PyQt Put QLineEdit Text Into Variable Programming Software Development by Syphilis … and the normal python script. One: Retrieve text from a QLineEdit widget into python variable. Two: Perform python commands when button… Re: PyQt Put QLineEdit Text Into Variable Programming Software Development by vello [CODE]line_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit()[/CODE] [CODE]str(label_edit.displayText())[/CODE] python pyqt add data to tableView from QLineEdit Programming Software Development by iraj.jelo hi friends . i have a sqlite program. i need get stuff data from QLineEdit and add to model & tableView . but i dont know what should I do :( plz help me Re: python pyqt add data to tableView from QLineEdit Programming Software Development by iraj.jelo thanks.problem solved:) Re: python pyqt add data to tableView from QLineEdit Programming Software Development by TrustyTony If possible you could answer yourself here and post relevant piece of your code (as simplified as possible) for future Googlers and DaniWebbers. Also markt the thread solved. Qt code not compiling Programming Software Development by capton …; QLabel *dateLab; QLabel *phoneLab; QLabel *emailLab; QLabel *hoursLab; QLineEdit *getName; QLineEdit *getPhone; QLineEdit *getEmail; QLineEdit *getDate; QSpinBox *hoursSpin; QSlider *hoursSlide; QPushButton *resetBtn; QPushButton *submitBtn… AttributeError and path coding problems Programming Software Development by sebcbien …, 1, 9, 1, 1) self.powlineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.widget) self.powlineEdit.setObjectName("powlineEdit") self.gridLayout…, 4, 9, 1, 2) self.impedancelineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.widget) self.impedancelineEdit.setObjectName("impedancelineEdit") self.gridLayout… C++ simple calculator Programming Software Development by annitaz …void clearFields(); //function to close window void close(); private: QLineEdit* int1Entry; QLineEdit* int2Entry; QLCDNumber* lineoutput; QErrorMessage* error; }; #endif… and places widgets using a layout int1Entry = new QLineEdit; int2Entry = new QLineEdit; setWindowTitle("Simple Calculator"); QGridLayout* layout =… Python/SQLite and PySide Programming Software Development by J-M DESMETTRE …QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.label = QLabel(mytext) self.edit = QLineEdit() label_pos = QBoxLayout.LeftToRight if pos == 'left' \ else QBoxLayout.TopToBottom…setLayout(layout) def text(self): """create QLineEdit() like method to get text""" return … HELP WITH BMI CALCULATOR Programming Software Development by mmegue … QString &); private: QDoubleSpinBox* heightEntry; QDoubleSpinBox* weightEntry; QLineEdit* result; QPushButton * bimout; QPushButton * calculate; QRadioButton *…new QLabel("BMI "); result = new QLineEdit(); QPushButton* clear = new QPushButton("Clear All… need compiler translation! Programming Software Development by JRM …lt;QDialog> class QCheckBox; class QLabel; class QLineEdit; class QPushButton; class FindDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT…void enableFindButton(const QString &text); private: QLabel *label; QLineEdit *lineEdit; QCheckBox *caseCheckBox; QCheckBox *backwardCheckBox; QPushButton *findButton; … Qt, classes and threads Programming Software Development by -ordi- …quot;Enter file name (optional):") self.file_line_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit() mp3_filename_label = QtGui.QLabel("MP3 file name:") self….filename_line_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit() download_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Download in URL") download_file_button =… Re: Qt, classes and threads Programming Software Development by -ordi- …quot;Enter file name (optional):") self.download_file_line_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit() mp3_filename_label = QtGui.QLabel("MP3 file name:") self….mp3_line_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit() ''' Buttons ''' self.download_url_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Download in … Update Qt window when wx Widget is launch in the same program Programming Software Development by sebcbien …horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.pixelWidthLabel) self.xSizeLineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.bmpTab) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy…verticalLayout_2.addWidget(self.bmpNameLabel) self.bmpFileNameLineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.bmpTab) self.bmpFileNameLineEdit.setObjectName("bmpFileNameLineEdit&… how can i set scroll bar to form in Qt Designer Programming Software Development by kodavalilaxmi …I=0; t=10 while I<15: self.lineEdit1 = QLineEdit(self,"lineEdit1") self.lineEdit1.setGeometry(QRect(0,t…,120,50)) self.lineEdit2 = QLineEdit(self,"lineEdit2") self.lineEdit2.setGeometry(QRect(120,t… qt desinger (QlistViewitem) and python Programming Software Development by klia …addphoto.setObjectName("addphoto") self.tagfield = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.tagfield.