My .NetFramework version does not work with my Microsoft.SharePointClient Programming Software Development by complete … of adding the references to the DLLS and the proper namespace, I get an error in my IDE: > "Could… Re: My .NetFramework version does not work with my Microsoft.SharePointClient Programming Software Development by rproffitt Wasn't that retired? Read and tell me what you think it said. Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by toneewa …; #include <chrono> #include <Windows.h> using namespace std; #pragma comment(lib, "libcrypto.lib") #pragma comment… Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Namespace Programming Software Development by treasure2387 …public class Object { // Class code } } Shouldn't be like this: namespace System { namespace Runtime { namespace ConstrainedExecution { public class Object { // Class code } } } } Re: Namespace help Programming Web Development by Squidge … use classLib\database\database_Connection as DB; // import namespace for code reuse class load_headScript { public function headLoad…;?php // root -> /classLib/dataBase/database_Connection.php: namespace classLib\database; // declare namespcae class database_Connection { /** *… Re: Namespace Programming Software Development by Momerath All the `using` statement does is allow you to use the classes in that namespace without having to give the fully qualified name. So, for example, the `using System.Runtime` lets you used the class GCSettings (again, for example) without having to type `System.Runtime.GCSettings` Namespace help Programming Web Development by Squidge … previous thread (now resolved) i want to convert and use namespace. **headScript.php**: <?php class headScript { public function connection()…and put this in its own file, then using namespace to pull this in. That way i have one… file which can be called via namespace and i can use this function. Am I thinking… Re: Namespace help Programming Web Development by Atli … script that does use namespaces, you need to specify the namespace of the classes and functions you are trying to use… you are trying to use classes/functions from the current namespace. - In the case of the built-in classes and functions…, they belong to the root namespace: `\` So changing it to this will get it to … Re: Namespace help Programming Web Development by cereal Try this: <?php namespace Dbase; class Dbconn { public function conn() { return new \PDO("… Re: Namespace help Programming Web Development by Atli … object is created and used everywhere. Consider this: <?php namespace organization\projectname\database; class Database { /** * @var PDO The database link… Re: Namespace help Programming Web Development by vaayaa1 interesting, very few people use namespace in php. Watching this link :-) Re: Namespace help Programming Web Development by Squidge ??Global namespace?? Re: Namespace help Programming Web Development by Atli … PHP 5.3+ that is not defined inside a specific namespace belongs to this *Global Space*. To access classes and functions… namespace..... Programming Software Development by Daita what does using namespace std; actually mean? ... Re: namespace..... Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …), I would like to be [ICODE]using[/ICODE] this [ICODE]namespace[/ICODE] that they call [ICODE]std[/ICODE]. This would really… namespace controversy Community Center by Ancient Dragon …a program, or is the global declaration "using namespace std" being unjustly maligned as a "global…up if you start naming global variables associated with a namespace. Morerover, unused names are NOT consiered errors "…or HS I see nothing wrong with "using namespace std". But in larger commercial programs that … Re: namespace std Programming Software Development by Duoas …] [code=C++] // console.cpp #include "console.hpp" namespace console { using namespace std; int pause( const string& prompt ) { ... } } [/code…> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> namespace duthomhas { ... template <typename CharType> inline CharType uppercase(… Re: namespace controversy Community Center by Narue …dangerous: [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; void foo() { // Might unintentionally use standard… Might unintentionally use standard names } int main() { using namespace std; // Uses unadorned standard names } [/code] By …restricting the scope in which you open a namespace, you can localize problems more easily. For … namespace function pointers - 'not a namespace name error' Programming Software Development by sblass92 … " StateAction': is not a class or namespace name. I've whittled out code until just …In StateAction.h file #pragma once #include <iostream> namespace StateAction { void fun1(); void fun2(); }; //In StateAction.cpp…possible to restrict a function pointer to a namespace? I'm almost positive I've done … Re: namespace function pointers - 'not a namespace name error' Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …;using") their functions in that namespace. I could easily have this: namespace my_code { void my_function(); }; namespace StateAction { using my_code::my_function; }; …that function pointers must point to functions in that namespace is a very weak restriction. An alternative might be… Re: namespace controversy Community Center by John A …'s simply not that much different than placing "using namespace std;" at the top of the program. And then… I mean. For larger projects, I just add "using namespace std" whenever it's needed, although I should be… namespace file, class file and mutual dependency! Programming Software Development by iw2z …have 2 cpp files, in first.cpp I define namespace 'myNS', and in second.cpp I define class … #ifndef FIRST_CPP #define FIRST_CPP #include "second.cpp" namespace myNS { myClass* myClassPtr; int justAnyNumber; } #endif //second.cpp…second.cpp before is reaches the definition of the namespace, but I'm still clueless on how to… Re: Namespace conflicts Programming Game Development by csb4622 ….hpp(114) : error C2653: 'T' : is not a class or namespace name 1>c:\program files (x86)\boost_1_45_0\boost\thread….hpp(114) : error C2653: 'T' : is not a class or namespace name 1>c:\program files (x86)\boost_1_45_0\boost\thread…hpp(114) : error C2653: 'T' : is not a class or namespace name 1>c:\program files (x86)\boost_1_45_0\boost\thread… Re: Namespace rant Programming Software Development by deceptikon … protect the innocent): CompanyName.Scheduling ScheduleEditor ScheduleTimer ScheduleTimerPulseEventArgs ScheduleOverlord The namespace ensures that when I want a `ScheduleEditor`, I can get… class and using directives separately and leave the IDE generated namespace as-is. It's a minor annoyance though. > … Re: Namespace rant Programming Software Development by WDrago …case, the contained classes/symbols are added to that namespace. Well that explains a lot! Now I totally…lot easier for me to understand if namespace declarations were handledlike this: namespace MyTrigLib { Sine.cs Cosine.cs …you know which class is in which namespace without opening each file and reading it? -… Re: namespace file, class file and mutual dependency! Programming Software Development by iw2z … here it goes: [CODE]//first.cpp #ifndef FIRST_CPP #define FIRST_CPP namespace myNS { int justAnyNumber; } #include "second.cpp" {… I did is: - Split the definition of the namespace into 2 parts, the first part which is needed …the class, then place the second part of the namespace definition. Note: I would still like someone with … namespace cannot directly contain members... Programming Software Development by batlou ….Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ProjectCatalog.ProviderCustomer { [ToolboxItemAttribute(false)] public class ProviderCustomer…WebParts; using Microsoft.SharePoint; using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls; namespace ProjectCatalog.CustomerProject { [ToolboxItemAttribute(false)] public class CustomerProject … Re: namespace vs scope resolution operator Programming Software Development by deceptikon … *every* visible name from the namespace while the namespace qualified name is visible only for that… directive at file scope: void foo() { using namespace NameSpace; ... } Finally, there's a third choice …in the using declaration: using NameSpace::Method; This is something of a combination … Re: Namespace rant Programming Software Development by Ketsuekiame …`Control + .` This will cause intellisense to lookup the namespace for that class. In the case of ambiguous declarations it…Visual Studio if you have namespace `My.Namespace.Is.Here` and you type `My` then `Namespace` will appear on the …list of available declarations and look like: `{ } Namespace` If you aren't using Visual Studio, you better …