Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by toneewa …, simplify your testing, e.g., 1 ant 2 rooms, 2 paths. There are some algorithms to consider. The Breadth-First Search… Paths Mess up when using SEF URLs Programming Web Development by nevergone …;name=$2 RewriteRule (.*)\.html categories.php?category=$1[/CODE] The paths to the images are messed up and also the… paths to the css. In my products.php file I have … how to find all possible paths between two given nodes Programming Software Development by shelton22 …]==node) return false; } return true; } //FINDS PATHS int findpaths(int source ,int target ) { int mykey…new_path); } } } return 1; } //DISPLAY ALL PATHS IN MAP ALLPATHMM void display_all_paths_map() { for(itapm=allpathsmap.… Find all possible paths from source to destination Programming Software Development by Slavi …way? What comes to my mind is save paths in an ArrayList as Arralist of integer and…enough won't even need to check whether paths are identical or noth since it won't…edges but in this case to display all paths not to return the shortest one? Any suggestions… case how would I print out only those paths that reach the destination and not every visited … Re: Find all possible paths from source to destination Programming Software Development by Slavi … ArrayList<Integer>(); private static ArrayList<Integer> paths = new ArrayList<Integer>(); public static void main(String…(); i++) { int vis = a.get(i); if(!visitedVertices.contains(vis)) { paths.add(vis); //System.out.println(vis); if (isConnected(vis, vertex2… Re: Finding paths in a labyrinth Programming Software Development by billchow24 … maze but i have already found the paths for going out and mark the paths 'T'. The others that lead to dead…. So, i only need to output the coordinations of the paths with 'T' marked. Besides, your example have only one… Re: independent paths of power number Programming Computer Science by Schol-R-LEA …post the datapath chart for reference purposes: ![data paths]( Now…pow = -b; else pow = b; which has *two* paths, the `if()` and the `else`. Note that most C programmers…this as one path, but as given, it is two paths. The next conditional is a `while()`, while (pow … Creating 'App paths'... Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by The Dude …regedit and go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths 2. Create a new key with whatever you want… run command IE: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\whatever.exe 3. In the key folder that you …to run. I didnt realize just how many "App paths" i had!!! (I suppose i could delete the… Finding paths in a labyrinth Programming Software Development by billchow24 … the exit at the bottom right hand. There are two paths as indicated as red and green. My problem is that… how can i stored the corrdinations of the two paths by using array? I mean i need to output the… corrdinations of the feasible paths from the start to the point to the end. Thanks… Links & includes with relative paths Programming Web Development by JBridges …, simple way of intelligently defining relative paths, especially with the main menu. Obviously relative paths get all messed up, depending on where…, and vice versa. I'd like to stick with relative paths rather than absolute (if for no other reason than to… mod_rewrite affecting local paths Programming Web Development by macdonald12 ….php file, there are links and stylesheets defined with local paths, for example, <link rel="stylesheet" type=&… (+ variable) but subsequently will fail to load any local paths defined in it. As it now is trying to load… As it appears now, i am forced to use absolute paths, everywhere. Is there any other solution to this problem? … Dreamweaver Live View and Absolute Paths Digital Media UI / UX Design by floatingDivs … help in regards to Dreamweaver's Live View and Absolute Paths. A new co-worker just had Dreamweaver installed and was… to work with a single page that had all absolute paths for CSS links (meaning [url]… (no styling whatsoever) and the content. I would assume absolute paths would be exactly what she'd need to use without… CakePHP install on local pc (xampp) incorrect paths Programming Web Development by iisark …'m pretty sure that this error is triggered by incorrect paths in index.php file,because if i made wrong path… is that i have no idea how to fix that paths. My site files are located in: C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite… So here is how i made the paths on index.php file: /** * The full path to the directory… Re: Find all possible paths from source to destination Programming Software Development by Taywin If you are looking for all paths possible, DFS or BFS can do. DFS and BFS are … path. The only difference between finding a path and all paths is how to set your termainated condition. Either DFS or… xml paths Programming Software Development by coder91 … a new job where I have to compare XML paths against Acord XML paths to find out what the ancestor path is… first, is this correct? If not, what would the ancestor paths be for both? Sorry if this is a really silly… Re: Finding paths in a labyrinth Programming Software Development by billchow24 … doing the maze problem. I have find the paths and set the feasible paths with 'T' However, i don't know to… Re: Finding paths in a labyrinth Programming Software Development by DemonGal711 … program would be difficult. If you knew there were two paths, you could just create an array of strings with two… have to figure out how to determine the number of paths in the maze first before you could do that (assuming… Re: Links & includes with relative paths Programming Web Development by EvolutionFallen If I have a bunch of includes that every page needs, I'll make an includes.php file that has all these includes listed in it through relative paths, and then have other files include includes.php. This lets me hold on to relative paths for most of the includes. Re: Find all possible paths from source to destination Programming Software Development by Hiroshe … your right, your program would not terminate and have incorrect paths all over the place until you run out of memory… Finding alternate paths using Dijkstra algorithm Programming Software Development by vikashkumar051 … stack[sp]; } /* End of stack digression and back to printing paths. */ void print_shortest_path(vertex origin, vertex destination) { vertex v; assert(origin… C14. [/code] [B][COLOR="Green"]I want other paths which are also shortest should be printed. that is, below… Re: Finding paths in a labyrinth Programming Software Development by billchow24 … know how to store them in different containers for different paths. Can you give me some suggestions? Reversing all root-to-leaf paths in a tree (JAVA) Programming Software Development by EdwardS … tree, output the tree after reversing all root-to-leaf paths. For the following tree: root = 5 root.right = 8, root… would be useful to use linked lists to store the paths, but the code I wrote doesn't work and I… Restoring al l the paths in windows Programming Software Development by PHIPH hello, Am new to Java and i just installed jdk, but i failed to set the paths correctly since am missing some paths am supposed to edit as the procedure says, any one having an idea pliz help me, thanx Drawing with General Paths Programming Software Development by skylinepkr … of mouse(motion)listener to draw my path using general paths (lineTo and moveTo). My question is, is there a way… to draw a line using general paths AND be able to see the line being drawn at… Re: How to delete directories from multiple paths? Programming Software Development by arunair … above code.[/QUOTE] Hello munnazz, There are atleast 10 different paths from where i have to delete files and folders. Couple… of paths are C:/Windows/temp C:/Recycled I want to delete… Re: Restoring al l the paths in windows Programming Software Development by NormR1 What paths do you need to set? What version of Windows are … Re: Best way to declare paths Programming Software Development by deceptikon … to use something like `Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData` and storing the paths/connection strings in a configuration file. Typically anything that depends… on the environment should be configurable anyway. Hard coded paths are a big no-no unless they're guaranteed to… Error 'not all code paths return a value' Programming Software Development by shrikant76 ….Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[], System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction)': not all code paths return a value' Code: public static SqlCommand fncreateCmdObj(string spName… Document Root paths and circles Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by MattEvans … spiders and bots don't like document-root or relative paths? I read it somewhere just now; and I don't… Re: Document Root paths and circles Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by stymiee They don't mind relative paths at all. That's a myth and a poor one …