7,541 Topics

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Member Avatar for johnrulz2003200

Hello. People get this error message when they try to sign up at our site. Can anyone tell me what is wrong. Thanks in advance. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for ronb722

Hi all, I am seeing the following error in my tomcat log file. Please see the attached file for the full error with stack trace. When I first bounce the server all is ok. After running for some time (I haven't yet been able to determine the exact amount of …

Member Avatar for ronb722
Member Avatar for krowebar

is there any premade customize-able online database softeware? Kinda like phpBB or phpnuke is for forum stuff? I just need something where I can display items from a database, and sort/search able and item desctiptions w/ pics? Any of that possible or that more of a make it your self? …

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya my application is an online music video library where users can download music to their web browsers, mobile phones and pdas. right now my application downloads the track and plays the music track from the browser, I just want it to do the same on mobile phnes and pdas …

Member Avatar for chrisranjana
Member Avatar for wildcatjm57

I am developing a system where: - Users can go to a website, sign up for classes, and pay for classes - Or they can come to the store and sign up in person I was wondering if someone could walk me through the steps from the beginning of making …

Member Avatar for acescence
Member Avatar for abhishekgoogle

Hi, This is Abhishek. I am a newbie in PHP and we have to develop an Inventory management application. We have a MySQL database structure which looks like this (dissimilar) VORTEX Table 1: hardware ========================================== hwid | total | manufacturer | hardware type | model no | specs | remarks| …

Member Avatar for abhishekgoogle
Member Avatar for ashneet

What i am trying to do is to extract data from mysql table into a .CSV file and then after editing upload it again to update my DB. I am planning on using php but i at the time dont know which command will convert mysql table into .CSV and …

Member Avatar for ashneet
Member Avatar for Dani

** CAN A MYSQLD EXPERT PLEASE HELP ME OUT ON THIS ONE ** I am having a problem with my MySQLd on db2.daniweb.com going through periods of 1-2 minutes every couple of hours where it refuses connections from Apache on web.daniweb.com. The error being thrown back is: mysql_pconnect(): Can't connect …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for Varney

My ISP has set up only one DB in MySQL, for an electronics store. I want to have a bulletin board for books, but My ISP apparently does not know how to add a second db [i]and[/i]and arrange for separate permissions for each site. Can someone tell me where I …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for MsKazza

Hi there, I keep getting the following error message when i run this script: [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/home/httpd/vhosts/tellproperties.com/httpdocs/testing/register.php[/B] on line [B]42[/B] [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/home/httpd/vhosts/tellproperties.com/httpdocs/testing/register.php[/B] on line [B]43[/B] No Database Selected [CODE] …

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for subhki2000

tell me how to generate a mysql database at the end system and how it is related to web server i want to ask that what is the extension of the mysyl file so that it can be uploaded and where do i create this

Member Avatar for barnamos
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm confused between LEFT JOIN and INNER JOIN - the differences and when it's appropriate to use one over the other. I tried to wrap my mind around it but it seems to me that INNER JOIN statements can always be rewritten as LEFT JOINs?

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for linkspub

Hi all. Is there anyone out there who can explain to me on advanced level the cons of using a non persistent connection. I currently use a non persistent connection on my site because i run php as a wrapper. I like the piece of mind of having apache run …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25

I've recnetly finished building my CSS based website based on Alcohol, whereby I've links like Beer, Wine, Whisky and Spirit. I now wish to have "Cocktail" link in it, however, in this particular page, I wish to make a use of MySQL along with PHP. Although, I've basic knowledge of …

Member Avatar for chrisranjana
Member Avatar for raffael

[COLOR=#000000]Hi every one[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I have 3 tables[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]department department_id, name, description[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]category category_id, name, description[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]product product_id, name, description[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]category belong to more then one department[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]product belong to more then one category also more then one department[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I managed to show …

Member Avatar for linkspub
Member Avatar for mice_cs

help please........... i need u're recomendation of site to visit i need to learn (freely) the query (SQL SERVER 2000) thank's:confused:

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for paradox814

ok so I have two tables, and I believe I need an outer join lets say these are them: [code] CREATE TABLE t1 ( xid INT PRIMARY, data1 VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE t2 ( xid INT PRIMARY, data2 VARCHAR(50) ); [/code] so here is an explanation of the tables t1.xid …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for adambeaumont

Good Evening, I currently have an issue regarding a query I wish to perform against a particular table in my database, any help would be much apprieciated Background: I am designing a website service which operates with the use of credits, if they pay a fee they are given a …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for arsmizzou

can anyone help? thanks! <?php include_once "mysql_connect.php"; mysql_connection($dbc); $select = "SELECT DISTINCT D.Title, D.FirstName, D.MiddleI, D.LastName, D.Suffix, D.Address1, D.Address2, D.City, D.State, D.Zip FROM Donor D, Pre_award P, sch_donor S WHERE Approved = 'y' AND S.Did = D.Did AND S.Scholarship_id = P.Scholarship_id"; $export = mysql_query($select); $fields = mysql_num_fields($export); for ($i = …

Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya Im designing an online music video library. Ive already done my registration and login scripts to register a new user. I have decided that to store the mp3s im gonna have a file system instead of storing them directly in the database. Can someone please direct me on How …

Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya ive finally completed the login and registration forms for my online music video library site. I just want to know what would be the best way to store the mp3 files in the database and how i would go on about it so the user can view the tracks …

Member Avatar for nike123

IWhat exactly is the "unsigned" use for in sql and when should i consider using it?

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for AdamW

Hi I'm new here so be gentle! ;) I have a php form which poppulates an HTML <Select> tag with a list of approx 2500 items which consist of an id; a code and a name. The items come from a MySql database To make it easier to use I …

Member Avatar for AdamW
Member Avatar for aiden

I've constructed a photo gallery with a dynamic CMS backend that allows the content providers to upload, delete, etc images. All images are stored as reformated jpeg files (processed by the GDLib on upload) and the relevant metadata is stored in a table called `gallery`. References are made by an …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for michael123

I have two tables: tb1: Name Email Location ----------------------------------- user1 email1 address1 user2 email2 address2 user3 email3 address3 ----------------------------------- tb2: Group Email ----------------------------------- group1 email1,email2 group2 email4 group3 email5,email6 ----------------------------------- Now I want to join these two tables, to display the usernames who are listed in table 2, with keyword …

Member Avatar for extofer
Member Avatar for Moron

[b]PREFACE:[/b] My name is Al and I'm a loving moron who locked himself out of MySql. Alright, Let's rock. I don't exactly remember changing my password, but since I was in the Terminal using commands like [b]-u password[/b], I think I might have done it on accident. So... I need …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for eltommyo
Member Avatar for Brims

I am building an online music video library where u can strean the media to ur browser mobile phne and pda devices. I am using PHP for the middle HTML for the front end and MYsql for the backend. I want to have database with the music files residing on …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for iempleh

I am creating a database and would like to create a unique primary key that is randomly generated. Does MySQL have any feature that will do this? I don't want to use an auto-increment, because when I have a page like "whatever.php?id=xxx", I don't want a user to be able …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for Rumrunner

Hi all, Ok, first I'll let you know that I am very new to databases and scripting languages, so my questions are very elementary. I have read a book on the SQL language as well as a book on PHP basics, but I have no idea where to get started. …

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The End.