Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri … up creating one Factory class and two other classes for request and response. While OOP certainly has its uses, not all… Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by Dani Wow, this is old. I just stumbled upon it and it’s so crazy looking back at old code you wrote once upon a time. Especially since we are still working off the same framework so it’s just interesting to see how much it’s morphed and evolved over the years. Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri Glad to know that Daniweb uses CodeIgniter! It's a very minimal but robust framework and has all the bells and whistles which other so called "modern" frameworks keep talking about. I myself use CI3 for most of my freelance projects. For database interaction, I usually don't use the CI models, I prefer dealing with the `$this->db` … Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by Dani I started with CI3 probably like a decade ago, and that’s what I’m continuing to use, albeit with a bunch of security updates and so forth. It’s not worth it to me to upgrade to CI4 right now since that would pretty much be a complete rewrite of the entire app for not much upside. Do you have any experience with CI4? Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri I have never bothered to check CI4 as CI3 fulfilled all my web development needs. It required some modifications when PHP 8 came (PHP 8 didn't allow dynamic properties which are used in CI3). But otherwise, it works fine for most small to medium sized projects. One of the best things about CI3 is that it works out of the box with minimum initial … Re: AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by Dani … create a Purchase via an HTTP POST request. That can be done with a cURL request. cURL requests require some backend programming… Re: Do email clients respect CSP? Programming Web Development by toneewa … CDN can check the HTTP referer, to make sure the request does not originate from visitors on another site. This means… all that needs to be done. What does the hotlinking request look like, and can you differentiate it from browser requests… Re: AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by pritaeas You cannot safely use a form to post directly to AirTM. Post to your own PHP script, which can then use curl to make the request, including headers. Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Re: Request.Form["value"] to get and to set ? Programming Web Development by kvprajapati … Flags); FieldInfo FormField = Request.GetType().GetField("_form", Flags); WritableMethod.Invoke(Request.Form, null); Request.Form["no"] …= "100"; FormField.SetValue(Request, Request.Form); ReadOnlyMethod.Invoke(Request.Form, null); Response.Write("<br… Request empty in JSP ComboBox? Programming Web Development by suncica2222 …; ) == "Predmeti") session.setAttribute("kombo", request.getParameter( "cmbx" )); */ if(b1.getKombo() != …vratiPredmete(); } // out.print("<h1>"+ request.getParameter("drop1") +"</h1> </… Request Dispatcher Programming Web Development by mith_cool … Addtocart servlet. AuthenticationServlet Code: [CODE] RequestDispatcher rd= request.getRequestDispatcher("/Addtocart"); rd.forward(request, response); response.sendRedirect("Addtocart"); [/CODE… Request Query String and Display of SQL data Programming Web Development by BilalAKhan …I am using Response.Direct in the search page and Request.QueryString on the result page. The search page code is…[/CODE] Now note that if I do not enter the Request.QueryString code and give only binding code, it works perfectly… fine. Note another thing that I have tested the Request.QueryString code by putting the labels (You can see … Re: Request Dispatcher Programming Web Development by Rameshwar Soni [CODE]RequestDispatcher rd= request.getRequestDispatcher("/Addtocart");[/CODE] I think it should have been [CODE]RequestDispatcher rd= request.getRequestDispatcher("Addtocart");[/CODE] Request.QueryString Substring problem Programming Web Development by ammwebmaster2 …;Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><%Request.QueryString["donor"].ToString().Substring(1,9)%><…gt; </td> <td><%(Request.QueryString("donor").ToString().Substring(10,4))%>&…" type="hidden" value="<%Request.QueryString("donor").ToString().Substring(1,9)%>… Request.php code error..Help plz! Programming Web Development by kclove …having a problem with my request code. I need to send a request to a friend and …never. I have attached my login and request codes along with the users and friends … header ("location:index.php"); } ?