Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … Classification with Fine-tuned GPT 3.5 Turbo Model The rest of the process is similar to what you saw in… OpenAI GPT-4o vs Meta Llama 3 for Zero Shot Text Classifiation Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … `` method to predict tweet sentiment. The rest of the process remains the same. ``` client = Groq( api_key=os… ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … conversation about the future of AI, mankind, and all the rest! ## #1) How did you, as a lawyer, become involved with… minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri … or Bottle? Something you can use to develop things like REST API, prototyping something at initial stage or a frontend SPA… Re: How can I log in? Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … email address become known to the hackers at that time. Rest assured that the hackers did not gain any access to… Re: What is Schema Markup Code? Programming Web Development by Dani … received, the member who wrote each post, etc. All the rest of your questions can be answered at [](https… Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pritaeas Why would I choose this over a package like [Slim]( Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri @pritaeas Most modern PHP frameworks like Slim make heavy use of OOP which introduces cruft and bloat. As you can see in that example itself, just for printing a simple Hello string, they ended up creating one Factory class and two other classes for request and response. While OOP certainly has its uses, not all use cases need this level of … Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani When I first created the platform that powers DaniWeb, I did so only after many years on phpBB, and learning that framework inside and out, and making lots of phpBB mods, and then many years on vBulletin, and learning *that* framework inside and out, and making lots of vBulletin plug-ins. Despite DaniWeb being my first web development app that I've… Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Why is it that when people in shows light a fire (like when setting a vehicle on fire) with a lighter, they always throw the lighter into the puddle of gasoline? Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? On a related note, researchers tried hundreds of times to ignite a puddle of gasoline by throwing a burning cigarette into it. They were … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani > Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? They do it to show how they live life on the edge by proving to the world (and the television audience) they won't have any more use for a lighter. > They were successful exactly zero times. Researchers, schmearchers. But has Myth Busters had a go of it? Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Actually, I think they did with the same results. Supposedly the temperature of the cigarette is below the flash point of gasoline. Did anyone else suffer through the final season of Star Trek: Discovery? Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani > In the case of DaniWeb, there are Post objects, Thread objects, Forum objects, and Member objects, and pretty much all functionality can be accomplished with methods that act upon any combination of those four things. I just want to also add that I rolled my own ORM such that each instance of any of these classes maps directly to a row in a… Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … downloaded. ``` os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = "PATH_TO_VERTEX_AI_SERVICE_ACCOUNT JSON FILE" ``` The rest of the process is straight-forward. You must create an… model. The prompt will also remain the same for the rest of the models. ``` model = GenerativeModel("gemini-pro") config… Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Johannes C. …-france/institution-rooted-history/behind-bank-s-doors). ![tesla-vs-rest.JPG]( *Tesla…, and it is only a question of time until the rest of it crumbles under the strain of the inverted age… 7 NLP Tasks to Perform for Free in Python with Mistral 7b LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … Google Colab to run the scripts in this article, the rest of the libraries are pre-installed in the environment. The… Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … = FAISS.from_documents(documents, embeddings) ``` ## Question Answering with YouTube Videos The rest of the process is straightforward. We create an object of… Retrieval Augmented Generation with Hugging Face Models in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … some of the libraries are preinstalled. You can install the rest of the libraries via the following pip command. ``` !pip install… Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani You have the itemtype set to a VideoObject but, as you point out, only sometimes is there actually an .mp4 file. The rest of the time, it's a static image such as a png, jpg, or jpeg. Google probably doesn't trust your meta tags since they are inaccurate half the time. Re: 88 Business-Growing Strategies Digital Media Digital Marketing by henrymorgan9522 A growth strategy is an organization's plan for overcoming current and future challenges to realize its goals for expansion. Examples of growth strategy goals include increasing market share and revenue, acquiring assets, and improving the organization's products or services. Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Dani I'm happy to live in Silicon Valley :) Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Currently the thing I hate most about TV shows is how much time elapses between seasons. I feel like I've been waiting for season 2 of Severance on AppleTV for *forever*! (It's been over 2 years already since season 1 debuted.) Speaking of that, is there ever going to be a second season for Squid Game? I can't imagine that Netflix wouldn’t invest … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Fer sher. You pretty much have to watch the previous season again before you start the next one. I'm still waiting for season 2 of The Old Man (Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow). At my age sometimes I lose the thread if two weeks goes by between episodes. Sometimes I'll wait until the end of a season before I watch any of it. I especially hate it when a … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pritaeas > is there ever going to be a second season for Squid Game Yes, already announced, available soon. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani That's my point, though. Gone are the days when a show would break for a summer and the next season would start up again in the fall. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim >Gone are the days That's pretty much the case for everything. I remember when TV sucked all through summer vacation and I couldn't wait for the end of September for the new seasons to start. Of course it was bittersweet because September also meant back to school. I'll mention a few more things that may have been mentioned before but I … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by KomalBhatt You know, there are few things more frustrating than getting interested in a TV show only to find it falling short of expectations. From the overly predictable plotlines to the underdeveloped characters, there's a huge list. But what really get irritated by is when the dialogue feels forced, like the writers are trying too hard to be clever or …