insert new line after diplaying each key value pair in javascript object Programming Web Development by amby … object. i want to display its values like after each key value pair, i want to insert new line. but i dont know… concatObject(obj) { // str = ''; // for (prop in obj) { // str += prop + " value :" + obj[prop] + "\n"; // } // return (str); //} function concatObject… Dictionary -- key:value pair swap Programming Software Development by sneekula How do you best swap the key:value pair of a dictionary? add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by checker … last few lines are wrong I want to add new key-value pair to a dict list1 = {'joe': 11, 'john', 19} for example… Re: add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by masterofpuppets … to simply remove line 25 You can create a new key-value pair like this: [CODE]>>> d = {} >>>… Re: Dictionary -- key:value pair swap Programming Software Development by mawe … swap(d): ...: new = {} ...: for key, value in d.items(): ...: if value in new.keys(): ...: new[value].append(key) ...: else: ...: new[value] = [key] ...: return new ...: In [8]: d… Not able to read the first key value pair in map Programming Software Development by can-mohan …issues. (1) I am not able to read first key and value pair record from snmp.json file in my map, it just… start reading after first record. (2) After reading the value …{ std::string line; vector <string>v; int key=0,value=0; std::map<std::string, std::string> props… Accessing key value combination in JavaScript Programming Web Development by rouse … many sets I have and how to access each key value pair in javaScript. response[ {"RECORD_NUM":967,"…quot;}, ] It seems that response.length() gives the value of the number of fields. And using generates an error… = response.DATE_FIELD[0]; How would I get the value of the second field in the first row of response… Re: Dictionary -- key:value pair swap Programming Software Development by Ene Uran In case of the capital:state pair I did it this way: [php]def swap_dictionary(original_dict): temp_dict = {} … Re: add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by woooee …; def _init_(self): ## 'name' is redundant since it is the key of the dictionary = "" self.age = 0….sqrtage = 0 def print_all(name_dict): for name in name_dict: ## each key in the dictionary print name, name_dict[name].age, name_dict[name… Re: add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by snippsat …'} {'age': 22, 'name': 'lise'} ''' #when we call (key) we are getting the (value) print ''' jon ''' print sqrt(worker2… Re: add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by masterofpuppets …'} {'age': 22, 'name': 'lise'} ''' #when we call (key) we are getting the (value) print ''' jon ''' print sqrt(worker2… Re: add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by masterofpuppets … woooee mentioned, since you're using the name as the key in the dictionary, you don't need it in the… Re: key value pair array Programming Web Development by Priti_P I tried like `$array = array_combine($database,$skill_type_count);` but it gives me only last value and without key value as below: Array ( [] => Array // NO KEY HERE?? ( [SKILL_ID] => 117 [weight] => 1 ) ) Re: key value pair array Programming Web Development by DJBirdi Since both your arrays are setup as `$key => $value` pairs, you have to explicitly tell `array_combine` which array to use for what. This should work: $array = array_combine(array_keys($database), array_values($skill_type_count)); Re: Not able to read the first key value pair in map Programming Software Development by NathanOliver Change `props.emplace(std::pair<string,string>(tokena,tokenb));` to `props.insert(std::pair<string,string>(tokena,tokenb));` Re: Not able to read the first key value pair in map Programming Software Development by tinstaafl …::getline(tokens,tokena,':'); std::getline(tokens,tokenb); props.emplace(std::pair<string,string>(tokena,tokenb)); //cout<<translation_table… Re: insert new line after diplaying each key value pair in javascript object Programming Web Development by amby i have solved it by putting <br /> instead of "\n" in concatObject method like this: return strArray.join("<br />"); Re: Dictionary -- key:value pair swap Programming Software Development by vegaseat If you like to practice with list comprehension, you can use this ... [code=python]def swap_dictionary(original_dict): return dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in original_dict.iteritems()]) [/code] Re: Dictionary -- key:value pair swap Programming Software Development by sneekula Thank you, what would happen to a swap if I had a dictionary with duplicate values like this: d = {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c':1, 'd':99} Re: add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by checker Thank you very much master, interesting. All you did was removing that append line (which is undefined for dict). woooee, thank you for this re-write. I have a few questions: 1. why is name redundant? 2. what is name.lower? Where did the "lower" come from? Thanks. Re: add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by Veera_1 can't we append something to a dictionary?? Re: add new key-value pair to a dict Programming Software Development by Gribouillis > can't we append something to a dictionary?? No, a python dictionary does not have an `append()` method. A dictionary is not an ordered data structure, unless you are using a `collections.OrderedDict()` instance. Re: print array with key value pair Programming Web Development by Priti_P so sorry, it was simple: foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $test) echo($test)."<br>"; } else { echo($value); echo "<br><br>"; } } how to copy value of one map to value of another map? Programming Software Development by jalpesh_007 … instance of program, i want to change the value in temp, remove some key value pair and after some processing i want to again… get original value of remaining key from m1. So my problem… Id and value pairs Programming Web Development by jrw89 …Doe, etc... var value = form.elements[element].value; // Build a key/value pair e.g. "firstname":"…;Jane" etc... data.key = value; } JsonToServer.formData = data… how to insert value at specified key from one Hashmap to another hashmap Programming Software Development by jalpesh_007 …execution both map will contain key from 1 to 20 and mapped value with it. Means key value pair are same in both …map. After some processing i modify value in temp …(key3, aa5); } } but it will also modify the value in map-m1, As i m not performing any operation… Autocompleteextender in Text box with key-value pair Programming Web Development by Gaurav@17 … three and enter the key word again...the search work fine but when I select any value the Text box is…(); } document.getElementById('<%=this.Hidden1.ClientID%>').value = userValues; //Assigning the hidden value to text box document.getElementById('<%=this.TxtProject… Re: Autocompleteextender in Text box with key-value pair Programming Web Development by mikev2 Hi Gaurav, I'm quite new to this too - and I'm trying to do a similar thing. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not - but you could compare the number of commas in the text field and the hidden field? If they match, then add the new value on the end; else if one is zero, then set equal to the new value. Something like that? Re: Autocompleteextender in Text box with key-value pair Programming Web Development by reach_yousuf Hi Just try to make the hidden text box empty before u fill it up again. [code] document.getElementById('<%=this.TxtProject.ClientID%>').value = ' ' //Assigning the hidden value to text box document.getElementById('<%=this.TxtProject.ClientID%>').value = userValues; [/code] Mark as solved it it helps you!!! Re: Not able to read the first key value pair in map Programming Software Development by can-mohan Thnaks for your replay, but my compiler doesn't support emplace.