> // my request page <?php session_start(); friends2ID = $_GET["userID"]; … Re: Request Form not Working: foreach() error message Programming Web Development by diafol …tutors... var mySerializedData = ...; // get the relevant fields from form var request = $.ajax({url: "folder/tutors.php", dataType: "…dt ) { $("#tutorlist").html( dt ); }); jqXHR, textStatus ) { alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus ); }); In the tutors.php… Re: Request.QueryString Substring problem Programming Web Development by Thirusha … this: [code]<%[COLOR="Red"]=[/COLOR]Request.QueryString["donor"].ToString().Substring(1,9)%>…quot; type="hidden" value="<%Request.QueryString("donor").ToString().Substring(1,9)%>…donor" type="hidden"value='<%=Request.QueryString("donor").ToString().Substring(1,9)%>… Request and Respond doesn't exist in new .NET framework.. Programming Software Development by sniper1983 … "My" doesn't support request and response on cookies anymore. ex. My.Request.Cookies("TestEmail") I have succeeded… have not been able to find the new way for Request. Can somebody help me doing this? Re: Request and Respond doesn't exist in new .NET framework.. Programming Software Development by sniper1983 …You should find everything you need in them (and in Request namespaces of cource).[/QUOTE] Thank you for your help. I…might use it like this: System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies.Item("Role").Value() instead of My….Request.Cookies("Role").Value() I just don't… request scope Programming Web Development by hajjo Hello all I am using the request scope. I have parent window, which opens a child window … click. Am using That child window opened is request scope. Problem is, on that child window there is a… value. On every button click its considering it a new request. whats the probleM?? Its not normal. I am thinking of… request.getParameter return null value Programming Web Development by sagar2dumbre … { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request") return } var url="wl_do.jsp… <body> <% String area=request.getParameter("area_id"); response.setContentType("text… i write [CODE]System.out.println(request.getParameter("emp")); [/CODE] … Request.PathInfo is taking too much time to load! Programming Web Development by kubi081 … wondering if you could help me with the problem of Request.PathInfo! The only difference between the two pages I will… refer below is Request.PathInfo I want to make clear urls, instead of id…/get.aspx?id=543[/URL] and here I have used Request.PathInfo to make url clear but it takes too much… request object null Programming Web Development by chandub … validate method (struts)and bounces back, i'm loosing some request attributes that i had set for the page. In other… the validate method, the page comes back with a few request scope attributes missing. Is there a way to avoid that… Request Form not Working: foreach() error message Programming Web Development by ebanbury … is ready to launch apart from one of the key request forms which is not working properly and I just can… /home/brighttu/public_html/dev/request_tutor.php on line 499 Your request has been sent and you will be contacted by our…]( The form is: 'Request A Tutor' I'm really desperate and would be so… Request Processing in PHP Programming Web Development by darne_1 …? More than that I'm concerned with e.g. once request is parsed through.htaccess ,mapped to the file and respone… incoming requests to the middle file, but to transfer the request to the actual file, require or include function are of… Re: Request.form Programming Web Development by mellamokb …checkbox /> ... [/code] Example ASP processing code: [code] if request.form("chk1") = "on" then ' do …stuff if chk1 is checked end if if request.form("chk2") = "on" then '… do stuff if chk2 is checked end if if request.form("chk3") = "on" then '… Re: Request.QueryString Substring problem Programming Web Development by ajberrow Is it because of the parentheses within the '<% %>' tags in this line? <td><%[COLOR="Red"][B]([/B][/COLOR]Request.QueryString("donor").ToString().Substring(10,4)[COLOR="red"][B])[/B][/COLOR]%></td> Re: Request.php code error..Help plz! Programming Web Development by kclove …' at line 1",[/COLOR][/B] while error for the request.php says [COLOR="Green"][B]"Unknown column… Re: request and post... Programming Web Development by ShawnCplus …, $_POST, and $_COOKIE separately. Also, never mix REQUEST and the others. Even though REQUEST contains the data it is treated as a… modifying GET/POST/COOKIE doesn't change REQUEST. Also, it should be noted that using REQUEST can possibly introduce some very hard…