Re: How to query database using variable and get all results not just one row Programming Web Development by Chris_103 … current user, you can use the fetchAll() method instead of fetch(). Here's how you can modify your code: ```php // …->execute(); $records = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); ``` This will fetch all rows that match the criteria specified in the SQL… query and store them in the `$records` variable as an array of associative arrays. ascending mysql fetch array excluding The or A at start Programming Web Development by wikit I know how to do a fetch array to create a while loop as well as the mysql query in ASC order. What I… mysql Fetch array (rows as columns) Programming Web Development by DILO3D hi all, for example. this is my mysql query result. A | B | C --------- a1| a2| a3 b1| b2| b3 c1| c2| c3 d1| d2| d3 i want to print the result like columnwise as following. a2|b2|c2|d2 Any suggestions please.... Re: mysql Fetch array (rows as columns) Programming Web Development by urtrivedi Explain in detail. post acutally table structure and sample data (preferably in sql format) Then post expected output. Re: mysql Fetch array (rows as columns) Programming Web Development by IIM Use this query..... [CODE]SELECT B from table_name[/CODE] Re: ascending mysql fetch array excluding The or A at start Programming Web Development by AndrisP order by if( substr(`ord_column`, 1, 2)='A ', substr(`ord_column`, 3), if( substr(`ord_column`, 1, 4)='The ', substr(`ord_column`, 5), `ord_column` ) ) or mutch readable (result will be same) order by case when substr(`… Re: ascending mysql fetch array excluding The or A at start Programming Web Development by wikit Not sure how to mark something as solved but it is ... thankyou AndrisP Re: MySQL/PHP Error! Programming Web Development by n21115 …:// or [mysql_fetch_assoc](, and, go through…/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php) to navigate through the array. - n21115 Mysql fetch multiple rows into php array Programming Databases by cjay175 … rows from the database and then separate the rows into array values so I can use them throughout my code. This… output for the mysql query is sent to php. Is it sent as a multideminsional array or just a array? Is there a… Re: Mysql fetch multiple rows into php array Programming Databases by cjay175 *bump* SOrry if Im unclear, basically all im asking is - Is there a way to call multiple rows (3 in my case) and then sort them out according to placement variable or should I be calling individual mysql query for each row? Thanks again Re: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL Programming Web Development by broj1 [mysql_fetch_array]( function returns result in both associative and numeric arrays while [mysql_fetch_assoc]( function returns result only in an associative array. It is the matter of what you want when choosing among them. Re: fetch array values from database Programming Web Development by pritaeas Show what you have so far. For the mysql query to work, have a look at the FIND_IN_SET() function. Re: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result Programming Web Development by monica singh Hi Dear, Try to use[B] mysql_fetch_array() with MYSQL_NUM[/B] or [B]mysql_fetch_array() with MYSQL_ASSOC[/B] or [B]mysql_fetch_array() with MYSQL_BOTH[/B] As in ur code ur r fetching the records by the field name so use MYSQL_ ASSOC(). For Example you can check this link [url][/url] how to group two tables and fetch group by category Programming Web Development by wetube …> </div>[/CODE] the problem is when i fetch array from news and categories table i get each category has… Re: Help on PHP Fetch from database!!! Programming Web Development by Biiim …]so do you advice me to use assoc instead of array?[/QUOTE] Nah it will make no difference, i looked up… arrays. -> [url][/url] it should save processing time using assoc though… code will be accessed via $_POST['compcode']; and do the mysql query on that page to get the data Re: Mysql fetch multiple rows into php array Programming Databases by smantscheff Is this a question of speed, readability, maintainability or what? You can do it either way as long as you are happy with it. There is no standard way because your database design is flawed. Since placements for the same url are unique (you cannot have sideadmiddle more than once for the same url, or can you?) you should have fields called … Re: Mysql fetch multiple rows into php array Programming Databases by metalix Hi, You should use mysql_fetch_assoc instead of mysql_fetc_array This only returns the results in the row: [CODE] $result = @mysql_query("SELECT url, image, placement FROM advert WHERE user='1' ORDER BY placement"); $i = 0; while($process = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $row[$i] = $process; $placement = $row[$1]['placement'];… Re: Help with PHP fetch Programming Web Development by |-|x I think it depends on how you access the data from the mysql_result. The [mysql_fetch_array]( man page states: > Note: This function sets NULL fields to the PHP NULL value. PHP Multiple fetch array. Problems! Programming Web Development by Bennyton … but i'm trying to call multiple values from multiple mysql databnases to show up in one table, but its throwing… Re: PHP & MySql WHILE loop Programming Web Development by cereal …quot;"]Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row …quote=""]mysql_data_seek() moves the internal …the specified row number. The next call to a MySQL fetch function, such as mysql_fetch_assoc(), would return that row… Re: how to fetch array data from one table and insert into another table in php Programming Web Development by Gurjit_2 …/asan/issue/view/16693 ) ) How do i combine this array with the array `$newrefs` so that i get citations for each volume… issue? On the other hand,does the problem lie with the mysql Re: how to fetch array data from one table and insert into another table in php Programming Web Development by alan.davies … return $data; } function flatten( array $array ) { $return = array(); array_walk_recursive($array, function($a) use (&$return)…[]; while ($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { //Careful this function…PDO creation for $con $dsn = 'mysql:dbname=dw;host=localhost'; $user = … Re: basic: fetch id and data in PHP MySQL Programming Web Development by broj1 …them - when you fetch the data use [mysqli_fetch_array]( function which fetches… each row in an associative array so you can address …of the older mysql exstension to deal with database If you use a web form to fetch the data, users… Re: Data from mysql in a 3 columns table Programming Web Development by GliderPilot … gets the first row. So you have to put the fetch array inside the loop so it gets each row (each seperate…=#007700] {[/COLOR] [COLOR=#007700] $pic_code = mysql_fetch_array($result); //Get our code array for current pic[/COLOR] [COLOR=#007700] if ($pic_num <= $rows_nb… Re: Return Car Make from MySQL database & have the make hyperlinked. Programming Web Development by vidaj …. Then you get your result back, and you can fetch the values. [code=php] // Connect to the database…returned. // mysql_fetch_assoc returns an associative array // while ($row = …See [url][/url] for more information about the different mysql_… Re: Not showing first database item (PHP & MySQL) Programming Web Development by Zagga Hi, The problem is because you are running 2 fetch-array requests on the same mysql result (lines 23 and 29). Try resetting the… array pointer after the first request. Add this to line… Re: migration issue MySql to Postgre Programming Web Development by cereal The `pg_fetch_array()` function takes 3 arguments, not 2, so change it to: while ($filesrow = pg_fetch_array($movie_file_result, NULL, PGSQL_ASSOC)) Documentation: * Bye! Re: Switching From MySQL to MySQL(i) Programming Web Development by LastMitch … realize the issue: I will give you a hint: it's an… Re: attempting to change from mysql to mysqli Programming Web Development by Taywin You are putting the `$conn` in wrong place... Please take a look at its syntax [here]( Tldr, put the `$conn` as part of `mysqli_query` parameter, not in `fetch_array`... Re: How do I send mysql query results back from a php search to a htm form field Programming Web Development by sDJh … row is the fetched row of the query. When using fetch-array it's kind of [CODE]<input type="text…