Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull …t seen written anywhere else. A reporter was interviewing Trump at some event and missed his plane or was stranded… policy designed to avoid the perception/reality of bias. Trump was very insistent and the reporter decided to allow the…definitely NOT the boorish stare-at-breasts type and that Trump is almost certainly making the whole thing up. It… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull … press conference that was noteworthy even by Trump standards as far as hostility and bizarreness… sway with him? Cummings of course says Trump made up the part about him refusing to… meet with Trump and that Trump needs no help from the Black reporter… say "I'm not racist". Trump seems to want to one-up all the … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump has asked PBS Kids and the Children's Television Workshop (… the White House annual Easter Egg Roll. Please note that Trump has publicly stated he wants to cut all funding for… a severely scaled-down party this year, followed by a Trump tweet declaring that it was the best and biggest attendance… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump is now ahead of Clinton in the polls. One voter has said he supports Sanders but will vote for Trump if Clinton takes the nomination because "a Clinton presidency would be boring." America is now officially like my alcoholic friend who won't admit he needs help until he hits rock bottom. Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind Trump has two advantages as far as I can tell: 1) … sound 100% confident while saying a bald-face lie. - Seriously Trump doesn't care one iota for what is true 2… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump now says that the Mexico wall will be paid for … who complain that Mexico was supposed to foot the bill, Trump backtracked saying that the taxpayer money is actually a short… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt Trump invaded my dreams last night. Over the decades I've done a lot of work on electronic designs and he showed up to a design review and said this about relay connections: > There will be no connections to *common* terminals. I woke up feeling like Lloyd Bridges/Steve McCroskey in Airplane!. I must cut back on the Trump inputs. Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind Trump's "policies" for science earned him a whopping score of 7/100 by Scientific American. Though he does seem taken with water policy presumably to keep his golf courses green and hotel pools/fountains running. Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump is now complaining about Canada's "unfair" dairy … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump is back to complaining about how NAFTA has been a … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump has been mobilizing since last October to privatize land that is now held by Native Americans, ostensibly "so that American Indians can pursue development projects that lift them out of poverty". It has absolutely nothing to do with oil and natural gas reserves that may or may not (wink) be under said lands. Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump's position is "it's he said/he said". On the one hand you have a (mostly) respected former head of the FBI and on the other hand you have a known serial (pathological/compulsive) liar. Could go either way, I suppose. Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump pretty much just stated that he would like to see the whistleblower executed as a spy. Anyone else find this troubling? Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump has admitted that if he wins this November he will consider cutting back funding for key social programs including Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. I guess those tax cuts for the rich aren't going to pay for themselves as promised. Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump unveils high-tech model of a wall that is virtually … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Trump talks about cutting the payroll tax in order to give businesses a break when dealing with the effects of the Covid-19 outbreak. Seems reasonable until you realize that the payroll tax is the major funder of Social Security which the GOP wants to defund anyway. Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull …for this pesky fine print in his Trump contract. > All Trump campaign employees are required to sign non… from releasing any confidential or **disparaging information** about Trump. According to the Associated Press, the NDA says…private, proprietary or confidential nature or that Mr. Trump insists remain private" or confidential and is … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull … himself when the common man votes for a guy like Trump or Bernie :). California's voting today, but the super…America. In other countries, they do and hence would resent Trump. But not in America. American Dream and all that. …and the Joe Six Pack crowd loves him. People studying Trump's appeal should study Goebbels, not Hitler. The Big Lie… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Filings on election expenses show that of the money Trump has spent to date on his campaign, approximately …to businesses owned by Donald Trump. Events are hosted, whenever possible, in Trump owned properties. Trump water and Trump wine is served. He…raised during the campaign. It has been speculated that Trump may be the first person to run in a … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim …voters will save us from Donald Trump - Rational Republicans will save us from Donald Trump - Robert Mueller will save …us from Donald Trump - Michael Cohen will save …us from Donald Trump - Impeachment will save us from Donald Trump - Enough GOP senators will vote… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull > BTW - a straight choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I pity you. Diafol, if I recall correctly, you're …. Said friend from Ireland will be boycotting the US if Trump is elected and it sounds like she is not alone… opinions on this) and while they're all rabidly anti-Trump, none of them are rabidly anti-Hillary. Seems like they… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull …/36-hours-on-the-fake-campaign-trail-with-donald-trump…donald-trump-to-mckay-coppins-youre-a-scumbag/ Interestingly enough, …these were written BEFORE Trump announced and the reporter was saying the talk about… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim …for the mess that they largely created. The media gave Trump billions in free air time. People want to be …entertained, not informed and Trump is nothing if not entertaining. Being entertained is easy. Being…show an empty podium for an hour while waiting for Trump to arrive than cover Clinton discussing the issues. You … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull … Other than the ability to cut power to Trump's mic, nothing will stop a guy like…to the fire and wouldn't relent when Trump tried to dodge the question. Anderson Cooper …it to Hillary, but seemed to kowtow to Trump IMO. When he tries to dodge and …asking Hillary about...?", as with most things Trump, everyone should know the tactic by now. … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind …or knowledge to base the rumour on. Plus statistically Trump is 50% more likely to have Parkinson's than… demands that they warn the public about Trump. > accuse Donald Trump of creating a fake rumor What good … the independent fact-checking organizations have already shown that Trump lies more than any other candidate for either nomination … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull …fight the rest of the war completely uninhibited and Trump would be an empty suit, which means even MORE…ruthlessness is valued far more than justice and fairness, Trump's attack possibly BEFORE determining with absolute certainty that Assad… yes, if it WAS a false-flag operation, Trump's itchy trigger finger will encourage more false-flag operations… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull …variety of reasons. I'm certainly no Trump fan and I'm one of those people …and his opponents. So I didn't have Trump fever, but I did like the fact …politician keeps his campaign promises, but I think Trump in particular doesn't have the slightest intention…realize that they're giving a guy like Trump the nuclear button. I predict he'll lose… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull … remarkable ability to hear only what they want to hear. Trump knows this. Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist, has a blog… and in many, many posts, he analyses Trump's strategy. I think it's required reading for anyone… trying to understand Trump. He claims to not be pro-Trump, but it's hard to read his… Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim …nomination that he won fair and square. I also hear Trump talking about starting his own cable news channel. I can… only hope it succeeds as well as Trump Steaks, Trump University and just about everything else with the… Trump brand. If Clinton and/or Trump are brought up on charges then they … Re: Trump Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AssertNull …be. All the money in the world can't turn Trump into Trudeau. As far as handshakes go, yeah, …a freeze frame that shows the Japanese PM AND Trump's expressions. Trump looks a bit neanderthalic. Showing such blatant one… the handshake game, physically positioning himself to counteract any Trump attempt to knock him off balance. Trudeau's look …