Re: JTextArea find character Programming Software Development by mKorbel … != NavigationFilter & Bias) are accesible only from Document & [javax.swing.text.Utilities](…/swing/text/Utilities.html) 3. difference is that (helicopter view) JTextArea doesn't … Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by kira4 …;); } } } import java.util.*; // Utilities import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; // ActionListener import javax.swing.*; //GUI import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; public class… Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by kira4 import java.util.*; // Utilities import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; // ActionListener import javax.swing.*; //GUI import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; public class EmailSenderSys… Help with random Linked LIist Programming Software Development by GolfGr …. Thanks [CODE]// GUI-related imports import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event….*; import javax.swing.*; //import java.util.Random; import java.util.*;… "File" Menu UtilitiesMenu = new Menu("Utilities"); mb.add(UtilitiesMenu); // **** add menu items… BufferedWriter not writing? Programming Software Development by iamchuckb ….setCurrentDirectory(new File("C:\\workspace\\Utilities\\bin\\xmlEditor\\xml")); chooser.setFileFilter(new javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File… reading data from file to arraylist Programming Software Development by sk8ergirl ….util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import utilities.FileUtils; public class JFrameHw extends javax.swing.JFrame { List<Student> student = new… Re: A question on an error in a SpringLayout example program Programming Software Development by johnroach1985 …... The code is a following------> [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.SpringLayout; import java.awt.*; /** * A 1.4 file that… for * creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout. * These utilities are used by several programs, such as * SpringBox and SpringCompactGrid… Re: C++ is dying a slow death Programming Software Development by 1o0oBhP … a few games and a LOT of game and user utilities to aid the process and have found that Visual Basic… Re: How to program under linux Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … where you will be calling the system libraries and common utilities directly. Re: Anyone can help me solve tis problem?? Programming Software Development by denniskhor import java.util.*; // Utilities import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; // ActionListener import javax.swing.*; //GUI import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; public class EmailSenderSys… Re: how to upload and display profile picture using jsp and servelet Programming Web Development by msolomon.ashish <%@page import="javax.swing.text.Utilities"%> <%@page import="… Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by Traicey When using client and server architecture you need to declare client IP address which could be ( and server IP address which could (12345) depends.... at the beggining of ur program as you did to your sockets... Get back to you morro Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by kira4 [QUOTE=Traicey;580970]When using client and server architecture you need to declare client IP address which could be ( and server IP address which could (12345) depends.... at the beggining of ur program as you did to your sockets... Get back to you morro[/QUOTE] Thanks for your reply. :) I mean how to combine this interface and … Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by Ezzaral You can't at this point. The "EmailSender" class has no methods to interact with and is just a series of commands in main(). You'll have to re-write "EmailSender" to be a class with methods to set the parameters for the email and a send() method to send it. The interface would then pass the info collected to the appropriate … Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by kira4 [QUOTE=Ezzaral;581570]You can't at this point. The "EmailSender" class has no methods to interact with and is just a series of commands in main(). You'll have to re-write "EmailSender" to be a class with methods to set the parameters for the email and a send() method to send it. The interface would then pass the info … Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by javaAddict If you are a beginner in Java and you cannot understand this thing how can you expect write something as complex as an emaiSender combined with GUI. Even I don't dare to try this. What he told you is that inside the main there are commands that are executed one after the other. You need to run those commands at you gui. But you cannot use the way… Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by kira4 [QUOTE=javaAddict;582323]If you are a beginner in Java and you cannot understand this thing how can you expect write something as complex as an emaiSender combined with GUI. Even I don't dare to try this. What he told you is that inside the main there are commands that are executed one after the other. You need to run those commands at you gui. … Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by Ezzaral If you cannot understand the answers on this then what you are attempting is beyond you. You need to start from the beginning with some basic Java tutorials such as those listed in the Read Me post "Starting Java" at the top of the forum. Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by kira4 My EmailSender was finish, can send the email already. May I know how to add a attachment? Who can teach me the coding? Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by kira4 Nobody can help me for the attachment? Re: Who can teach me combine these 2 class? Programming Software Development by VernonDozier [QUOTE=kira4;598442]Nobody can help me for the attachment?[/QUOTE] You're trying to add an attachment? When you post, look below the text box and you'll see "Additional Options", then a little bit below that you'll see "Atach Files". Click on the "Manage Attachments" button. Also, please use code tags and … Re: Help with random Linked LIist Programming Software Development by ztini [CODE]import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; public class LinkedList implements Serializable { public void add(int index, Object element) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean add(Object o) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean addAll(Collection c… Re: Help with random Linked LIist Programming Software Development by GolfGr Im still unclear on how to add the new nodes to the list.. and the only imports and util we are allowed to use is what i have in the first piece of code. Re: BufferedWriter not writing? Programming Software Development by iamchuckb Hello once again everybody. I finally found the mistake myself. It figures that once I took the time to sign up on a forum and post it, it would finally come to me. The problem with my above code was line 19 where I created the [ICODE]FileWriter[/ICODE] with the [ICODE]fileName[/ICODE] string. [ICODE]fileName[/ICODE] was populated using [ICODE]… Re: reading data from file to arraylist Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew Here, maybe this can help you: public void loadStudentsFromFile(){ BufferedReader in = null; try{ in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null){ String tokens[] = line.split(","); studs.add(new Student(Integer.parseInt(tokens[… Re: reading data from file to arraylist Programming Software Development by mvmalderen In addition: don't forget to [close the file](