Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. …Prenoëtic** [Greek: pro = afore + noësis = intellect]. Second, the ensuing **Mesonoëtic** period [Gr. mesos = middle + no…giants and luminaries who endorse the Future of Life Institute’s [moratorium letter](…(a) the premature extinction of Earth-originating intelligent life or (b) the permanent and drastic destruction of… 'Prepare for the Earliest Possible AGI Deployment Scenario' Community Center by Johannes C. …with early diagnosis and support the development of new life-saving medicines. AI could also help reduce decision-…harmful purposes, perpetuating hatred, prejudice, and authoritarianism. The second risk is that **policymakers struggle to keep up with the…begin**? We can see these debates around end-of-life care, for example. While I personally don't … Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by toneewa Sounds like you got it all squared away. One reason I don't want to ever do a Windows reinstall is the compilers, libraries, and other software configurations. I've done 1 since 2015 for myself, with Windows 10. I also expect since, NAND flash SSDs wear out, it'll happen sooner or later. Only 37% life of drive remaining. Best of luck! Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek …exposing pedophile activity on the hugely popular services. Second Life got a kicking from a German TV program called… in very real child pornography as a result. Second Life is, of course, cooperating with the German authorities…be excluded from the mature rated regions of the Second Life environment where pornography is rife, but rather just not… Linden Labs to Dump Teen Second Life Digital Media Digital Marketing by Niki_Fears …;utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SecondLife+%28Official+Second+Life+Blogs+-+FEATURED%29"]Second Life Blog[/URL], “Terrence Linden” spoke about the success… that they have seen with Teen Second Life and ways in which Teen Second Life has positively impacted the lives of young… What is Second Life? Digital Media Digital Marketing by kosilence … to know. [LIST] [*]What is Second Life? [*]Why is Second Life successful? [*]What are the characteristics of majority of Second Life users? (For example: are they…, human, and financial resources need to support the Second Life infra-structure? [*]Is Second Life a profitable venture for the owners? For the users… Sex in Second Life ain't all that (says Linden Lab CEO) Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek …"]interesting piece[/URL] on how he had …make up the majority of the populated area of Second Life, that accounts for the perceived predominance of adult activity…He also blamed the poor search tools available to Second Life inhabitants for giving a false impression that much of… Re: Sex in Second Life ain't all that (says Linden Lab CEO) Digital Media Digital Marketing by Nuhai …As the primary builder and business partner of one of Second Life's oldest and most enjoyable places for adult activities … all the effort to limit the adult industry in Second Life, it still holds on and flurishes. Perhaps because … pushed out of the way and Real Life big business looking elsewhere, Second Life's adult industry is about to become… Re: Linden Labs to Dump Teen Second Life Digital Media Digital Marketing by LastMitch … the success that they have seen with Teen Second Life and ways in which Teen Second Life has positively impacted the lives of young… turn, have made a great contribution to the over all Second Life community as a whole. I think this article will be… Who needs a second life anyway? Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek … this, is [URL=""]Second Life[/URL]. Or more specifically the importance that is being…the UK, asking for help from someone who uses Second Life to walk them through this very important environment, …staff earning real wages. People buy and sell within Second Life, using pretend money that carries a real world value… Re: Sex in Second Life ain't all that (says Linden Lab CEO) Digital Media Digital Marketing by Gyre …a contingent of web denizens who feel compelled to bash Second Life. As it has been shown in the past many times… you define sexual content. I have been a participant in Second Life for over three years and rarely, I repeat -rarely- …and view, hear, and discuss amazing new works of art. Second Life is merely a service for the user base. The users… Re: Sex in Second Life ain't all that (says Linden Lab CEO) Digital Media Digital Marketing by scottholmes …to find discussion of virtual worlds here on Daniweb, and Second Life in particular. I've been a long time away from…to investigate opportunities in virtual worlds. I've been in Second Life for only a couple of months and yes I've… Id. I don't know what the future holds for Second Life. I suspect bigger and better platforms will be made available… Re: Sex in Second Life ain't all that (says Linden Lab CEO) Digital Media Digital Marketing by SanFranExpert About six months ago statistics from Second Life showed that the "heaviest users" were the past … that there would be a reasonable amount of sex on Second Life. Virtual sex is about all these losers can get. Re: Sex in Second Life ain't all that (says Linden Lab CEO) Digital Media Digital Marketing by leopoe I find SanFranExpert's contempt for Second Life residents faulty and insulting. Sure many that log in to … Setting up shop in Second Life Community Center by happygeek …/Mancunia/128/128/0"]Mancunia[/URL] within Second Life. This works to recreate a famous part of …s clients wishing to advertise and establish a presence in Second Life. Mark Roberts, managing director of Legality, told DaniWeb… interesting question: how many lawyers actually know what Second Life is, let alone the legal implications of doing … Vendor Sues Second Life for Selling Imaginary Versions of Its Product Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher …owner of the [URL=""]Second Life[/URL] virtual environment, for selling unauthorized virtual versions … the company’s reputation and hurting its sales. Second Life is “selling virtual weaponry in a fully fledged …of plaintiff’s real ones for use in the Second Life computer simulation," the lawsuit said, adding … Is Vista really a bigger pile of crap than Second Life and Google Lively? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by happygeek … until there is good cause. Talking of good causes, the second placing of the One Laptop Per Child ([URL="http… [URL=""]Second Life[/URL] has found itself third in the list, although nobody… Re: Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by jwenting you get life for even being suspected of being a sex offender. You'… is in fact the only crime that carries an automatic life sentence for even the suspicion... Re: Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by cutepinkbunnies … impulse (or whatever they may call it). The real low-life scumbags that actually molest several times would only get to… Re: Is Vista really a bigger pile of crap than Second Life and Google Lively? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by MidiMagic … biggest problem is its incompatibility with various software products. The second biggest problem is the learning curve. I am upset whenever…. This means that an expensive machine with a 20-year life expectancy must be replaced after 3 or 4 years. 3… Re: Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by jbennet 35 years? you dont even get that for murder Re: Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by cutepinkbunnies Interesting you bring that up... There are 7 in my city of over 100,000 people. You can find other demographics online supporting why this ratio is so low. [url][/url] I looked up the stats from the city where I grew up, a suprising theory, one of every 500 people I run … Re: Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by Chaky Blaming skype for sexual predators stalking the kids is like blaming S&W for the murders. (It is not guns that kill people...) Re: Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by jwenting heck, like I said most of those people aren't sex offenders at all. Someone with a grudge filed a complaint against them, which automatically places them on the register with no recourse. Most of them probably don't even know they're on their because they're never charged with anything nor even questioned by police, but the entry in the … Re: Second Life and Skype cannot take all the blame for child sex scandals Hardware and Software macOS by php4ever PRISON! LOL, yeah, that will work. No offense intended (scrap that) offense intended! The United States is 1/20th of the worlds population yet we house 25% (1/4th) of the entire planets total prison population and claim to be the land of the free. We are the most violent nation on earth obsessed with violence, sex and all other forms of evil … Re: Linden Labs to Dump Teen Second Life Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek well they may have done three years ago, yes. Not so relevant now though... Re: Sex in Second Life ain't all that (says Linden Lab CEO) Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek I have to admit it has been a while now since I last visited SL. Frankly, I just got bored with the environment and the (virtual) people there. I really should jump back in and have another look soon. Re: What is Second Life? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Ancient Dragon From [URL=""]this[/URL], it looks like a game of some sorts to me.