Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. … then close print, fire most or all of the journalistic staff, and replace them with content writers who produce marketing content… Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Just moderators and staff writers now, I’m afraid. I thought that was implied when I said, given the overhaul, “I think it makes sense to make the ability to create new tags more of a moderated one.” :) '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … by AI? ## Regarding job displacement — **we see AI as empowering staff, not replacing them**. The goal is to effectively collaborate with… Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani …our gross revenue from advertising went straight into paying for staff writers. IMHO we used to have a lot of tech…, so did revenue, and so did the budget for staff writers. The nail in the coffin was when I was…editorial daily. However, I'm still keeping up with some staff writers. For example, [Johannes just published](… Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by mickeydoodle I've just acquired a Dell laptop, it seems to hate Linux! Touch pad doesn't work properly, Wireless won't connect and it's sooo slow! Works fine with Windows! Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by simhakidsden It's quite baffling to witness such a stark contrast in Dell's approach to promoting Ubuntu between Europe and the USA. Their inconsistent messaging only adds to the confusion for potential customers. Hopefully, Dell can streamline their marketing strategy to provide clearer information and support for Linux enthusiasts worldwide. Re: staff writer Community Center by happygeek Staff Writer = someone who has proven themselves by the quality of … staff writer Community Center by chunkmartinez Im kinda new to these forum things. what does a staff writer do? Also, how can u become a mod? IT Staff less trustworthy than cleaners, temps and even the CEO Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …Software[/URL] has revealed that the least trustworthy members of staff include temps, cleaners, security guards and the board of… high. The most trustworthy were considered to be IT staff. But are they really? The fact that the survey… as importantly can do their damage without detection, IT staff should be most feared. The Cyber-Ark survey also… Skype staff play good cop bad cop with Linux users Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … many nodding theirs heads sympathetically. The immediate response from staff member ‘berkus’ (if ever there was an apt username… would bring out the customer relation side in Skype staff, eager to assure its users, its customers, its…more questions and less than favourable responses, the tactful staff member concluded with a flourish “I'm not … Re: IT Staff less trustworthy than cleaners, temps and even the CEO Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek The Carnegie Mellon research would seem to back up the idea that IT staff are the least trustworthy, which is the point I was making here. In fairness, Cyber Ark did highlight some of the comments of IT staff in their own survey which showed how the results were skewed somewhat. Re: Skype staff play good cop bad cop with Linux users Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … interactivity with customers via forum support, when anyone with a 'staff' badge can participate without customer facing training. Let's face… National Guard loses data on 15,000 staff Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy …lose an archival data disk containing five years worth of staff records covering some 15,000 personnel. The US National Guard…is now recommending that any current and former members of staff who are potentially impacted by the loss contact a credit…of at least 15,000 current and former members of staff as at March 2009, and spans back to the start… Re: Java student, faculty, and staff directory Programming Software Development by sullivan757 … } } [/CODE] [CODE]/** * */ public class Staff extends Persons { private String OfficeNumber; private String JobTitle; public….getKey(), newStudent); numberInDirectory++; } public void allPeople(Staff newStaff) { schoolDirectory.put(newStaff.getKey(), newStaff);… Where have all the IT staff gone? Community Center by newsguy … managers, engineers, analysts and technicians would all be impacted. IT staff are no strangers to change, but these developments bring change… the norm in many cases, and that will mean those staff who would be based in the centre, tasked with on… Hi to all Forum member and staff Community Center Say Hello! by gilroy hi to all forum members and staff, I am newbie here just want to say hi to all forum members and staff. I come ont his forum from Yahoo search. I am beginner in IT and think this the best to learn so i join. I hope my stay make me mote strong in my knowledge and friends. Thanks to all in advance. Gilroy Fernandez Java student, faculty, and staff directory Programming Software Development by sullivan757 … by name) • Print all people of a designated type (faculty, staff, students) • Print a faculty member and the students who are… studying the program taught by the faculty member • Print staff members who are designated as advisors and the list of… New staff computers... recommendations for hard drive archiving? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by ilyons Hey guys, We recently got a couple of new staff computers over here, and I generally just pull the older … in there before reinstalling and redistributing them to less fortunate staff members. I keep the old ones in case some file… Re: What do you do if a member is disrespectful to the staff? Digital Media Digital Marketing by mikeSQL [QUOTE=dojo]people who are not being respectful to the staff and reply with 'nasty' words. [/QUOTE] First off, please edit … also explain how not to ask for help from any staff and then disrespect them. I mean there are other cool… Re: What do you do if a member is disrespectful to the staff? Digital Media Digital Marketing by guinanie If your staff is not respectful to a superior. I think the best … our share: people who are not being respectful to the staff and reply with 'nasty' words. Do you warn? Do you… Re: Java student, faculty, and staff directory Programming Software Development by sullivan757 … newPersons) { schoolDirectory.put(Persons.getKey(), newPersons); numberInDirectory++; } public void addPerson(Staff newStaff) { schoolDirectory.put(newStaff.getKey(), newStaff); numberInDirectory++; } public int getNumber… What do you do if a member is disrespectful to the staff? Digital Media Digital Marketing by dojo We all had our share: people who are not being respectful to the staff and reply with 'nasty' words. Do you warn? Do you ban? wants us to pay for Staff negligence! advice needed. Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by hydn … who expects their customers to pay for the negligence of staff. You prompt response will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Hayden James… Gantt Charts and Staff Allocation Project Programming Software Development by MostafaFCI2008 I want a simple code of C# or ASP.NET that generates a gantt chart and a staff allocation from data that are stored in a database. Please help me quickly Dell does Ubuntu, but the sales staff do not know it Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … it sells no matter how much the OS costs. Training staff to deal with those calls carries a cost, and this… ERD for STAFF MEDICAL ALLOCATION Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Amy_8 I already found 2 entities which are administrator and staff. but i'm lack of idea. would you guys help me out? Re: ERD for STAFF MEDICAL ALLOCATION Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt How are you doing your research? looks to find more than what you listed. Re: staff writer Community Center by chunkmartinez Software development, Web development, and TeckTalk. Because i have experience in these fields and i also notice alot of thread's that i have experience in, and i believe that i could be helpfull to them. I can also be good at regulating negative threads and or replys. Thanx for the info. Re: staff writer Community Center by happygeek I think the trick here, without wishing to sound flippant, is to prove it but helping in those threads when you see them, showing that you have the relevant knowledge and ability to provide the kind of help that DaniWeb wants to give to the community here. Often, once this happens, members get spotted and their names get mentioned in the mods … Re: Daily time record sytem faculty and staff in php Programming Web Development by veedeoo … able to record or capture the time the faculty and staff logged in the time clock system. Hint: time()... and…is greater than assigned beginning working hours, this faculty or staff is tardy. How to check if faculty fell asleep … greater than the allowed break time, then the faculty or staff ,either overslept or played hooky while on break :), and …