Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by toneewa While I haven't used DJGPP for a couple decades, I decided to install the ffmpeg library and do a test program another way. For me, the declarations worked changing: #include "os_support.h" #include "avformat.h" #include "internal.h" #if CONFIG_NETWORK #include "network.h" #… About multi Threads. How can i implements the timeout Threads to Chatting program? Programming Software Development by lkw8888 … These are relevant source for the TimeOut Thread.. [code] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public ChatJin…TimeOut(); t1.start(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is Timeout thread class TimeOut extends Thread{ private static final int TIMEOUT = 3000; // Resend timeout Re: Timeout/timer on cin/stdin/cin.get() etc.. Programming Software Development by Narue …LPVOID args = 0, DWORD state = 0, DWORD timeout = 5000) { return thread(CreateThread(0, 0, fn…ExitThread(exitCode); } public: thread(HANDLE thread, DWORD timeout): _thread(thread), _timeout(timeout) {} ~thread() { CloseHandle(_thread); } DWORD exit_code… Timeout error Programming Web Development by sibotho … sql database i get this error. [I][COLOR=red]Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or… do to make sure that i don't get this timeout error. timeout if page is inactive Programming Web Development by akash_msrit …$diff = $current - $_SESSION['loggedAt']; if($diff > $_SESSION['timeOut']) { return true; } else { return false; } } ?>[/…here //ASSUME USER IS VALID $_SESSION['isLoggedIn'] = true; ///////////////////////////////////////// $_SESSION['timeOut'] = 5; $logged = time(); $_SESSION['loggedAt']= $logged; showLoggedIn(); … Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or Programming Software Development by ansari.wajid …. We are using sqlhelper.cs for database interaction. "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or… Timeout Expired Programming Software Development by Kimberley Smith … getting the following error: "System.Data.SQLClient.SQLException Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or… timeout session problem Programming Web Development by student_help …. It is running Java in the background. I have a timeout session which works. The problem starts when you log back… set up with authorized access when created, howver after the timeout is over these files are no longer protected and everyone… Re: Timeout Expired Programming Software Development by vsa000 … getting the following error: "System.Data.SQLClient.SQLException Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or… Timeout Expired Programming Software Development by bhagawatshinde … for next table it throws an error like "timeout expired. the timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or… Re: Timeout Expired Programming Software Development by Pgmer try to increase the command.timeout Timeout expired... Error detected by Database DLL Programming Software Development by dilip_singh3 … DB Provider for ODBC Drivers: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired When I click on OK Button, again a message… Timeout expired Programming Web Development by dips255 Hi I often get this error on some of my asp pages Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' Timeout expired what should be done to resolve it? is there any way to trace the error and show a custom message to the users instead of the above message Re: Timeout expired Programming Web Development by msaqib … name or server name. Another solution is to increase the timeout value in ASP script. [CODE=asp]<% Server.ScriptTimeout = 180… timeout problem Programming Web Development by rohitmanhas_12 I need to control timeout values for each user. Im having trouble to make it work. When the session timouts out I want to redirect the user to the login page...cud anyone help me with this.. Timeout/timer on cin/stdin/cin.get() etc.. Programming Software Development by triumphost …) { DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(stdinHandle, 5000); if( rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { //printf("Timeout..."); return 0; } else if( rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { INPUT_RECORD r[512… timeout happening due to store proc Programming Web Development by coder91 … taking over a minute in SQL, in Visual Studio the timeout is 30 seconds. I know I've to us the… Re: timeout happening due to store proc Programming Web Development by LastMitch … taking over a minute in SQL, in Visual Studio the timeout is 30 seconds. I assume the issue you are having… [split] session timeout Programming Web Development by ssk1712 … = 600; // check to see if $_SESSION['timeout'] is set if(isset($_SESSION['timeout']) ) { $session_life = time() - $_SESSION['timeout']; if($session_life > $inactive) { session_destroy(); header… How do you change the default timeout? Programming Web Development by David Mac … are complaining that the 20 min default timeout is too short and they don't … file <system.web> <sessionState timeout="240" /> But that didn'…read somewhere that you have to change the timeout in the configuration in IIS. So I did…their sessions? Find a way to extend the timeout (how?), or is there a better way… Re: How to extend Session timeout from the javascript Programming Web Development by somesh_nag … 2 mins before(after 13 mins) of session timeout(I set session timeout as 15 mins in web.config), user should …button. If user clicked on OK button with in session timeout period(within 15th minute), session should expire to one ….) If user didnot clicked any button with in session timeout or user clicked Cancel button or user clicked on OK… Re: Redirect to loginpage on Session timeout Programming Software Development by kedar_challa …code for Redirecting the user to loginpage on Session timeout : /////////// Protected WithEvents body As System.Web.UI….location.href='login.aspx'""," & (Session.Timeout * 60 * 1000) + 5000 & ");")…window.location.href='login.aspx'," & "(Session.Timeout * 60 * 1000) + 5000);"; body.Attributes.Add… Re: How do you change the default timeout? Programming Web Development by David Mac … able to throw some light on: i've set the timeout values to 60 mins for the default website and allowed… values. however i'm now [B]not[/B] getting a timeout [B]after[/B] an hour!? (sorry for the double negatives…!, 80 mins passed and no timeout) could this be because the web.config files actually state… Re: Set session Timeout and Auto Redirect Programming Web Development by rohand …continue surfing... One thing try to set your session timeout longer because when user is doing something like reading … application. In that I want to set session timeout (not idle timeout). If a user logged in that time the … time will start and it automatically should detect session timeout the page should redirect to another page. How can… Redirect to loginpage on Session timeout Programming Software Development by sandy2005 …code for Redirecting the user to loginpage on Session timeout : /////////// Protected WithEvents body As System.Web.UI….location.href='login.aspx'""," & (Session.Timeout * 60 * 1000) + 5000 & ");")….location.href='login.aspx'""," & (Session.Timeout * 60 * 1000) + 5000 & ");")… Session_OnEnd , Session_End , or Timeout help Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy … waiting for 2-3 days for a session to timeout, where the timeout is at 20 minutes on the web.config file… a way to make a user appear offline when they timeout or logout or close the browser (which deals with… SessionState Timeout? Programming Web Development by WhYuLoOkIn … [CODE] <sessionState cookieless="false" timeout="10"> </sessionState> [/CODE…] The code above did not timeout after 10 min, I believe I did that… [CODE] <sessionState cookieless="true" timeout="10"> </sessionState> [/… How to extend Session timeout from the javascript Programming Web Development by somesh_nag … a java script confirmation box before browser session is timeout with message as "Your session is going to…is clicked on "Ok" button within the session timeout period, session should be extend. If he didnot clicked …on OK button within the session timeout period, the session should expire. Can any one give … Re: How do you change the default timeout? Programming Web Development by dnanetwork In IIS you can change the session timeout.. also possible in web.config [url][/url] hope that help ! TFTP Timeout Help Programming Software Development by kinto …using python though I have come unstuck on a client timeout feature. I am trying to implement the following feature… gets lost in the network, the intended recipient will timeout and may retransmit his last packet (which may be… data or an acknowledgment)" Here is my timeout code: [CODE]r =[sock], [], [], 5.0) [/CODE…