Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim … one tweaks that really should be default like disabling the multi step context menus that present only some options with "… basis, even to the extent of programming smart actions (basically multi-step macros). When you run Options+ and log in to… Multi User Login and role access Programming Web Development by fireburner29 Is there any simple PHP based backend system that has multi user and multi roles access control? Multi user Application Programming Software Development by shers … steps do I have to take to make this a multi user application. FYI: There are 3 tables in the database of… which two tables contain data to be viewed by the user and one table is to insert records by the… user. The former two tables will be edited by the administrator … Re: Multi user Application Programming Software Development by martonx You should share the database, and use the shared LAN path in your code. That's it. I am using simple access database in LAN, and it is working perfect in multi-user (2-3 user) environment. Re: Multi User Login and role access Programming Web Development by Bachu Check this link [Click Here]( Multi-user program issues Programming Software Development by AK47 …, quotes, purchase orders, inventory items, customers, etc. This program is multi-user meaning that different people could each be running an instance… Update Datagridview in multi-user environment Programming Software Development by eURe Hi There; I have an application that work in multi-user environment. Would like to know what are the possible way … Add/Update/delete for a record, datagridview that work by user A can be reloaded to reflect the changes, but what… i can do so that other user that work on same appliation to get the datagridview refresh… Re: Update Datagridview in multi-user environment Programming Software Development by kvprajapati [b]>Update Datagridview in multi-user environment[/b] Refresh the DataSource. Re: Update Datagridview in multi-user environment Programming Software Development by apegram … were to have a client/server set-up with your multi-user data application, you could create an event for situations where… Avoid Multi User Programming Software Development by nemzmiyaw … the computer is turn on. Im having problem on multi user once the user ID is logged in it also logged in in… myData.HasRows = 0 Then 'Checkes if a row with the user and password exist. 'If no outputs this: MsgBox("StudentID… Avoid Multi User Programming Software Development by nemzmiyaw … the computer is turn on. Im having problem on multi user once the user ID is logged in it also logged in in… myData.HasRows = 0 Then 'Checkes if a row with the user and password exist. 'If no outputs this: MsgBox("StudentID… Need for a general description of how to create multi-user soft that works with DB Programming Software Development by LianaN Hi! I need to make multi-user software that will allow accessing a DB from different PCs … Creating multi user role based admin Programming Web Development by praba_web Hi there, I follow this tutorial for my web app. link: Can anyone give me idea to do this same app using codeigniter.? Thanks. Creating multi user role based admin Programming Web Development by Rudi_2 Hi there, I follow this tutorial for my web app. link: Can anyone give me idea to do this same app using mysqli? Thanks. Re: Multi User Login and role access Programming Web Development by fireburner29 sorry for my bad english. i referred this tutorial Bachov. but there, admin and user login redirects separate pages. it has to redirect same page with them access. Re: Multi User Login and role access Programming Web Development by Bachu @fireburner29, You can also redirect it to the same page. check this session value $_SESSION['sess_userrole'], before you print the details. Means that if its value is admin, print the admin details. Else print the normal user details. Re: Multi-user program issues Programming Software Development by AK47 … bulb just turned on! :idea: :cheesy: I have a user accounts table that is used to authenticate anyone logging in…the system. The table stores name, password, and some default user settings such as font type, color, etc. It just … address!! The IP address would be set when the user successfully authenticates and would be the IP of the machine… Re: Multi-user program issues Programming Software Development by gearup4it Hi AK47, I am writing a similar Business Solution, and see no need for IP hopping?? ALL the Logic and Transaction Processing should be handled in the SQL Datalayer. I have Independent User Control modules that run threads which handles Data Acquisitions. Let me know if you need more details Regards GearUp4IT Re: Multi user login there own page php Programming Web Development by qazplm114477 what exactly do you want us to discuss? Do you have a specific question about multi user login? What exactly are you trying to do? with such limited information, we can't do much. Multi user (Graphical?) interface Programming Software Development by yuvalm2 … non-technical clients. I am still trying to select my user interface, and would like your suggestions, given that my main… of me will be carried out sequentially (Meaning that if user A asked to perform some task X, which took 10… minutes, user B will not be able to perform a new task… Re: Multi user (Graphical?) interface Programming Software Development by woooee … code via Python if you want. [quote]Meaning that if user A asked to perform some task X, which took 10… minutes, user B will not be able to perform a new task… Re: Help with a Multi-user database application Programming Software Development by Teme64 MS Access wasn't developed for a multi-user, concurrent environment needs. I would suggest some other back-end… 2005/2008[/URL] (free Express Editions, check the end user license agreement) and [URL=""…;]MySQL[/URL] (free Community Edition, check the end user license agreement). Both are "real" db's … Re: Help with a Multi-user database application Programming Software Development by Teme64 … or MySQL, you can certainly use it for small-medium user groups.[/QUOTE] For the Loony064's purposes MS Access will… options. One thing to keep in mind when building successfully multi-user applications, is to separate DB (back-end) code, business logic… Multi-User Login Programming Web Development by davemac001 …;Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\StudentMonitor.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); string sql = "SELECT * FROM …new SqlCommand(sql, connection); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", user); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", pass); connection.Open(); … Re: Multi-User Login Programming Web Development by CrappyCoder … update the tables in your database using the logged-in user's identity (which is GUID based) Otherwise the memebrship/roles… multi user access for login Programming Web Development by Laura_7 …['username'])){ $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; //Checking is user existing in the database or not $query = "SELECT * FROM…header("Location: index.php"); // This will redirect the user to index.php page. }else{ echo "<div class… Re: Multi user in vb .net Programming Software Development by lolafuertes … function to retrieve the actual access level of the identified user. On each form you need to show or hide the… menus (if any) according to the user acces level. Also you may have to hide or disable… some controls in the form. IE: a reader user can see the info but can not modify it: The… multi user ,monthly booking Programming Web Development by eltonpiko Hi i need a little advice i need to build a website where user login and get some sort of form where they can order their meal form a list for every day in a month. how can i achive this? the admin must be able to view ecah user order for a whole month. does any body have some suggestion Re: Multi user in vb .net Programming Software Development by dakaboguy to disable buttons per user class use the code below: [CODE] If Permission = "ADMIN&…; Then Button1.Visible = False 'if you do not want the user using that particular button Menu1.Visible = Fase 'what I mostly… Re: Multi user in vb .net Programming Software Development by lolafuertes I would recommend not to hard write user names or passwords in your code, because if they change, … to know the name of who is the current logged user you can use the System.Environment.Username. Hope this helps…