microsoft Needs to Learn It's About Innovation, Not Names Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Techwriter10 Hi Tracyanne: Good point. They have either bought or copied others' ideas. It seems that these days their own lack of innovation has finally caught with them and they are paying the price. And they are trying to cover up or paper this over with PR, ad campaigns and name changes. city guide app innovation idea Programming Mobile Development by chrisschristou … local digital champion, and i must propose my idea as innovation, for a app : i thinked about to creat a city… Re: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by ruel24 Innovation? Are you kidding me? Ever notice how Vista looked eerily … Re: Innovation Research in the IT Sector Digital Media Digital Marketing by jwenting another kid who thinks "online surveys" are in any way capable of providing any useful data whatsoever. Makes the "university of StrathClyde" look rather bad... Re: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by onehiccup 'Linux innovation non-existent'??? Listen to yourself. You say that you spend … GNOME so how can you comment on the progress or innovation of GNOME or KDE? Take a look at [URL="… everyone to use, not about piling on features." What innovation's do YOU suggest for GNOME or KDE that would… Re: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by AdamWill …'s a bit odd to complain about a lack of innovation then say you don't use KDE 4 because you… preferred KDE 3. Surely that's because there was, well, innovation? Even though you didn't like it, it's still… innovation. You also managed to entirely miss the fact that GNOME'… Re: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … be another KDE 4 disaster. And innovation is a loose term. When I think of innovation, I think of something useful that… Re: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by cherax … different from cars, I think. When was the last dramatic innovation in cars? The replacment of the crank by the starter… Re: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by KimTjik … keyboard? It's all connected. My only point is that innovation should be subordinate to usefulness. There's also a difference… Re: Linux Desktop Environment Innovation Nonexistent Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … server-related. Here's what I'd like as a innovation: a little command bar/field at the bottom of the… Re: Is Email Marketing Still Effective in 2023? Exploring the Latest Innovation Digital Media Digital Marketing by janviarora … very effective tactic in 2023, in part because of ongoing innovation and adaption to shifting customer preferences and technical developments. The… Re: Microsoft Needs to Learn It's About Innovation, Not Names Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by tracyanne quote::This obsession with the surface seems to go back to last summer when Microsoft decided that the problem with Vista No, it didn't start last summer. Microsoft has always been obsessed with the surface. The difference is that in the past they have been able to buy innovative products they could rebrand, and glitziy. Those days are gone. Re: Microsoft Needs to Learn It's About Innovation, Not Names Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by admoore It's kumo, not kumar. Not that I can see myself using either one any more than I would windows live anything. Google understands what people want in a search engine. No flashy graphics, no banner ads, no crap. Just a white page that says "google" and has a textbox to enter search terms. Nobody else seems to get the brilliance … Re: Microsoft Needs to Learn It's About Innovation, Not Names Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Techwriter10 Oops. That's a bad mistake. Thanks for pointing that out. I agree that Google understands open web search better than anyone out there. Re: city guide app innovation idea Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo You better to rephrase your question otherwise it does falls under > Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from school or work assignments Re: city guide app innovation idea Programming Mobile Development by chrisschristou my question is just if it is possible some idea in my up post it is possible to integrate visual search in na app there is API for it??? it is possible to integrate speech recognition in an app there is API for it ? it is possible to integrate voice synthesis in an app there is API for it??? FOR ANDROID DEVELOPMENT Re: city guide app innovation idea Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo 1. You can always make photo and send it out to images google, also you should be able to record GPS coordinates and place marker on the map. I would not be surprised if Google Maps managed something as image search instead of simple location name search. Someone may provide more detailed answer, because I have no experiences with it. Nevertheless … Market Woes; Obama's Impact on Tech Sector Community Center by Brian.oco …alongside industry in setting a national technology and innovation agenda. More than McCain, Obama would …seek to leverage existing federal agencies tasked with innovation activity, such as the Manufacturing Extension Program …Manufacturing Fund." "McCain, believing that innovation is fueled primarily by risk capital, skilled workers… OpenAI's DevDay Unveils GPT-4 Turbo: Consequences & Questions to Consider Community Center by Johannes C. …can stifle competition, which is often the lifeblood of innovation. A historical example is the web browser market, …other browser developments but also slowed the pace of innovation within the web browsing experience itself. It wasn'…sparking debates on ethics, economics, and the future of innovation. As we grapple with these questions, one thing is… Open Source Doesn't Innovate Programming Web Development by khess …quot;"]story[/URL] this morning …you still want to talk about knockoffs and lack of innovation? The world enjoys a free Internet, thanks to the…it would be a different world. There would be no innovation. There would be no creativity. There would only be … Avatars, Meerkats and Miners in Chile Hardware and Software by happygeek …liquidity into the market for growth businesses and help innovation drive society forward, arguing that "new products,…, MD of high technology incubator St John’s Innovation Centre which organized the event, agrees that the current…highlighted how the mechanism which finances the risk of innovation is both outdated and inefficient. "Some 1,…