Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … own agenda, which would be entirely disconnected from human interests, rendering it indifferent or hostile to the continued existence and flourishing… I want to run AE rendering on my computer Hardware and Software by HYSTOU I want to run AE rendering on my computer, the configuration is DDR4 3200mhz RAM, I feel it is enough for me to operate but why is it always so laggy? Re: I want to run AE rendering on my computer Hardware and Software by rproffitt No matter how powerful your computer is, there is always some app or work that will cause it to take longer to respond. Nothing's broken here, it just takes time to get the work done. Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Dani … begin loading anything else (CSS, Javascript, images, etc.) and start rendering the page. CWV dictates that the entire page must be… fully loaded, meaning CSS files downloaded and rendering the HTML, JS files downloaded and executed, etc., in 2s… Re: Trying to animate sprite using DirectX9 Programming Software Development by Pavel_11 Hello, it is unneccessarily to use right movex or leftmovex , because it is to much variables. You should to use one variable movex to make it with minus or plus sign in your update function; by pressing left or right keys; because the one thing which is changable is a picture; I mean in global sense; variables like leftx, right x should be one… Rendering Problem with Switcher in IE Digital Media UI / UX Design by hsmukunda …the html code for login switcher which is not rendering properly in Internet Explorer. Please see the images attached…not generate errors in firebug. ATTACHED IMAGES OF RENDERING IN IE AND FIREFOX. We can clearly see …; width:100%; } [/CODE] Any idea why it is rendering differently when clicked on Sign or Register Button. thanks. Rendering Issue for third party control in IIS 7 (windows server 2008 ) Programming Web Development by nikhilsingh …will be rendered as iframe with src, when it was rendering in old server windows server 2000 (IIS 6) the …src property was rendering https:\..... when we are using SSL calls, But in new…server windows server 2008 (IIS 7) the source property in rendering with always "http:\....", we would like to have… Re: Rendering Tiles with Effeciency Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill What are the Tile objects - are they RGB Images, or something that needs more elaborate "rendering"? Passing the position is not an issue. The only thing to worry about is if rendering a Tile is expensive AND you are doing that rendering more times than is necesary. Rendering Mode 4 Programming Web Development by daytonasteve … the UL and LI should be easier than the table rendering. I'm making progress, (still have work to do, just… testing. IN IE 6,7,8, as the page is rendering, it appears the menu is flickering and trying to render… Rendering Problem in IE Digital Media UI / UX Design by hsmukunda Hi encountering rendering problems for IE for rounded corners. Rounded corners are rendered ….gif is used for getting rounded corners. The css for rendering rounded corners. [CODE] #quick_search .top{ width:280px; height:9px; overflow… Rendering Tiles with Effeciency Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 …, then populate your array with those instances. But what about Rendering? You have to pass the position that tile should be… rendered into your method you use for rendering. Is there a way for the tile to render from… Re: Rendering Tiles with Effeciency Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 … when they're passed into the Tile Object. I'm rendering an area around the player, not the entire tile array… rendering problems in IE7 Digital Media UI / UX Design by Antonbomb22 IE7 seems to be incorrectly rendering this filler for rounded corners on this content box in … rendering BSP files in DirectX Programming Game Development by surajIOE Hi every one. I am finding difficulty in rendering the .bsp file of the Quake II . Can anybody send me a short tutorial or code to render .bsp file in c++ using directX? Re: Rendering Help? Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … class Square : public Polygon, public Renderable { ... public ... void render() { ..put rendering code here.. }; }; //Say you have a Canvas class that holds… RTB not rendering to pdf Programming Software Development by walid86 … = myDoc.AddPage(); myDoc.Rendering.AntiAliasImages = true; myDoc.Rendering.DotsPerInch = 300; myDoc.Rendering.AntiAliasPolygons = true; myDoc.Rendering.AntiAliasScene = true; myDoc.Rendering.AntiAliasText = true; myDoc.Rendering.BitsPerChannel = 8… Layout not rendering properly in internet explorer Digital Media UI / UX Design by hsmukunda …explorer. I have attached the screenshot of the layout rendering in firefox and internet explorer. Please see the area… of red rendering in internet explorer and gap between yellow bar and… white but where as in internet explorer it is rendering gold color. code for html page [CODE]<… Re: ati direct rendering issues... Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by FireSBurnsmuP …it out: [code]~$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo |grep rendering direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why…LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose) raziel@nosgoth:~$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo |grep rendering libGL: XF86DRIGetClientDriverName: 6.7.0 mach64 (screen 0)…-mach64/[/url] I now have [inlinecode]direct rendering: Yes[/inlinecode]. to basically sum up the … ati direct rendering issues... Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by FireSBurnsmuP …found). After all that, I still get [inlinecode]direct rendering: No (If you want to know why, try …see a problem here... [code]$ glxinfo |grep "direct rendering" Locking assertion failure. Backtrace: #0 /usr/lib/…6(__libc_start_main+0xe0) [0xb7d2b450] #9 glxinfo [0x8048d51] direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try … IE 7 rendering only on client's two computers! Digital Media UI / UX Design by greenglow Hi, I'm at a loss to resolve a tough rendering problem. The only one seeing it (that I'm aware …). I've run the URL through Litmus App rendering tests and some other rendering programs and can’t find the cause. On… Re: Layout not rendering properly in internet explorer Digital Media UI / UX Design by hsmukunda thanks even correcting the closing tag the layout and top margin for red box is not rendering properly in internet explorer. I have attached screen shot of the layout in both firefox and explorer, the second screen shot is of explorer where we can see the margin difference when rendered in explorer. Progressively building game/video rendering station/website hosting Hardware and Software by RikTelner …. Server would be for virtual machines, Adobe After Effects rendering, Blender rendering, Unreal Engine rendering. Is there a build you could suggest, where… Re: ati direct rendering issues... Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by FireSBurnsmuP …=565[/url] ... However, that doesn't fix my [inlinecode]direct rendering: No[/inlinecode], unfortunately. But, I'll keep digging... If nothing… Re: ati direct rendering issues... Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by FireSBurnsmuP … included my xorg.conf, which is working with [inlinecode]direct rendering: Yes[/inlinecode]. I don't know where I got this… Re: IE 7 rendering only on client's two computers! Digital Media UI / UX Design by MidiMagic I see several problems: 1. Defining sizes in pixels does NOT work with various screen resolutions. It is an absolute form of rendering. 2. Em is not defined when the body tag is executed, so something can't be referenced to an em in the body tag style. IE Rendering Issues - Help! Digital Media UI / UX Design by --min … Firefox's (correct) and the second of IE7's (incorrect) rendering. The HTML code is as follows: [QUOTE] <table style…;/table>[/QUOTE] Please help me to get the IE rendering the same as FF's! Thanks in advance, J Re: IE Rendering Issues - Help! Digital Media UI / UX Design by Troy III … Firefox's (correct) and the second of IE7's (incorrect) rendering. The HTML code is as follows: Please help me to… get the IE rendering the same as FF's! Thanks in advance, J[/QUOTE… Lnk2019 errors on compilation, and graphic rendering problems on OpenGL Programming Software Development by ticktock … the function render should call the stickfigure class's own rendering function to draw the stick figure. The example class's… step closer to making our final project. PS. Aside from rendering the figure, there is a part in the code where…