Re: Trying to animate sprite using DirectX9 Programming Software Development by Pavel_11 Hello, it is unneccessarily to use right movex or leftmovex , because it is to much variables. You should to use one variable movex to make it with minus or plus sign in your update function; by pressing left or right keys; because the one thing which is changable is a picture; I mean in global sense; variables like leftx, right x should be one… textures and ATI cards == crash Programming Software Development by vextorspace I have an JOGL based opengl program that uses textures on flat surfaces. After a texture is put on a …surface, it will eventually crash. If the textures are small, it takes a while. I managed to reproduce… and down arrows rotates the object, pressing enter swaps the textures. After a while of doing this (1-2 minutes), the… opengl poorly loaded textures Programming Software Development by nuclear …} int LoadGLTextures() // Load Bitmaps And Convert To Textures { int Status=FALSE; // Status Indicator AUX_RGBImageRec *…, &texture[0]); // Create Three Textures // Create Nearest Filtered Texture glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture… Need help with Directx meshes, textures etc. Programming Game Development by hexq …to X file. I load it with D3DXLoadMeshFromX() and textures to it with D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(). I am able to render it… i want to copy this loaded mesh with its textures to a different window with a different IDirect3D9 device.… somehow possible to use the same meshes, materials and textures in second window without loading them again from files. … directx9 textures Programming Game Development by findankur247 i hav developed a small 3d game with directx9 and c++..... the problem is that i used the same code i used to generate textures on meshes that worked well earlier but textures do not load properly in my game and keep flickering!!!.....and also are mapped vaguely....i.e they are too zoomed up on display..... plzzzz help!!! (C#) OpenTK adding basic shapes/textures and shaders Programming Game Development by Vin vin … shaders, it will change all the shapes to the same textures and shaders. I have read a lot of tutorials. here… can I give these 2 triangles different shaders or/and textures. ```c# GL.Color4(0.4, 0.6, 0.1, 1… Re: Problem applying textures OpenGL/C++ Programming Software Development by Valaraukar yup. Its basically the bind that doesn't work. the texture id doesn't seem to be associated to any textures unless I read the textures in immediately before binding OpenGl, Visual c++ and textures Programming Software Development by Chaster … it to an .obj file. In 3dsm I put the textures, everything looks fine. Then, when I load the object file… how to give textures Programming Game Development by mjmythili hii all i have loaded an X file in Directx. How to apply textures and materials for that object. plz help. its urgent Running PC game, some textures missing... Programming Game Development by cosmos22 … it. I later noticed when playing it, some of the textures on the characters were missing, and replaced with white regions… Re: Running PC game, some textures missing... Programming Game Development by tomtetlaw DX7 is an engine for c++ programming, but your problem i think is that the game you are trying to play is to old and some of the textures cannot be "read" by either the graphics card or the computer. Problem applying textures OpenGL/C++ Programming Software Development by Valaraukar … having difficulty using the function glBindTexture to bind my loaded textures onto the models that I load in and render. I… Re: Problem applying textures OpenGL/C++ Programming Software Development by mrnutty In your main class, load in all of the textures in your init function. Then when displaying the objects, use glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,id); where the id is the id of a certain texture. Re: Problem applying textures OpenGL/C++ Programming Software Development by Valaraukar That doesn't seem to work. In fact when I do what you suggested no textures are applied at all :s Re: Problem applying textures OpenGL/C++ Programming Software Development by mrnutty [QUOTE=caged_fire;1080765]That doesn't seem to work. In fact when I do what you suggested no textures are applied at all :s[/QUOTE] Did you enable texture inside the init function. Also remove any disable call to GL_TEXTURE_2D. PyOpenGL weird textures Programming Software Development by SgtMe I have finally managed to make some progress on PyOpenGL textures. Now I have another problem. Here is my OpenGL init … Loading images to textures in OpenGL Programming Software Development by messr135 Hey! I'm using OpenGl GLUT on xcode 5.1.1 on mac osx 10.8.5 and I've can't figure out how to load bmp,jpg or png images as textures to my application. I've tried installing FreeImage and SOIL unsuccessfully. I'm a total newbie and some help would really be appreciated. Resizing all textures by screen width?? Programming Software Development by centenond ….graphics.getWidth()/7, ); ive resized all textures and background and now it looks the same in both… Re: textures and ATI cards == crash Programming Software Development by NormR1 Do you have a stack trace from when it crashes? Re: textures and ATI cards == crash Programming Software Development by vextorspace No, since the JVM is actually completely crashing all I get is a dump: [code] # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xf76f5425, pid=2118, tid=2859891568 # # JRE version: 6.0_26-b03 # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (20.1-b02 mixed mode linux-x86 ) # Problematic frame: # C [+… Re: Weird borders when displaying 2D textures at a different size with OpenGL Programming Software Development by helpfullProgram … is not the same shade. It happens with all my textures around the border, but the weird thing is that it… isn't the actual textures border but where the transparent part meets the non-transparent… Re: Weird borders when displaying 2D textures at a different size with OpenGL Programming Software Development by sfuo What program are you drawing all your textures in? I had that problem when I was using photoshop to make my textures because it feathers out and keeps some of your key color (transparent). I switched to MS paint and wrote a program that converts 24 bit BMPs to 32 bit TGAs. Textures for Opengl Quadrics Programming Game Development by mjmythili Hii, can u plz help me how to generate and bind texture for Quadric Object like Cylinder, sphere. How to mention Texture Coordinates for this Quadrics. Re: Textures for Opengl Quadrics Programming Game Development by MattEvans I don't think there is any way to manually specify texturing co-ords for quadrics objects; since you dont even specify their vertex positions. Do they respond to glTexGen though? I have never tried, but I would think that they should.. [url][/url] Re: (C#) OpenTK adding basic shapes/textures and shaders Programming Game Development by Vin vin Here is my full code, I have 2 classes in my namespace Program.cs using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using OpenTK.Input; using System; using System.Drawing; namespace obamaExperimentingV1_14 { public class ObamaBattlezCSharp : GameWindow {… Re: (C#) OpenTK adding basic shapes/textures and shaders Programming Game Development by Vin vin btw, if someones knows how to change the icon of the window, then tell me how, I am really curious how to set the icon for the window. Re: how to give textures Programming Game Development by Phaelax Google is your friend. [url][/url] [url][/url] Re: how to give textures Programming Game Development by rick222 Which direct x you have is it 9 ..??? Re: Problem applying textures OpenGL/C++ Programming Software Development by Valaraukar Done but still no luck :( I can't see what the problem is at all....its as if it is only being stored temporarily in memory Re: Problem applying textures OpenGL/C++ Programming Software Development by mrnutty [QUOTE=caged_fire;1080834]Done but still no luck :( I can't see what the problem is at all....its as if it is only being stored temporarily in memory[/QUOTE] Did you call glBindTexture before texturing it. And make sure your tex coord is correct.