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.NonModal)…options.setObjectName("options") self.searchquery = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.searchquery.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.NonModal) … I'm new to this forum Programming Software Development by ivh90 … self.groupBox.setObjectName("groupBox") self.lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.groupBox) self.lineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 20, … self.lineEdit.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit_2 = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.groupBox) self.lineEdit_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 50, 51… (QT) C++ QList<QLabel*> Index out of range Programming Software Development by J-P1988 …;setOption(QWizard::HaveCustomButton1, true); formulaireCreationPersonnageChoisirNom->addPage(pageChoisirNom); choisirNom = new QLineEdit; layoutFormulaireChoisirNom = new QHBoxLayout(formulaireCreationPersonnageChoisirNom); layoutFormulaireChoisirNom->addWidget(choisirNom); connect… lotto gui application that generates random numbers Programming Software Development by annitaz …> #include <QTimer> #include <QLineEdit> #include <QPushButton> #include <… static QStringList m_messages; static int m_current_message; QTimer* m_timer; QLineEdit* m_timer_entry; QPushButton* m_start_timer; //QPushButton* m_set_timer; QLabel* lblRandomMsg… (C++) (QT) Custom Signal error Programming Software Development by J-P1988 …;setOption(QWizard::HaveCustomButton1, true); formulaireCreationPersonnageChoisirNom->addPage(pageChoisirNom); choisirNom = new QLineEdit; layoutFormulaireChoisirNom = new QHBoxLayout(formulaireCreationPersonnageChoisirNom); layoutFormulaireChoisirNom->addWidget(choisirNom); connect… List of QWidgets with PyQt4 Programming Software Development by matMalo …(3): self.motorDial.append(QtGui.QDial()) self.velocityEdit.append(QtGui.QLineEdit()) The problem is to connect each of these Widgets to… python global name 'self' is not defined Programming Software Development by memomk …(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName("centralwidget") self.urlT = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.urlT.setEnabled(True) self.urlT.setGeometry(QtCore… Starting PySide, trouble Programming Software Development by pwolf …=None): super(Form, self).__init__(parent) # Create widgets self.edit = QLineEdit("Write my name here") self.button = QPushButton("… Re: Starting PySide, trouble Programming Software Development by snippsat …=None): super(Form, self).__init__(parent) # Create widgets self.edit = QLineEdit("Write my name here") self.button = QPushButton("… Temperature converter Programming Software Development by annitaz …* inputRequest = new QLabel("Enter the temperature "); tempEntry = new QLineEdit; tempEntry->setMaxLength(20); tempEntry->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); QPushButton… Pyqt my program GUI freeze when starting a process Programming Software Development by memomk …)) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.md5hash = QtGui.QLineEdit(Dialog) self.md5hash.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(70, 100, 291, 27… Re: Pyqt my program GUI freeze when starting a process Programming Software Development by memomk …)) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.md5hash = QtGui.QLineEdit(Dialog) self.md5hash.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(70, 100, 291, 27… Re: Pyqt my program GUI freeze when starting a process Programming Software Development by memomk …)) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.md5hash = QtGui.QLineEdit(Dialog) self.md5hash.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(70, 100, 291, 27… Testing the PySide Validator Programming Software Development by vegaseat The PySide/PyQT QValidator restricts the type of input a widget like QLineEdit can accept. Here is a simple test. Adding QThread in my code Programming Software Development by mad5245 …)) self.labelPATH.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("labelPATH")) self.linePATH = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.linePATH.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 130, 291…