SCO Still Stokes Court Fires Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … never ends[/URL], [URL=""]SCO[/URL] filed an appeal in the [URL=&…technology for distributed, embedded, network-based systems, offering SCO OpenServer for small- to medium-sized businesses and …UnixWare for enterprise solutions. SCO's highly innovative and reliable solutions help millions of… SCO Doesn't Own UNIX - Someone Please Tell SCO Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … that they may owe money to SCO for using illegal software. Today, SCO is in bankruptcy. SCO CEO, Darl McBride, still believes…in some form. Novell never transferred the copyrights to SCO in the sale of UnixWare but yet the dream lives…suite against Cisco Systems because they obviously stole the "SCO" part of CISCO and made it their own.… SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess …this injustice and clear abuse of the legal system. Has SCO not spent enough money on lawyers and legal fees? …URL]--great progress is being made in this area. To SCO's remaining Customers: Linux is a cool operating system …cool operating system that might work for you too. To SCO's remaining Employees: [URL=""… SCO on the Auction Block? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …, the agony of utter and complete defeat. What actually will SCO have left after selling off its Mobile Business and OpenServer… advice: "Go Away." I don't know what SCO's ultimate fate will be when it emerges from bankruptcy… be--a smudge on the pages of history. Go away SCO. Go far. Go fast. Fade ye into the good night… Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by wpeckham Dude, You really should check GROKLAW and the history of the case before commenting. This is nothing new that SCO is instigating, just a decision (finally) on one of the issues that they brought to court. They are still toast, so chill! SCO Site Attacked Again ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Vinay The SCO Group Inc.'s Web site has once again been attacked, …. The most obvious attack was on SCO's home page, where a banner image for SCO Web seminars has been replaced with… Re: SCO Site Attacked Again ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Toba I confirm this hack sighting - saw it on the SCO site this morning myself. I must say I'm mildly amused... Re: sco openserver 5.0.7 drivers and btld Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by sboard Does and help? S. Boardman SCO Support sco openserver 5.0.7 drivers and btld Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by samegbe Any solution to installing SCO Unix 5.0.7 on new range of hp proliant ml370 g6 server? I will appreciate any contributions! Boot time loadable modules and other server resources drivers are required but seem to be unavailable at the moment. Can someone throw some light to help me solve this problem? Go SCO Go. See SCO Go. Stop SCO Stop. Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …seriously OMG moment yesterday, [URL=""]SCO[/URL] lost another battle in its UNIX ownership … three lawsuit defeats ago, we thought we were done with SCO; they're back. Again. My first question is, &… technology company go bankrupt or disappear completely but when SCO finally shuts its doors there will be much celebration.… The Late Great Mythical SCO Hardware and Software Networking by khess …quot;]link[/URL] to that informative page: [QUOTE]SCO owns all rights and ownership of the core UNIX operating…code originally developed by AT&T/Bell Labs. SCO’s ownership includes system source code, including all versions…transferred the copyright to them and Novell has proof. SCO purchased UnixWare from Novell, which is a standalone product… Re: Go SCO Go. See SCO Go. Stop SCO Stop. Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jameskatt Correction: SCO still owes Novell Millions of dollars in funds it stole … Novell rather than giving it to Novell as royalty payments. SCO is a strange beast - a company willing to kill itself… bankruptcy court can come to its senses and finally liquidate SCO - an end similar to what occurred to the Wicked Witch… Re: The Late Great Mythical SCO Hardware and Software Networking by decentralist …, your commentary is a little too sloppy. Plus, Caldera-SCO were almost like the Recording Industry, they needed to find…but with radically less legal ground than the RIAA, and SCO customers had alternatives. Darl is focused on a "More…articles that don't show the obvious giant holes in SCO arguments. What we ought to be taunting in public … Novell might never get a penny from SCO Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy …now. Not for much longer, I would imagine, considering that SCO was not in the healthiest of financial positions before the… in the past. Currently under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, SCO would seem to be set to bail out of the…such a sell off. Under the terms of the filings, SCO would be selling its assets and keeping its liabilities. &… Linus Torvalds Buys SCO. Monetizes Linux. Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … end of an era for [URL=""]SCO[/URL], the embattled company whose officers thought that they… (Laughs) So, what in the world compelled you to purchase SCO? [B]LT:[/B] Well, it makes sense really, if you… worthy." What do you think of the news about SCO, Linsco, Super Linux and Linus' proposal to monetize Linux? … Re: Unix Commands - Sco Version Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by pty …=tobes;305679]Can someone help. I need to find the sco openserver licence version on our server. I tried going into… if thats what you're looking for, not really a SCO expert. Don't see much point in learning either cos… I have a HP Netserver 2000 running SCO UNIX 5.0.6. I get the message: istat=0a Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by dmksh I have a HP Netserver 2000 running SCO UNIX 5.0.6. I get the message: istat=0a: … Unix Commands - Sco Version Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by tobes Can someone help. I need to find the sco openserver licence version on our server. I tried going into "scoadmin" .... it only gives the licence number... not the version number. I know we are on Openserver 5 but Ima not sure whether it is version 5.2 or 5.4..... :confused: Is Microsoft the New SCO? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …. My question to Microsoft is: "Are you the new SCO?" It's hard for me to believe that you… Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess Groklaw linked to my story. Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess It's actually a reversal of an earlier decision... Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by shutslar I agree with should check GROKLAW to help get the facts straight. That is what it is there for. If you had checked, you would know that Darl isn't at the helm of the company anymore. A US Bankruptcy Trustee has been assigned to head the company and see if it can be a viable company or if it needs to do something else (chapter 7?).… Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess Um, well, apparently the AP thinks he is the CEO when last they spoke is perhaps they who should get their facts straight. I wonder if Darl knows he isn't the CEO any more? Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess Here is the link, please contact the AP writer and let them know that their facts aren't straight. [url][/url] Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by NicAx64 OpenServer sucks ! nothing more tell about this thing. Re: SCO Site Attacked Again ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by alc6379 This is kind of funny, and all, but what kind of light does this portray "The Linux Community" in? I mean, first we're shown as a bunch of geeky hobbyists, but now we're going to be shown as some c00l d00dzers who are fighting against a big meanie corporation. I'd prefer if we just stayed civil, and stood our ground, rather than … Re: SCO Site Attacked Again ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Toba Yeah, I'm really only mildly amused - as I said before. I wouldn't support this happening again. Re: SCO Site Attacked Again ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting quote right Alex, but that cracker mentality is exactly what a lot of the hardcare linux people have. They're religious zealots, and I use that term deliberately. To them terrorism against their enemies is seen as just and right, everything is allowed (even to be praised) in the fight against Big Corporations. If you've ever looked at /. … Re: SCO Site Attacked Again ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by alc6379 [QUOTE=jwenting]quote right Alex, but that cracker mentality is exactly what a lot of the hardcare linux people have. They're religious zealots, and I use that term deliberately. To them terrorism against their enemies is seen as just and right, everything is allowed (even to be praised) in the fight against Big Corporations. If you've ever … Re: SCO Site Attacked Again ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ReDuX [QUOTE=alc6379]This is kind of funny, and all, but what kind of light does this portray "The Linux Community" in?[/QUOTE] Whatever the moral view, be it good, bad or plain evil, the simple answer to that is 'powerful, aware, and not to be ignored or taken lightly'. The simple fact these DDoS attacks originated from MyDoom infected …