Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani I admit I’m a bit stuck in the past when it comes to this. Does anyone know of any decent FREE Quantcast / Compete.com / Nielsen NetRatings alternatives? Don’t tell me Alexa :) Worth Using Quantcast? Digital Media Digital Marketing by keepbusy … 36,000 on Alexa, but a dismal 160,000 on Quantcast. Quantcast claims that you can boost your ranking by signing up… a few popular websites to see if they had the Quantcast code and surprisingly they all did (break.com, digg.com… your ranking, and whether or not a high ranking on Quantcast actually holds any weight? Thanks! Re: Worth Using Quantcast? Digital Media Digital Marketing by kman75 …, including a growing list of blue chip firms, are using Quantcast to evaluate their web placements on sites. It is like… Quantifying. After a few weeks, compare your site analytics to Quantcast. I would be surprised if it didn't offer you… on your sites. Kevin Mannion Sky Road Consulting (Full disclosure: Quantcast is a client) Re: Worth Using Quantcast? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani I can see that including their JavaScript would give much more accurate results, as they'd be able to include all of your traffic as opposed to just a small guestimate. However, I'm shocked to know that Digg includes Quantcast's code unless they're in some sort of partnership together. I don't know who really goes by Quantcast. Re: Worth Using Quantcast? Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital I know that Quantcast has done some changes in the past year since this post was orignally posted. I wonder if any members who use Quantcast noticed any improvements or differences in their quants? Re: Worth Using Quantcast? Digital Media Digital Marketing by nysilly I use quantcast for my website [URL="http://www.nysilly.com"]… Re: Worth Using Quantcast? Digital Media Digital Marketing by nysilly Well I noticed that the longer I have it the more data becomes available. However as far as rank is concerned, my pr jumped from 0 -2, alexa from 9m to 3m, quantcast remained the same rank, 1.5m. I dont want to attribute the other two improvements as an effect of having the script, but Im too scared to take it out to test it. Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by rproffitt I'm out of date but didn't tracking pixels and a lot of other tracking burn down with browsers implementing blocking for tracking? > The tracker blocker in Opera does exactly that. Block known online trackers like analytic scripts, tracking pixels and other methods of data collection. Everyone I know turns on the blockers so doesn't this … Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani I don’t know anyone who uses as blockers or the like, but I’m in the advertising industry :) Of course, they still collect a lot of useful demographic data, and I would suspect the number of people using tracking blockers to be less than 15%. Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by rproffitt The folk I know are mostly technical such as engineers, programmers, and so on. Either from military or surveillience industries so I'd put the number that install or turn on the ad blockers at close to 90%. We use the native blocker or add apps like Ublock Origin, Ghostery, Facebook Container and similar. Facebook Container is a new one … Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani I, personally, do not have the same privacy concerns online that I hear so much about. I make my living trying to hustle my brand online, which means putting myself out there as much as possible. I also find targeted ads useful. At DaniWeb, we do track the behavior of logged in members (what topics you visited, where you posted) in order to … Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by rproffitt Back to the top, my view is that net ratings is at best a guess because there is a more than double digit number of web users that block ads. This block from what I can tell always blocks the tracking pixel systems that a lot of these companies relied on. Yes they came up with new ways to block your web use and email too but the escalation … Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani > This block from what I can tell always blocks the tracking pixel systems that a lot of these companies relied on. Many, many more people block ads and block ad tracking pixels than block analytics tracking pixels such as Google Analytics. Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by rproffitt As a test I turned off my blocker. www.daniweb.com Trackers Blocked: 0 Requests Modified: 0 Page Load: 1.09 secs Then I turned it on. www.daniweb.com Trackers Blocked: 2 Requests Modified: 2 Page Load: 0.91 secs Seems they are right that this adds time so I think I'll leave it on for now. That said, you can imagine other sites such… Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani As someone who works painlessly to shave every 10 ms where I can, I can say with confidence that the difference between 1.09 s and 0.91 s can be attributed to just routine network latency, and most likely content being cached the first run and therefore not having to be retrieved over the pipe the second run. It's not a large enough data set to … Re: Quantcast alternative Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani OK, I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this a year ago. SimilarWeb.com all the way. Need shell script for extracting website content for a list of given websites Programming Software Development by deboogeek …into the SITENAME field here: [url]http://www.quantcast.com/SITENAME/demographics[/url] Here's the url …for google.nl stats on quantcast: [url]http://www.quantcast.com/google.nl/demographics[/url] Here'…file also including only the original sitename (without the quantcast.com), using the cut command or something. 7… Re: Need shell script for extracting website content for a list of given websites Programming Software Development by deboogeek …the whole concept of CAPTCHAs. While, indeed, the images quantcast provides are not deliberately distorted like CAPTCHA images, it's…help me here. I already added / prepended the full quantcast url to each site (concatenated the two urls in … image [B]according to the pattern common to all quantcast graphs of a given type[/B], then process each… StackOverflow stole all our search traffic! Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani …of traffic, as told by [their Quantcast report](https://www.quantcast.com/dreamincode.net). Here's a…[StackOverflow increased its own traffic proportionally](https://www.quantcast.com/stackoverflow.com). Within the month, at least… for yourself: [DaniWeb's demographics](https://www.quantcast.com/daniweb.com#!demo) vs [StackOverflow's demographics… Re: Need shell script for extracting website content for a list of given websites Programming Software Development by davidad … underlies the whole concept of CAPTCHAs. While, indeed, the images quantcast provides are not deliberately distorted like CAPTCHA images, it's… its own image according to the pattern common to all quantcast graphs of a given type, then process each number using… Alexa is Killing Me!!! Digital Media Digital Marketing by keepbusy … now ranked 62,000 although my traffic has since doubled! Quantcast and Google Analytics show my site on a steep incline… ([url]http://www.quantcast.com/keepbusy.net)[/url]. TribalFusion and other ad networks have… it started killing me as soon as I added the Quantcast tag to my page - I know they are rivals - any… Re: Alexa is Killing Me!!! Digital Media Digital Marketing by keepbusy … they saw my post about them sabotaging sites that use Quantcast lol. Wouldn't be surprised. I noticed your Alexa ranking… Here come the new Yahoo! Android apps Programming Mobile Development by newsguy According to recent [URL="http://blog.quantcast.com/quantcast/2010/06/may-mobile-os-share-north-america.html"]… Major U.S. media sites hit with lawsuit Digital Media Digital Marketing by Emily Banks … cookies." [ATTACH=right]16245[/ATTACH]The technology, created by Quantcast, allows sites to use Adobe's Flash player to reproduce…, Hulu, MTV, MySpace and NBC as defendants, as well as Quantcast. The lawsuit calls Internet users "fish in a fishbowl… How to get indexed FAST in google from 20 high PR Sites Digital Media Digital Marketing by jaakko …://www.aboutus.org/mywebsite.com[/url] 6- [url]http://www.quantcast.com/mywebsite.com[/url] 7- [url]http://www.cubestat.com… Have You Used Behavioral Segmenting? Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital … how to best cater to them. Thus, I often appreciate Quantcast's behavioral report for websites. I understand Compete Pro will… Which Tools do you use for Psychographics Profiles on your visitors? Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital Understanding visitors go beyond the click. Thus, I have seen a few toold out there that discuss on behavioral targeting and psychographics. I have used QuantCast to gain an understanding of the visitors' behavioral profile. But what else is out there? Do you know of any other tool other ther? Is That Website Watching You? Digital Media Digital Marketing by CatRambo … marketing with pinpoint precision. The websites of Google, Microsoft and Quantcast, all of which use such data to formulate their online… Re: Is That Website Watching You? Digital Media Digital Marketing by GlaringFacts That's not common at all. Have you seen QuantCast data collection? Somehow, they have information readily available to anyone about their cultural backgrounds, their income, their household size, etc.. This is some really crazy stuff.. Re: Is That Website Watching You? Digital Media Digital Marketing by GlaringFacts That's not common at all. Have you seen QuantCast data collection? Somehow, they have information readily available to anyone about their cultural backgrounds, their income, their household size, etc.. This is some really crazy stuff.. Sincerely, The Glaring Facts