How do I swap out the mesh on a humanoid armature in Unity 3D? Programming Game Development by Michael_80 … to know how to layer them onto the skinned mesh renderer of the starter asset character? The new prefab contains multiple… Renderer.repaint(); null pointer Programming Software Development by scheppy …private int paddleHieght; private int paddleWidth; public Renderer Renderer; public static BallGame ballGame; boolean running = …y = 0; public BallGame() { Dimensions(); Renderer = new Renderer(); JFrame jframe = new JFrame("Ball Game&… Re: Renderer.repaint(); null pointer Programming Software Development by scheppy … the 16th line in the code posted above in the renderer class BallGame.ballGame.Repaint(g);//17 line of code in…;AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at ballgame.Renderer.paintComponent( at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(… Re: Renderer.repaint(); null pointer Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill > public Renderer Renderer; You have a variable with exactly the same name as … Re: Renderer.repaint(); null pointer Programming Software Development by scheppy … guys, yes Noted, I will change the name of the Renderer. I call demsions before initialize the jframe. @ stultuske Thats exaccly… it doesant even seem to be called at all, The renderer class is getting the null point exception on the 16th… Re: Renderer.repaint(); null pointer Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill …();` in main. First, `new BallGame()` is called. That constructor calls `Renderer.repaint()` which executes `BallGame.ballGame.Repaint(g); ` then, and only… Re: Renderer.repaint(); null pointer Programming Software Development by scheppy …, the bug, i dont understand it, im not calling the Renderer.repaint() in that constructer, that code is commented out. Im… Renderer not updating Programming Software Development by scheppy … HIEGHT; public BallGame() { gamePainter = new Renderer(); WIDTH = dimensions.getWIDTH(); HIEGHT = dimensions… * * @author jonathan */ public class Renderer extends JPanel { @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics… Re: Renderer not updating Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … Has lots of painting code that belongs in Renderer It looks like maybe you have created classes to… update method moves it on one time unit. class Renderer - extends JPanel, paintComponent displays the current state of …the Model class WIndow - extends JFrame, contains a Renderer plus buttons & controls as required, responds to keyboard… Re: Renderer not updating Programming Software Development by scheppy …redo it. But anyhow, i just added the renderer to before I set the frame visible.... and …... When its prints out **Here** its in the renderer... and when it prints out **In Here** it …EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at ballgame.Renderer.paintComponent( at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(JComponent… Re: Renderer not updating Programming Software Development by scheppy … game loops is being called every 30ms... which calls the renderer which should call the repaint method??? also james, so all… my painting methods can go in my renderer/gamepainter class?? Also what do you mean by number 2… Re: Renderer not updating Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill > first time the renderer gets called i get a null You create a BallGame … window and makes it visible, which causes a call to Renderer's paintComponent, which tries to call the GameThread, which doesn… Renderer Not updating Programming Software Development by scheppy …code Now im having a problem with the renderer again. It called called in the timer … if (rightArrow == true) { dimensions.addPaddleX(paddleSpeed); } } } **My Renderer/painting Class** package ballgame; import java.awt.Color; import java… Re: Automated custom cell renderer Programming Software Development by mKorbel - initial 1st code is correct, - renderer is added to JTable - reduce loop by test column (e.…) - if column index passed then test for value from row - renderer by defaul loop inside whole JTables view, there isn't… if - else if - else - use else block only for reseting renderer setWhatever(table.getWhatever) Re: Jlist Renderer Programming Software Development by KirkPatrick … that I'm working on with this jList renderer. I haven't messed with making a custom….getFont()); setOpaque(true); return this; } } } //set cell renderer [/code] I'm not quite sure how I should be… viewobject which would then go onto this custom renderer. If anyone is able to give me a… Custom cell renderer rendering before all results returned from query Programming Software Development by eggmatters … with all of the required data. I have a custom renderer which renders table cell values from a query. The result… works fine. Other queries call the same overriden table model, renderer, and data[][] object, without issue. Those queries only contain a… JTable Cell Renderer Help Programming Software Development by daniiii Hi guys, I am trying to create a cell renderer that will set a background imagefor cells in a JTable … to put background images inside a cell using my cell renderer (right now I am only managing to change the background… Directshow - Capturing camera video to VMR9 Renderer Programming Software Development by kiske … The smart tee (connected to the source filter ) The VMR9 renderer The strange thing is that if I connect the preview… output pin of the colour space converter to the VMR9 renderer (VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT) Could someone please point me out what I'm… Automated custom cell renderer Programming Software Development by Pobunjenik …cell's value. So I built a custom cell renderer: class CustomRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { @Override public Component …c.setBackground(Color.gray); } return c; } } I initialized this renderer after I seeded the table with values (the seeding method… Re: Automated custom cell renderer Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill That presumably works because you called the renderer yourself in order to initialise it (normally there's no …reason to do that). If your renderer is for all the cells in the table it's… Re: Jlist Renderer Programming Software Development by BestJewSinceJC …://[/url] You said javadocs.. have you looked at the swing… tutorials though? Using a custom renderer for a JList is done the same way as using… Re: Automated custom cell renderer Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill I suppose you did remember to call setDefaultRenderer or setCellRenderer (for the relevant columns)? And did you setOpaque(true)? because the default renderer is a JLabel, which is opaque(false) by default, so it never shows its background colour. Re: Automated custom cell renderer Programming Software Development by mKorbel … code lines is way directly to the troubles 2. this renderer can works for whole JTables view visible on the screen… Direct3D Renderer Creation Error Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jessesgirl1907 Trying to download and run Prison Tycoon on my pc. When I click to open the game it shows the Direct3D Renderer Creation Error and then closes out the game. Not sure what is causing this or how to fix it? Any ideas or help? Direct3D renderer creation error Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by ggprogrammer … both machines we get the following application error: "Direct3D renderer creation error". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and… Re: Direct3D renderer creation error Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by caperjack … both machines we get the following application error: "Direct3D renderer creation error". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and… Jtable cell renderer Programming Software Development by evaristo ….columnIdentifiers); //...[/CODE] ...and now i want to set a cell renderer for the first column: [CODE]table.getColumn("COLUMN_A"… Re: Jtable cell renderer Programming Software Development by evaristo OK, i've discovered, i was setting the data vector and when i had to change it i was changing the elements of the vector not the actual vector, so the renderer was not being called. thanks anyway Jlist Renderer Programming Software Development by KirkPatrick … a bit confused here as I haven't edited a renderer before. My situation is that I have a custom object… Exercises for the math of 3D software renderer / implementing soft rendere Programming Game Development by qipi Hi, I wish to implement a 3D software renderer, so I started to read "Tricks of the 3D …