Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Naor … the interactivity. I also was welcomed by a site admin named dani. I didn't know she is the brain behind… A module that comes with Python, doesn´t register? Programming Web Development by Audun …> import cv2 # OpenCV for image processing ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2' I double-checked to see if I had installed… ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Audun … environment. Running the command below will create a virtual environment named "openai-env" inside the current folder you have… Re: i don´t understand this syntax error when using OpenCV Programming Databases by Audun …> import cv2 # OpenCV for image processing ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2' >>> I double-checked to see if… Re: How NOT to do business online Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani …, it’s a family owned business run by a guy named Lawrence who has been in the industry since the 1970s… Re: Word Association Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim termites --> clint As in "I have a pet termite named Clint. Clint eats wood". Re: What's your favorite productivity hack outside of coding? Community Center by Reverend Jim Odd that something so basic and obvious needs to be named. Of course, "Pomodoro Technique" is a lot shorter than "go hide in the server room so my boss won't keep interrupting me so I can get some work done" technique. At least that's what I used to call it. Re: A module that comes with Python, doesn´t register? Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim I tried installing python 3.12 and had the same problem. I typically wait a bit before installing the latest and greatest because I have found it can take a while before packages are upgraded to be compatible (usually wxpython). I was able to install the individual packages under python 3.10. I know that the "next to latest and greatest" … Re: ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim I have an apps folder on D: where I keep all my portable/homegrown software. Let's say I want to create a virtual enviromnent in `D:\apps\MyVirtual`. To do this I open a command shell and do D:\>cd apps D:\apps>python -m venv MyVirtual If I install any packages in this session, they will be installed in the virtual python. … Re: ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim I have developed a number of GUI applications in python. I found that the wxpython package was far better than tkinter. wxpython is based on wxwidgets which is essentially windows controls. Because wxwidgets are compiled for each major system, controls rendered by wxpython look like the native controls for whatever system is hosting. Re: Named semaphore Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon named semaphore is [URL=""]here[/URL] for *nix. [URL=""]MS-Windows example[/URL]. Re: named anchor still doesn't work Digital Media UI / UX Design by joejoe92 named anchors in html5 are deprecated. Check out this question on stackoverflow for more information: [URL=""][/URL] Re: Named Server Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by zoid777 …of errors www# /usr/sbin/named -u bind -g -c /etc/namedb/named-internet.conf 28-Feb-2008 ….2 -u bind -g -c /etc/namedb/named-internet.conf 28-Feb-2008 06:01:41.742… loading configuration from '/etc/namedb/named-internet.conf' 28-Feb-2008 06:01:41.….746 couldn't open pid file '/var/run/': Permission denied 28-Feb-2008 06:01:… Named Server Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by zoid777 … freebsd 5.5 /usr/sbin/named -u bind -g bind -c /etc/namedb/named-lan.conf /usr/sbin/named -u bind -g bind… -c /etc/namedb/named-internet.conf I want to… Re: Named Server Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by linux I think it's because you have "bind" in there twice. Try [icode]/usr/sbin/named -u bind -g -c /etc/namedb/named-lan.conf[/icode] Named Pipe (FIFO) Programming Software Development by nanodano Hi, I'm trying to write a program using named pipes, and I'm having trouble opening it. In another … line: [code] mkfifo("./fife", 0777); [/code] So my named pipe exists and I see it in my list of… Named semaphore Programming Software Development by elsiekins I am trying to write a named semaphore, can anyone point me in the right direction. I have tried googling it. I come from a java background so i understand the theory. Is a named semaphore created in the same way an semaphore is ? named anchor still doesn't work Digital Media UI / UX Design by jkershaw06 The page where I've inserted the named anchor is a newsletter. It has tables The code on …;></a> The page which links to the named anchor location is a blog. It is tableless. I want… Named Pipes Programming Software Development by BobPawley Hi I am attempting to employ the named pipe application “Using Pipes for Messages” which I found at [… am running Borland Studio 2006 on Win 7 and need named pipes to communicate to a C# app that I am… Re: named anchor still doesn't work Digital Media UI / UX Design by jkershaw06 I just forgot to ad the < in my message Still the problem with the program not catching named anchors Named anchor doesn't work Digital Media UI / UX Design by Reliable … I took him a site I created which contains a named anchor. When I pressed it it didn't go "… Re: Named anchor doesn't work Digital Media UI / UX Design by omol … in ff is that you do not have an element named top. The reason it works in ie is because it… named pipes Programming Software Development by suganthi87 Hi I am using named pipes to transfer text between vc++ and delphi. The delphi … Named Piped Question Programming Software Development by bfprii So recently I've just started out working with named pipes/pipes. As of right now I have a process … named colors in wxpython Programming Software Development by rbyrd Is there some place where I can get a list of the "named" colors (i.e., goldenrod) available in wxpython? I'm using osx 10.6.8. Thank you. Re: named colors in wxpython Programming Software Development by ZZucker … in wxPython's wx.lib.colourdb the database has 630 named colors use wx.lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel and wx.GridSizer to… Re: Using Named Pipes with Asynchronous I/O Redirection to WinAPI Programming Software Development by wisaacs Named pipes will work. Nothing you said is wrong, so you … _ has no member named _??? Programming Software Development by V1RuZ … message: 138 driver.cpp 'class pclass' has no member named 'surname' 138 driver.cpp 'class pclass' has no member…to loop through the contents of a two dimentional map named person using a nested for-loop. They are defined …int)': driver.cpp:138: error: 'class pclass' has no member named 'get_surname' driver.cpp:138: error: 'class pclass' has no … Changing the action of a Form with an Input Named Action Programming Web Development by FlashCreations …JavaScript function called go to change the input named view to the page name and submit the …go.action[/icode] refers to the input element named action and not to the form's action. …Changing the named of the action input value is out of…action of the form without referencing the input named action. Here is my go form and the… Design a class named Rectangle to represent a rectangle. Programming Software Development by simplyflawless …both width and height. - A string data field named color that specifies the color of a rectangle. Hypothetically,…mutator methods for all three data fields. - A method named getArea() that returns the area of this rectangle. -… A method named getPerimeter() that returns the perimeter. Draw the UML diagram…